I must have an internal clock that sets off an alarm when too much time has passed since my last spanking. I woke up this morning thinking about being spanked. That’s odd for me. It isn’t the sort of thought that usually greets my day. I went online and checked our site. The counter said that it’s been 25 days since the last time Mrs. Lion spanked me. I went to my spreadsheet to confirm. Yup, 25 days. That’s a long time for us to go without even discussing a spanking.

Mrs. Lion hasn’t been enforcing her rules. I frequently forget to send her a morning email (I am supposed to send one every workday before noon). She hasn’t said anything. I wrote at least one post about being spanked during the last month. No reaction from myl ioness. I was happy that she didn’t want to spank me, but well, not exactly happy. Something is going on.

She rarely initiates any discussion about how she feels. Is she tired of doing things for me? Is it too much trouble to check her email? Is spanking me something she no longer wants to do? I don’t know. As I think back on the spankings I’ve gotten since we’ve moved, they haven’t had the same energy or sense of ironic fun Mrs. Lion brought to the spanking bench. It isn’t so much that her spankings have gotten milder–they have–i’ts more her approach to them.

For example, she dislikes the safety belt we use to hold me down, but hasn’t looked for the box in the living room with the strap she likes. In the past, no matter how painful the spanking, she always had a sense of fun about it. More recently it felt more like a chore.

Spanking was a routine part of our lives before we moved. Mrs. Lion would never let too much time pass between paddlings. We both understood that spanking was important to our marriage. I’m not sure that either of us understand why that’s true, but we agreed it was. Moving changed everything. Mrs. Lion seems to feel more pressured. Everything, from dinner to sex makes it worse for her. She is unhappy when she has to get out of bed to make dinner. Edex and sex is cheerless. No wonder there are no spankings.

Indeed, I can’t do much around the house. That has to make things much harder on Mrs. Lion. But I’m still the same person that she fell in love with. I haven’t lost my ability to perceive what’s happening around me. I don’t expect rainbows and unicorns when Mrs. Lion gets up to make dinner. I also don’t need to feel guilty about putting her out. In the scheme of things, spanking and enforcing rules has to be low priority. If just cooking a meal is so much trouble, it’s no wonder we have no spankings.

I don’t think that she understands how I feel. She’s working too hard just to keep things going here. I get the feeling that I’m startring to become one more reason she’s tired. How long will she put up with that?

Writing political posts on a sex blog isn’t the smartest move I can make. Given the nearly even split in voters, no matter what position I take, I’m guaranteed to piss off half of my readers. That’s why I haven’t written many. However, the presidential debate last week forced me to break my rule.

Here’s the problem. I am a political moderate. I reluctantly voted for Joe Biden in 2020 because I’m sure that Donald Trump would attempt to cancel the Constitution and become a dictator. Biden has always been a moderate Democrat with a less-than-wonderful record in the Senate. On his best days, he has no charisma and is anything but an inspiring leader. Trump is a liar and most likely insane.

Biden’s debate performance was poor, even for him. He mixed up Putin and Trump several times. Their politics may be the same, but Putin is smarter. Anyway, Biden was having trouble stringing sentences together. He was the personification of a doddering old man. He improved a bit toward the end but still was far from the image of the leader of the free world.

Trump didn’t foam at the mouth. His demeanor was reasonably calm. He did what he always does: he invented facts. The moderators tried to keep him on topic but failed nearly every time. In fairness, Joe Biden never really gave good answers himself. But he didn’t lie.

There’s no way I can vote for Trump. He is a menace not only to the US but also to the free world. He wouldn’t even agree to abide by the results of the upcoming election, even though he was repeatedly asked to do so. The best he could do was say that if the election were “fair,” he would abide by it. He was asked if that meant he would only abide by it if he won. He wouldn’t answer.

My point has nothing to do with the debate itself. Trump was his usual self, while Biden shocked me by his apparent loss of mental ability. Could I vote for him anyway? I can’t support Trump. He isn’t senile; he’s crazy. I can’t support Biden; he’s sane but senile.

I can’t be the only American who feels trapped. The Democratic party has to take action. Someone has to convince Joe Biden to release his delegates. We need an open convention. Biden needs to be replaced by another candidate. I realize that this isn’t likely. Another possibility I could live with is to find a new VP to run with Biden. Harris is to the left of Bernie Sanders. She would make a frightening president. She’s as far to the left as Trump is to the right.

Political reporters discuss Trump Haters and Biden Haters when they discuss the divide in American voters. After last Thursday, we have Both Haters. Sadly, I’m in that group. If I don’t vote, the lunatic wins. If I do, I’m almost certainly condemning the US to wobbly leadership with a VP I could never trust.

Even worse, whoever wins will probably get to nominate two more Supreme Court justices. If Trump wins, they will be super-conservatives, giving the court a unanimously conservative composition. If a Democrat wins, the two will probably be liberals and nearly balance the conservative supermajority on the bench now.

