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As Mrs. Lion mentioned in her post yesterday, I’m not sexually cooperative. I don’t know what the problem is. I don’t seem to be getting turned on. I’m not sure why. It may just be a slump. It’s frustrating for both of us. It’s not that I want sex, but I can’t get it up. I don’t want it. Maybe my libido is joining Mrs. Lion. That would make being a sex blogger odd.

I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case, but for the moment, let’s consider whether that would impact our non-sexual activities. Would I start objecting to being punished as a disciplined husband? I, like most men, initiated our domestic discipline partly because the idea of being spanked turns me on. What happens if nothing turns me on? I suppose it no longer matters. There is nothing in our agreement that says I have to get a woody thinking about a spanking. In that sense, it makes perfect sense for me to write about DD.

Mrs. Lion is sure that my interest in sex will return soon. I hope so.

Listen to this post.

1 Comment

  1. I hope that your interest will return and you will not worry about this. And you can easily run a sex blog, based on the accumulated experience.

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