I’ve been snoozing a lot. I know Mrs. Lion mentioned it in their post yesterday. I don’t think it’s a reaction to taking any sleeping medication. I think I’m just tired. I’m doing the best I can taking care of things here and at work. It’s a lot harder since my eyes have been bothering me. For the record, I’m not all that interested in sex right now either. I know it’s only been a few days since my last orgasm. I wouldn’t be surprised if my wait is just as long this time. Maybe I’m just slowing down.

I think the sore on the penis has healed. If I’m awake tonight, I’m pretty sure the chastity device goes back on. I think the two of us have a hard time with long periods of cloudy, rainy days. We probably live in the wrong place. I do wish Mrs. Lion would unpack more stuff. I understand she’s tired too.

My ability to use my right arm keeps improving. My physical therapist says my deltoid muscle is starting to function again. I can reach a little higher each day. This is a very big help. I know this isn’t the sort of post you were hoping I would write. It’s the best I can do today. Look forward to something more entertaining tomorrow.

Lion has been snoozing a lot. He’s very tired. I don’t know if he’s getting sick or if the sleeping pills accumulate in his system and take a long time to wear off. I know I can take sleeping pills for two nights without issue. If I take them a third night in a row I’m a zombie the next day. My sinuses have been killing me for a few days. We’ve had non-stop rain and that usually does it. Today we seem to be getting a break – from the rain, not my sinuses.

With Lion snoozing and my halfway-cold, we haven’t been doing anything exciting. Lion is still wild. I haven’t even checked his sore spot. I assume by now it must be almost gone. I’m hoping we can do something tonight, even if it’s just snuggling. It’s hard to snuggle with a snoozing Lion.

Unfortunately, that’s the extent of the news around here. Lion has been a good boy. He hasn’t broken any rules. It’s kind of hard to get in trouble when you’re asleep a lot of the time. Maybe that’s his latest defense mechanism. Play dead and you can’t be punished. It’s been working so far.

For the past few weekends I’ve been mostly sitting around playing the Sims and not unpacking anything. Last night it occurred to me that the more I unpack at this point, the more I have to repack if Lion decides he doesn’t want to live here after September 1. Maybe that’s my latest defense mechanism. Yeah. I’ll stick with that. It sounds much better than my being lazy. Besides that, I think I deserve some down time. Last year was basically 365 days of running to doctors and moving to a new house. This year I get to relax a bit.

Now I get to go do laundry, take care of some recycling and run some errands. Yup. I’m being lazy.

Lion was on his best behavior last night when we watched Grey’s Anatomy. It’s a good thing because it was mostly soap opera. Aside from one of the character’s uncle being sick and subsequently dying, there was no hint of medicine in the show.

On the other hand, one of the characters is a very strong woman who is used to having her way. Even though she was wrong in her assumption she was very bitchy and seems to live to make other people’s lives miserable. Every story needs a villain. Lion may want me to be a little more assertive like her but not to the extent that I would be vindictive. That’s okay. I don’t think I could be vindictive. I’m not even sure I will ever be as assertive as he wrote about in this morning’s post. I can only do what I can do. However, I never thought I’d get as far as I’ve gotten so all bets are off.

When my kids were little, I’d give them quick swats on a diapered butt when they didn’t listen. When I was little, my father used to swat me when I didn’t listen. I don’t remember him hitting me. I remember his hand coming at me once but I don’t remember it connecting. I can’t say I blocked it out because it was horrible. I remember other horrible things that happened to me when I was little. I just think he didn’t have to do it enough to make a lasting impression.

My parents ruled the roost together. Neither was in charge. Neither was the bad guy. I remember more than one instance in which I asked to go somewhere and got the perpetual “ask your mother/father”. Finally I’d stand in the middle until I got an answer.

Being a strong woman was not held in high regard. Being a weak woman wasn’t either. It was just assumed I’d be a good person and that was that. Marriage was never pushed nor discouraged. Things just were.

I’m sure my entire family would be shocked to hear that I punish Lion. Sometimes I’m shocked myself. It’s not something that I aspired to. That said, making my spouse happy is something I aspired to. Of course, I’d have to be happy too. As long as both boxes are checked then everything is good. And everything is definitely good.

We live near Seattle Washington. It has the reputation of being a very rainy place. Actually, our average total rainfall is about the same as it is in New York City. The difference is that most of the time our rain comes down as a form of drizzle. That means we have lots of cloudy and rainy days, but the accumulation isn’t all that great. Every few years, the Pacific Ocean sends us a lot of rain. We’ve been getting that rain for several weeks now. Nearby roads are being covered by floodwater. We don’t get the sort of floods you see on the news.

We do have a lot of rivers that can overflow their banks. When we first arrived in this part of the world almost 15 years ago, there was another stretch of heavy rain. Almost all of the roads leading from where we lived to other places were closed by water washing over the roads. That’s happened again now. Fortunately, we moved a few months ago and our new location is far less vulnerable to flooding. However, most of the roads between our town and everywhere else seemed to be closing.

Mrs. Lion works in a nearby town. A river between her office and our house is getting ready to flood. We aren’t too familiar with this area and I am concerned my lioness will be stuck at work. Our poor dog comes in from her trips to the yard looking like a wet mop. All of us are completely fed up with this precipitation.

I realize that this is a small price to pay for living in a place that is largely unaffected by global warming. Our unique geography protects us from extreme storms and temperatures. We are surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges. The Pacific Ocean is to our west and moderates any otherwise extreme temperature swings. We are actually north of most of Maine. Yet our temperatures are Mediterranean. This is due to the trade winds blowing in from the Pacific. The ocean is a balmy 50° year-round.

Enough of the weather report. Predictably, Thursday night was nonsexual and relaxing. I had an orgasm on Tuesday night after a 17 day wait. That’s just as well. We both needed the rest. I’m writing this post on Thursday. I generally write my post the day before it comes out. Tonight is the first test of Mrs. Lion’s new rule. Grey’s Anatomy is on. I best watch what I say during the show. I’m not really worried. Mrs. Lion is asking me to display good manners. I want to do that.

I think we may need silly, easy-to-break rules. I’m not saying that I won’t do anything that will piss off Mrs. Lion. But my motivation isn’t just to avoid spankings. I genuinely want to make her happy and I don’t want to upset her. We are both working for the same thing. Obviously, that’s a good thing. However, we need to keep our disciplinary chops active.

I’m still working on my review of the Evotion Orion male chastity device. Hopefully, it will come out next week. By the way, Mrs. Lion was a little off when she said I’ve only been wearing it about a week. I think we’re coming up on three weeks right now. It does take that long to develop a reasoned view of a new product. Meanwhile, life continues here in the Lions den.