Lion filled the house with yummy soup smells yesterday. I did some laundry and helped him with the soup. Other than that it was a very unproductive day. I didn’t spank him. I didn’t milk him. And, if it hadn’t been for the fact that we did nothing Friday night, I don’t think I would have given him any attention other than some snuggling or hand-holding.

Around 9 I decided it was time to get moving. I didn’t spend much time snuggling. Instead, I moved down to give Lion some licks and suck on him. I’m sure he was surprised. I don’t normally do that. I guess I wanted to change things up a bit so it wasn’t boring for him. When Lion started moaning, I told him to give me some room.

Once he was in position I went to work getting him excited. I wasn’t sure it was going to work. Usually, he starts to get hard the second he’s in my mouth. However, I hadn’t done much to give him a head start. It wasn’t too long before he was hard. Maybe he wasn’t as hard as I’d like, but I like the bursting-at-the-seams weenie best. I have no idea how long it was before I started hearing the I’m-getting-closer-and-closer sounds. For some reason, I decided I’d just keep going. It’s been a while since I’ve gone straight for the happy ending when Lion wasn’t in a slump. True, he’s had some issues lately but nothing I’d call a real slump.

Lion seemed to get quieter as he got to the edge. I don’t know if he was trying to fake me out so I couldn’t stop. I doubt it since he rarely realizes he’s making any noise at all. And I don’t know if he expected me to stop at any moment or if he was just riding that high all the way to victory. In the past, he’s said he hopes I don’t stop.

He was still panting for quite a while afterward. He said it was quite a surprise that he got to come. As it should be, I said. I don’t think he should ever expect to come. He may hope he does but never count on it. Then he told me it was a leap year surprise. That’s true. I never even thought about it being February 29, leap day. (The evil part of me is wondering if he should only have orgasms on leap days from now on.) He also pointed out that his last two orgasms were oral. I hadn’t thought about that either but it seems like a nice tradition to continue. I have wanted to even the score between oral and hand for a while.

Invariably questions come up whenever Mrs. Lion or I write about discipline. It’s really not that complicated but brings up a lot of emotions in many people. Adult punishment like the kind I receive is consensual. I asked Mrs. Lion to take me in hand. I want her to spank me when needed. That doesn’t mean I get to decide when or how much I get. This is where the confusion begins.

I asked Mrs. Lion to punish me if I do things she feels are wrong. She made a few simple rules at the beginning that I agreed made sense. Over the years, we are both comfortable with her deciding on her own what deserves punishment and what that punishment should be. Whether I can withdraw consent is a question we haven’t confronted.

Put it this way, I’m sure if I decided I no longer wanted this to be a disciplinary marriage, Mrs. Lion would probably go along with me. I think it would be a very bad mistake for me to do that. To both of our surprise, we have discovered that this power exchange brings us closer and more balanced in terms of how we relate to one another.

We both know that I like spanking. That’s what started the conversation four years ago. I find it sexually exciting to think about being spanked. Prior to our disciplinary relationship, we would play and Mrs. Lion would spank me. After my spanking I would be excited and she would get me off. Big fun!

The disciplinary scenario is different. I’m still turned on thinking about being spanked. When she tells me to get into position for the spanking I feel a little tingle. Once it commences, I invariably feel sorry that I am hurting so much. It’s clearly a love/hate situation.

This is where things start to get interesting. Some people focus on the fact that I want to be spanked. They contend that my spankings are not really a punishment. I’m getting something I want. On the other side, some people focus on the fact that I’m being hurt, beaten painfully which they contend is abusive. You can’t seem to win. It turns out that getting turned on by the thought of being spanked and receiving painful punishment as a deterrent for future bad behavior are not mutually exclusive.

For example, it took a long time, years, before Mrs. Lion could spank me painfully enough to be a truly memorable punishment. Even when spankings were not particularly painful, it turned out they worked. One of my first rules was not to spill food on my shirt. I tended to do that a lot. Mrs. Lion reasoned that because I do this often, we would get practice observing infractions and punishing them. It absolutely worked. However, within a few months of beginning, I very rarely spilled any food on my shirt. I didn’t make any conscious changes I just became a neater eater.

The simple fact that I was punished, even though it wasn’t particularly painful, built some paths in my brain that “trained” me to eat more neatly. I very rarely spill food on my shirt and when I do I’m punished.

One way or another, Mrs. Lion got a lot of practice spanking me. She learned how to administer painful, memorable spankings. That’s what I get now. As her severity increased, I learned more quickly. More importantly, Mrs. Lion has been learning that I want her to let me know in a particularly painful way every single time I do something that she doesn’t like.

She’s made remarkable progress. I think it’s still difficult for her to identify most of the times I do something that annoy her. When she does, I have a meeting with her paddle. That’s what I want.

I’m still turned on by the idea of being spanked. Mrs. Lion says I’m more easily aroused and edged after I’ve been spanked. This is true even when the spanking was very painful and something I hated when she did it. Apparently, the sexual and disciplinary values of having my bottom paddled coexist comfortably. It’s not logical. Something that turns me on shouldn’t be something I would work hard to avoid. But in this case, it is. That is the spanking paradox.

