Five Minutes of Pain

I swatted Lion’s butt hard last night. As I was setting up the spanking bench, I noticed he’d left the shower door open. That’s an old rule. Why would he forget that? His excuse was that a lot of noise was coming from the bedroom. The dog and I were “fighting” over a toy. Too bad. Not my problem.

His buns were red and bleeding a little. I hadn’t even used a wooden paddle when they started. I guess a rubber paddle is just as lethal. I made sure to use the silicon slapper on his crack. In his crack, more accurately. He was begging for the end by the time the timer went off. Of course, I didn’t stop. I didn’t spank much more, but he shouldn’t get used to being saved by the bell.

A few hours later, he asked if he could ask me a question: Why had I only set the timer for five minutes? Oops! He was right. Punishment spankings last for ten minutes. I’d only done five. I think it was force of habit. His eye drops get a five-minute timer. I didn’t even realize I’d done it. His butt certainly would have been on fire if I went the full time.

How can I avoid cheating him out of that additional time in the future? Well, that’s easy. He should correct me. I certainly don’t want to do a half-assed job on his ass. I’m not sure when he realized the timer was wrong, but he should tell me if he’s still riding the spanking bench. Anything after that point is my tough luck.

See? I can still come up with new rules.

Listen to this post.


  1. Would you please show fotos of the spanking bench and all of the punishment implements that you use? And the pleasure implements as well? I think they would be fascinating to see.

    1. You will find that stuff scattered through our posts. Thanks for reading.

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