No, I haven’t taken the Hippocratic oath. What I have done, and continue to do on a somewhat regular basis, is hurt Lion. Many times I’ll write posts that I think are okay, but actually cut too close. I did that this morning. We do it to each other sometimes although I cannot give a direct example at the moment. The point is, I don’t want to hurt him. Yes, I swat his butt and wrap his weenie in Velcro and that does hurt, but I’m talking about emotional hurt.

Generally Lion and I screen each others posts before they publish. Lion is very quick to agree to change his post if I don’t fully approve. For the most part, I think it’s okay if I don’t feel the same way he does. I can always write my point of view in my next post. He can do the same. Or we can add a comment to the post. Sometimes he writes a post and something about it bothers me but I can’t articulate it to him. I guess I need time for it to sink in and rattle around in my head for a while.

Anyway, I may already be forgiven, but I will be working all weekend to make up for the emotional whomping I gave Lion. He deserves so much more than I can give him.

Wednesday afternoon I went to the dentist because a crown fell out.I figured that all that would be needed was to glue it back in. Unfortunately, the loss was caused by a fracture of the underlying tooth. So, I was sent off for a root canal. If you’ve ever gone through this procedure you know that it is fairly traumatic. I slept through the actual work thanks to some laughing gas. When I woke up they gave me some potent pain medication. But that’s not the point. In the midst of the discomfort in my drug-induced haze, Mrs. Lion and I were talking. She was making sense; me not so much. Anyway, she made the passing comment that I am possessive. I said that I didn’t think so, She said, “Of course you are.”

I asked how she knew. She told me that I never like it when she goes off with friends from work. I don’t know what I answered, but I disagreed. Yesterday, when the drugs were out of my system, I realized that the reason I don’t like her going out is that I get lonely. It’s true that I don’t want to share her, but more than that I am greedy. I want every minute I can get to be with her. A light goes out inside me when I’m not with her.

What does this have to do with enforced chastity? Not a damn thing. Or does it? For well over a year we have both written many times how we feel closer thanks to our enforced chastity power exchange. I’ve wondered how withholding sex would achieve such a valuable benefit. Yesterday I think that I finally figured it out. Enforced chastity creates a dependency. I am totally dependent on Mrs. Lion for any sexual stimulation. More importantly, she knows it.

She knows how much I like sex. She understands that I am completely at her mercy. She accepts this and makes sure I get what she knows I truly want. Enforced chastity is, for us, a gift we give one another. It may seem an odd one. Certainly, neither of us expected it. But both of us recognized what we had very shortly after we started.

It began with a fantasy of  mine and her wish to make me happy. I suspect that enforced chastity starts this way for many couples. It’s admittedly an odd gift, but a gift it is. I bet you are wondering what the male’s gift is. It is profound vulnerability. His gift isn’t control of his sex. It’s revealing a profound desire that he is almost certain she will not accept.

In the beginning most likely neither realize the true nature of the transaction. They both take it at face value: sexual control. They may never learn the true depth of what they are doing; what we are doing. Maybe enforced chastity isn’t a profound experience for everyone. Maybe it’s just us. I don’t think so. I think that it would be difficult to sustain enforced chastity without more than lockup and occasional release. There is certainly more for us. I’m grateful we started all this.

Yesterday Lion had a root canal. I’ve had a few and only once did I have much pain. Lion needs nitrous oxide to have his teeth cleaned. He may have a tough hide when it comes to spanking, but he doesn’t like other types of pain. Last night he was on pain killers.

Lion on pain killers is sometimes amusing. He watches television when the set is off. He talks about smart trees. He has work conversations with no one. Last night he was overly talkative. Not that he wasn’t making any sense. He was just talking a lot. Needless to say, he wasn’t in the mood for love. For a brief moment I wondered if he could handle more pain while on the pain killers. He’s promised to write a page about the Velcro straps I use on him and we’ll need pictures. Of course, if he’s not in the mood, he probably won’t get an erection and the Velcro wouldn’t work so well.

In his loopy state, he decided to stay home today. I don’t think there was any way he could drive. It’s more like a hangover this morning, but he was in no condition to work. I told him to vegetate so he didn’t get himself in any trouble. I didn’t want him trying to do too much without supervision. He very obediently said, “Yes, ma’am.” By the time I get home he’ll probably be fine.

This was yet another case of life invading into our chastity and FLM. Sometimes things happen that postpone the fun. Maybe he’ll be ready to play tonight. Maybe he won’t. We’ll take it as it comes.

I know that getting a lion-proof lock box may sound like a silly, needless precaution. It’s completely true that I have no intention of ever removing my cage without permission. Mrs. Lion thinks I am silly to want the increased security. I do understand that even without the key, I can pull out of the Jail Bird. It isn’t easy to do and will hurt if I try. It’s also true that I carry an emergency key that I could access anytime I want. But that’s not the point.  Well, at least its not my point.

Enforced chastity (emphasis mine) means that my ability to have any kind of sex is prevented physically. My abstinence in no way depends on my desire to be chaste. I wear a device that prevents me from engaging in any sexual activity involving my penis. There are times when I am not locked into it. Those times are supervised by my lioness. Is this security bulletproof? No, of course not. I have opportunities when unlocked to go into the bathroom and spill my seed. I don’t, of course. For one thing, Mrs. Lion will find out when she teases me. My interest will be noticeably lower.

The point to me, at least, is that any cheating will most likely be discovered. To assure that I will be caught, both keys to my cage are out of my direct control. Mrs. Lion’s key is now in a locked box that requires a combination only she knows. There is an emergency key for the lockbox. It is kept in another box with a tamper-evident seal. So, while I may find the emergency key, she will know if I open the box to use it. Similarly, my emergency key is in a little container on my key ring. It too has a tamper-evident seal that will immediately reveal if the container was opened.

Security to me isn’t about physically making it impossible to get my penis out of its cage. I recognize that is nearly impossible. What I want is to assure that if for some reason I decide to sneak out, I will be caught. I don’t seriously expect to ever try to let my cock out on an unauthorized adventure. But for me, knowing that there is no practical way I can get out without my lioness finding out is the ultimate enforced chastity security.

I like knowing that there are no loopholes. Even if I get terminally horny and just have to rub one out, I know that if I do that, there is no doubt my sin will be discovered. It’s that old “won’t” and “can’t” thing again.  I won’t try to sneak an orgasm, but that isn’t enough for me. I like knowing that I can’t do it without discovery. I have no idea what Mrs. Lion would do if I ever had an unauthorized penis play, but I am very sure it would be incredibly painful.

My desire to make it nearly impossible for me to remove my cage without permission is how I envision enforced chastity. It’s my kink, after all. I’m grateful to Mrs. Lion for supporting it and me.