My waxed nipple

My home office looks like a war zone. Sections of wire fencing are guarding the cables connecting my computer and monitors. Puppy proofing is much more difficult than dealing with an infant. For some reason, Willow, like her predecessor, Daisy, finds chewing wires irresistible. She severed the power cord to our Sleep Number bed. It’s a miracle she didn’t electrocute herself. Our latest strategy is to put portable GFCI units on every exposed cord. They aren’t cheap, but worth it. The alternative is to spend every minute watching her.

Even though she is only nine weeks old, the house is covered with dog toy land mines. Mrs. Lion loves finding new toys for the puppy. If you add these purchases to the mountain of toys that Daisy left, I’m surprised there is an inch of clear floor left. Given my limited vision, things have become much more interesting for me.

True to her word, Mrs. Lion waxed me on Sunday afternoon. We were both surprised by how quickly she finished. I was on the table for less than an hour. Between Mrs. Lion’s improved skill and my body hair getting lighter and thinner, the effort needed to defur me is dramatically reduced. Perhaps this improvement will encourage more frequent waxing sessions. Each time I’m waxed, less hair grows back.

My last orgasm was unusual. Mrs. Lion reported that I wasn’t fully hard when I came. From my perspective, the feeling was less dramatic. It felt good, but usually, I can feel muscles in my legs and stomach tighten. It almost hurts when I finally climax. This time, when I approached the edge, it was less urgent. Had Mrs. Lion stopped, I wouldn’t have felt the normal letdown.

When I went over the top, I could tell that I was ejaculating, and it felt good. It wasn’t the orchestral crescendo I typically feel. Perhaps that’s why my penis wasn’t fully engorged. I don’t know. The timing was right. It was something under ten minutes from start to finish. I’m grateful that Mrs. Lion gave me release.

I’m tempted to be too analytical about all this. Orgasms aren’t all the same. Some can hurt. Others, like this one, can just feel good. The important fact is that it felt good, and I delivered the payload. That’s what nature intended. I can’t ask for more than that.

My boss and I are currently competing to see which one of us will fall asleep first. So far, it’s a tie. We’ve both been zoned out for an indeterminate amount of time. She had a long day with her two dogs yesterday, and, of course, we have the puppy to run after. I did manage to get a few other things done yesterday.

I think I started melting the wax around 10:30 yesterday morning. I didn’t start waxing Lion until around 2:30. We were snoozing most of the time while we waited. It only took about an hour to yank all the fur out of Lion. I’m sure I missed some spots, but I got both sides done. He was only furry on his balls, in his crack, and above his balls. His chest and pits were not that bad, plus it’s a flatter area than his balls, so it’s easier to wax. I consider it a win that it took me such a short time.

Sometime after his shower, we both started feeling sick. Our guts were not happy. I have no idea what we ate, but we’re assuming it was food-related. I think we both ate the same things. I don’t know how bad Lion felt, but I had random bouts of agony. We ate egg noodles for dinner. That’s our go-to when one of us isn’t feeling well. It’s a calm dinner to help us recover. I still don’t feel all that great today, but it’s nothing like yesterday.

Tonight is supposed to be a just because spanking. I’d hate to postpone it, but I may have to, depending on how I feel. I also have to change the bed tonight. I don’t know how Lion feels at the moment either. Things can change in the blink of an eye.

It will take a few days before Lion is looking for love. That doesn’t mean we can’t snuggle, and when we snuggle, I usually let my hand wander.

On Saturday night, I don’t know which had more of an effect on getting him excited enough for an orgasm. I know he likes anal, but he seemed almost giddy that we’d be using the timer. Maybe it adds another element of surprise. He knows I could stop at any time after I edge him. Now I can stop any time the timer goes off. There’s added pressure to make it to the edge before time runs out. Beat the clock, have an orgasm. I can see how that would be exciting. [Lion — It is!]