For the last 50 years, the Born Again Christian far-right-wing leaders have been working to take over and turn the US into a Christian state. Our founding fathers understood why doing this would be bad for the country. These people are using Trump as a wedge to get their people into local, state, and Federal offices. They manipulate his ego into supporting views he never held before he got into national politics. Do you think these religious nuts are happy supporting a man with Trump’s morals? They’ll support anyone who will advance their agenda.

Many Republicans are worried by all this. Trump’s support within the party is slipping as he moves further and further right. The Democrats have a different problem. It’s clear that many of them are worried about Joe Biden’s ability to lead. I sure am. Biden may be losing his marbles, but his ego is intact. He isn’t enough of a patriot to admit that his faculties are slipping and that he needs to step down.

Middle-of-the-road Republicans aren’t brave enough to stand in front of the Trump bulldozer, and loyal Democrats are afraid to press Biden to release his delegates. The result is frightening. We are left with two candidates who are obviously unqualified to be president. For me, at least, Biden used to be the lesser of two evils. Now, both evils are equally bad for America.

When I think about it, I realize that the key to my kinks is very basic: control. I have to be careful about how I use that word. Control isn’t the same as domination. It’s far more subtle. I don’t want Mrs. Lion micro-managing my life. I don’t need the gross, humiliating psychodramas of a full-on BDSM scene. Well, maybe sometimes that can be fun, too, but it’s not what I’m talking about now..

Youo know, when I started this post I thought I had a clear idea where I was going, but now I just feel stuck. What is it that I want from Mrs. Lion? I want her to spank me. I don’t want her to spank me. See what I mean? Sitting here now, I feel aroused when I think about her spanking me. I also know that I will hate every second of it when she actually paddles me. It’s exciting to know that she’s watching to make sure I do what she wants. Yet, I’m also very independent and generally take charge of things.


When she catches me breaking a rule, my stomach churns like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You know, that gut-jarring sinking feeling when you realize you will get a spanking. At those moments, I regret asking Mrs. Lion to punish me as needed. I’m sincerely sorry I started this whole domestic discipline thing. I suppose I could ask her to stop. She might agree and our disciplinary relationship would be over. If I ever were stupid enough to say that, I hope that Mrs. Lion would just laugh.

That’s the point. We both know that I want her to continue even at times I say I don’t.

We were watching TV this morning and there was a story about the internet. I’ve always heard things stay forever on the internet. You hear that when some stupid teenager posts illicit pictures. It turns out, things do not last forever. Lion said that our site will die once he does. I don’t have any problem continuing to pay for the site, but eventually it will need work. I’ve “shown no interest in learning” and I “won’t even do the ham radio” stuff. I guess I’m learning both now.

Personally, I think I’ve done a lot of ham radio stuff. It was me who installed his first antenna on the roof at the old house, despite not wanting to go on the roof. I went on the roof more than I care to remember. I ran cables. I’ve continued to run cables here, although I didn’t have to install the antenna. And I’ve been continuing to help him figure out why his big antenna isn’t working. True, I haven’t done any actual ham radio work with regard to getting my license. I still maintain, in a life-or-death emergency, there wouldn’t be too much of an issue if I grabbed the radio and yelled for help. Consider this scenario: Someone is hiking and has their ham radio walkie talkie thing with them. They become unconscious for whatever reason. Another hiker comes along, sees the radio and calls for help. The second hiker is not licensed, but just did a huge no-no. They are libel for a $10,000 fine for broadcasting without a license. Given the threat of the fine, should the second hiker have kept on walking? Legally, yes. Morally, no.

I have not shown much interest (any, really) in keeping the website alive. Let’s face it, without Lion, why would there be a site? What would I write about? “Day 392 and I still haven’t spanked Lion”? Still, I talked about scattering his ashes as a way to take him back to places he loves. I guess the biggest tribute would be to keep the website going.

So, apparently, I’m learning website and ham radio stuff. Yay me.

Oh, by the way, Lion had a very nice orgasm last night and I was rewarded with a mouthful of Lion cream. Yay me for real.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion brought up a couple of good points. Getting a ham radio license is more than just being able to transmit in an emergency. For one thing, unless she knows how to use the radio just pressing the push-to-talk button on the radio is chancy. What if the radio isn’t tuned to a repeater in the area? The point is that ham radio isn’t like a cell phone. You actually have to know some stuff to successfully use it. Setting up an antenna and running cable doesn’t really count. The same is true of our website. For the most part, it will take care of itself. There are times when some technical support is needed. Usually, it is confined to rebooting our server. Sometimes, more complex work will be needed. I’ve thought about rebuilding the site on Blogger, which is managed by Google. It would be a ton of work to move 6,700 posts. Anyway, for better or worse, this blog is my legacy. I would love for it to survive me.]