Whatever was wrong with me is going away. I’m not falling asleep before noon. My sex drive hasn’t returned. That makes being a sex blogger more difficult. Maybe it’s not gone, just waiting for something new to happen. I’m not having any sexual fantasies. The closest thing to having one is when I go to sleep imagining that Mrs. Lion is spooning with me. My impulse is comfort, not orgasm. That’s just not going to cut it on our sex blog.

Enough whining. Sex, aside from being a primal need, is also a pretty interesting form of human transaction. The transactional nature is particularly visible in the world of kink. Male chastity is an excellent example. To an outside observer, the practice looks like the sexual enslavement of a hapless male. His penis is only available for urination. Erections and ejaculation are prevented by cruel devices locked around his penis.

OK, students, who benefit from enforced control of the male? If you read the male chastity stuff on the Internet, it’s obviously the cruel woman who holds the key to the lock on his male chastity device. She can use his desperation to get sexual release to make him do anything she wants. Ejaculation comes at a price.

Question: Who gets aroused reading about this power exchange? The woman? Is male chastity a way to stack the sexual deck so that she can get orgasms on demand? Is it a way to finally get him to do the laundry? That doesn’t make sense. In the first case, how many women want to believe that the only way to get their mates to please them sexually is to blackmail them into doing it? Yuck. How many men would agree to be locked up if the only way they could get off was by doing non-sexual chores?

See where this is going? The real transaction is that it’s exciting to some men to feel that their partners control their sexual pleasure. It’s a game, a boy game initiated by the male. If you think about it in that context, it makes sense. Sure, the male is kept from sexual pleasure for a while, sometimes a long time. He still gives his partner attention. She knows it isn’t because she has the key. It’s because he is her partner and wants to please her.

Mrs. Lion and I have continuously played this game for over eight years. We do it knowing full well that we will do anything for one another, game or no game. Mrs. Lion plays because she knows that I like it because she loves me. I am grateful.

I decided to stay home with Lion yesterday and nurse him back to health. Aside from dropping things off at work, I needed to get our prescriptions. I don’t think Lion has COVID, but I still feel like I need a HAZMAT suit to go out into the world and be safe from Omicron. We do, however, have a good supply of N95 masks, so I should be fine when I go today.

Based on the shouting match we just had, I’d say Lion is feeling mostly better. He gets frustrated when he can’t find things, and since I moved something and expressed my frustration at something he did, we snapped at each other. I won’t punish him for it this time because I know he’s still a little sick, but he does need to watch himself. He put the coffee pot together yesterday even though he wasn’t feeling well, which earned him some goodwill.

We had a quiet dinner, and Lion managed to eat a bit of it. We just watched TV and vegetated. I’m fairly sure we’ll be back to snuggling tonight, with normal activities resuming tomorrow. I was a little worried I’d get sick after he did, but so far, so good. I’m not going to wax him this weekend, though. I think that would be too much right now. It can wait until next weekend. The main thing is to get things back to normal. I can handle having my nose tickled for a little longer, and he just agreed with my plan. It’s always nice to be on the same page about some things.

I know he hasn’t been out of the house in weeks, but I don’t think today is the day to do it. Aside from putting himself at greater risk of catching COVID, he doesn’t need to waste energy to get in the car just to sit in it while I run in the store. If he insists, of course, he can go. But I don’t see him insisting.

I have had it with people who politicize COVID. The CDC issues confusing guidance largely because they fear blowback from people with non-medical agendas. Others, including some sex bloggers, suggest that getting or not getting vaccinated is a way of supporting a particular political party.

Other epidemics brought people together to fight the disease. Think of polio and the deadly flu of the early 20th century. The press was full of news about the disease, not what some politician says is true or false. Let’s take a few minutes to pull the politics out of the conversation.

  1. There are effective vaccines that prevent or vastly reduce the seriousness of COVID. Over 90 percent of people hospitalized for the disease were not vaccinated. Almost all deaths from the disease are unvaccinated people. I don’t know about you, but three free injections offer a lot of protection with no risk. No brainer. The noise including questionable statistics, comes from people who want to politicize the disease.
  2. Masking reduces transmission. It isn’t perfect, but the evidence is overwhelming that if people wear masks, transmission is almost eliminated. Yes, it’s a little uncomfortable to wear a mask, but not so horrible that it makes sense to fight over wearing one.
  3. Vaccination and masking are not just to protect the people who use them. If you are infected, your mask will almost certainly protect the people around you from getting sick. COVID is most transmissible beginning three days before symptoms appear and lasting through the first week of symptoms. The only way to reduce transmission is for everyone to wear a mask when indoors around other people.
  4. None of these precautions are perfect. You might get sick even if vaccinated and boosted and you wear a mask. You won’t get as sick and probably won’t need to go to the hospital. You will protect people around you from getting sick too.

It’s entirely too easy to claim that people who don’t share your political beliefs are forcing these odious restrictions on you. You can make it a political cause to resist the tyranny of contagion control. Or, you can calm down and realize that all of us are united in the effort to get COVID out of our lives. Use that last grain of compassion to help protect all of us from a serious disease.

I didn’t think Lion was feeling very well yesterday. He came out of his office around 11 am and climbed in bed. The climbing in bed part wasn’t unusual. The time was. He normally comes out for lunch and then goes back into his office for the “afternoon session” of writing. Not only was he early climbing in bed, he didn’t want much for lunch. This is after not eating dinner the night before.

After lunch he stayed in bed. Around 4, he ventured out to take a shower and went back to bed. He was tired and his stomach was bothering him. He didn’t want anything for dinner. His stomach was really hurting. He was moving very slowly. He said he didn’t do the coffee pot. I wasn’t about to make him go all the way to the kitchen when it was evident he was having trouble just making it into the bathroom. He felt bad about not being able to do it. I would have done it even if he’d forgotten. Eventually he ate part of a piece of toast.

This morning he felt better. I’m sure he thought he was 100% since feeling better than death does that to a person. I still made a calm breakfast. It’s lunchtime now and he says his stomach is still off. He doesn’t want anything to eat, but asked for some tea. Yup. My Lion is sick. We can’t figure out how he could have gotten sick if neither of us has been out for at least a week. I guess a little bug must have been festering for a while. I’m supposed to be going out in a little while, but I’m not sure I should leave him. He’s not exactly decrepit, but he might need help.

Even if he feels completely better later, I doubt there will be any joy in Lionville tonight. He needs to rest and take it easy. And I’ll do the coffee pot again just to make sure he doesn’t need to venture far from bed.