As Lion wrote, I spanked him as soon after his food-spilling incident as possible. I guess he didn’t realize, and I didn’t get a chance to read his post before this morning, but I used two paddles yesterday. The blue one pictured in his post and the wider rubber paddle. Since he was kneeling I got a better sense of where his sit spot actually is so I made use of that knowledge with the rubber paddle. And kneeling opens up his crack more so I didn’t really have to hold it open to swat it with the blue paddle. I didn’t have to, but I did at certain points.

Lion yelped a lot more than usual. I didn’t think I was hitting all that hard. I wasn’t putting much effort into it. Apparently one of the benefits of using rubbery paddles is that they spring back and less force is required to make a point. I’m sure at least part of the yelping was because his skin is tighter when he’s kneeling. On his tummy, everything tends to be relaxed and cushiony. With his hips bent, the cushion spreads out. No more padding.

After his spanking, Lion wrote his post and I went to get the camper ready for its journey to be repaired. In our old house, getting the camper out in February (or much before mid-May, even) was not an option. The ground was too soft and with all the rain we had this year, we’d be lucky to get it out before July. This house has a long driveway that ends in a concrete pad. The camper lives on the pad. The truck and camper are level with each other and hitching should be much easier. Assuming I line it up correctly, that is. Annoyingly, I was off by a few inches to the left and Lion had the camper a bit too high so it took far more attempts than it should have. The next hurdle to getting the camper out is our hedge and the neighbor’s fence. Luckily I was able to miss both. On the return trip, I’m sure the hedge will try to eat the camper again.

We dropped the camper about an hour north of us, which is not too far from a casino we practically lived every weekend for months. Naturally Lion wanted to go. It made more sense to do it since we were so close than to beg off and do it another time. I lost some money and I guess Lion made a little. It was fun seeing the new games and hearing all the slot machine sounds. We left the casino early, for us. Lion usually likes to stay till 11 and then we have an hour drive home.

Along the way, Lion said he was horny. He didn’t know why. I said maybe it was because he’d been spanked earlier. He likes to remember spankings after the pain has subsided and it turns him on. He said it was more likely that I’ve been playing with him so much. We did get home before 10 but we had to take showers to get the smoke smell off and then it was too late to play anyway. We’ll see how horny he is later.

He reminded me today is punishment day but said it doesn’t really matter because he’ll get spanked anyway. Since I didn’t read his post before this morning, I didn’t know he’d assumed I want to practice with this new spanking position. I guess we can. It’s not a big deal to me. It’s literally his butt on the line.

[Lion — The problem is the position. When I’m lying on my stomach with my feet dangling to the floor, I have to work very hard to get out of the way. When I’m on hands and knees, I can collapse back down onto the bed or even crawl a bit to get out of range. Of course, I should stay in position and accept my spanking. This will take time and training.]

lion spanked with small blue paddle
This small, blue paddle is remarkably heavy for its size. It fits nicely between my cheeks as well as scoring solidly on my perineum and other very sensitive spots.

We had some firsts yesterday. Mrs. Lion took the day off from work so that she could take me to the doctor for a post-surgical visit after my tooth extraction last week. I got a clean bill of health. After the visit, we decided to go have lunch. We hadn’t eaten out in quite a while. I had a hot turkey sandwich. Unfortunately, I managed to get some of it on my shirt. That is a spankable offense.

When we got home, I immediately got my pants and underpants off. Mrs. Lion brought out her nasty little blue paddle. She told me to kneel on the bed in the same position I am in for milking. She likes the way this exposes my entire sit spot as well as my perineum and crack. The spanking was incredibly painful. It was very hard for me to stay in position. I yelped right from the start. I had never had my perineum spanked before. Wow, did it hurt! I tried to hold still, but it was very difficult.

This is the first time I’ve been punished at the earliest possible moment after I committed an offense. It was probably less than a half-hour between the spill in the restaurant and my bare butt presented to Mrs. Lion. Aside from the fact it was a particularly painful spanking, there was no doubt in my mind why I was hurting. There really is something to be said about punishing at the earliest possible time. Mrs. Lion said she felt a bit rushed but she was glad that the punishment was more meaningful for me.

Swift and sure retribution appears to be much more effective for me. The new position for spanking clearly exposed new soft, vulnerable spots much less accessible when I am flat on the bed. It will probably take me some time to learn to stay still in this new position. I guess you can teach an old lion new tricks. I expect Mrs. Lion will schedule near-daily “practice” until I learn to stay in position.

Mrs. Lion is expanding her horizons as well. From my perspective this was a very different kind of spanking. As you can see in the picture at the top of this post, she did leave a couple of marks. Most of her attention was focused on places that have almost never felt the touch of a paddle. There is no question that Mrs. Lion has upped her game.

It’s probably the wrong word to use, but I really like that my punishment came directly on the heels of my offense. In my mind, the longer the lag between doing something wrong and paying for it, the more abstract it becomes. I also like that Mrs. Lion is selecting spots to spank that I would never suggest. She’s putting me in a position that is very hard for me to maintain and she is going after the places that hurt the most. Maybe lioness 4.0 isn’t far off after all.