Yesterday, “CBS Sunday Morning” had a piece about Coney Island. It’s a small island off the southern end of Brooklyn, New York. Since the 1890s, it’s been the home to amusement parks. I was born in Brooklyn, and my father took me to Coney Island many Saturdays when I was growing up. The TV piece was a nice tour down memory lane.

Watching it reminded me of one of the guiding principles of my life. I have believed I should try to experience everything that I can, within reason, of course. This idea came to me when I was sixteen. My father died suddenly. He died in a hotel room in Hollywood, Florida. He had arrived that day to attend a conference he had wanted to go to for his entire working life. He was just 50 years old. The irony was that he died the night before the conference started. He never got his wish.

His death taught me that it was worse to regret something unexperienced than be sorry for something that didn’t work. I never experimented with drugs. Yes, I had a joint or two in my 20’s, but that was it. For the record, pot makes me horny but prevents me from coming. Not a drug I want!

Anyway, I often think about my dad and what he missed. My life has been the opposite. I’m sure I could have done much better if I had stayed the professional course. I didn’t. I tried new things and had a great time doing them. As you know, I’ve been sexually adventurous. That’s worked out very well. My heart’s been broken more than once. Whose hasn’t? I’ve also managed to find true, lasting love. That wouldn’t have happened if I followed the safe path.

Over the years, I’ve written about many of my sexual adventures. I haven’t written about the others. That isn’t the point. I don’t consider myself a role model. I don’t want others to follow in my footsteps. What I want is to ask you to reconsider every time you want to say no. I’m not talking about impulses to harm yourself or others. I’m talking about opportunities to broaden your experiences. Take that trip. Try that new kink. The idea of “someday” is a myth. Opportunities rarely come around more than once. There are always good reasons to avoid doing something. That’s inertia.

I’ve had a very good life so far. That can’t be taken away from me. I rode the Cyclone in Coney Island. I got Mrs. Lion to ride it too. I’ve had a relationship with two women (tiring but fun). I’ve topped dozens of women. Some have topped me. I went on a photographic safari in Africa. I’ve witnessed some historical moments. I have my father to thank for all of these wonderful memories. In a way, his death taught me to live. Thank you, dad.

We use Alexa to set timers for Lion’s eye drops. Sometimes she says she sets the timer, but then it never goes off. We also use Alexa to time spanking. Luckily she always goes off then. I think it may be an issue with subsequent timers. She rarely misses the first one. I decided to use Alexa for the edging timer. She cheats.

First of all, we played earlier in the day. It may only have been by an hour, but it was earlier. I started with a dildo. It was a big dildo, but I thought I would make him nervous after he questioned how I could continue playing with him if I don’t get turned on by it. I didn’t really think it would go in, at least not very far. When he suggested a smaller dildo, I found one and got that one in quite far. We haven’t done any anal activity in a long time, so I knew we wouldn’t get very far, but I wanted to try to get Lion more turned on. He also seemed excited by the timer idea.

I made sure Lion was well on the way to being hard before I set a five-minute timer. I wondered if Lion would think ten minutes of sucking would feel longer than ten minutes of spanking. We’ll never know. Alexa went off after five minutes. I continued to suck and set her for five more minutes. I was wondering if Lion would make it to the edge or not. He didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. Then, every so often, he made a little noise that seemed like he might. Of course, there was no reason I couldn’t set another timer if he didn’t get there in the allotted time.

It became clear that he was getting somewhere. His noises increased, and soon I had my cream filling. The odd thing was that he wasn’t all that hard when he came, and it didn’t seem to be a big one even though there was a lot of semen. There really doesn’t seem to be any correlation between how long he waits, how big an orgasm it is, and how much semen comes out. The timer hadn’t gone off, so I thought he’d gotten there before the five-minute mark. A few minutes later, I asked Lion if he had stopped the time after we were done. He hadn’t. There was no timer set. Alexa had cheated so he could have his orgasm.

I just know the two of them are working together. Be wary of artificial intelligence. Just sayin’.