I’m writing this Thursday afternoon because we’ll be on the road Friday. Even if I could type and drive, it wouldn’t work very well since we lose cell service partway through our trip. We do regain it eventually, but I always find it ironic that cell service is usually more spotty exactly where you’d need it most. If you break down on a twisty mountain road or miles from any help, it would be nice to have service.

We’re heading to an area we’ve been to twice before this summer. This time there are more wild fires burning. They are quite a distance away, but if the wind blows toward us we’ll get some smoke. I’m hoping the wind behaves itself. The poor firefighters need a break.

Lion will be wild again this trip. I know he really doesn’t need to be. It does make it more convenient for him, but it’s not a necessity. I allow it because it is easier for him and maybe more comfortable. And because I can. When we get comments asking why I let him be wild, he doesn’t need to be wild, he’s putting something over on you, etc., I wonder if people think he’s really getting away with something. It was my idea. I like having him wild for trips. I have easier access. I can see that cute weenie from all angles any time I want to, without the cage in the way. I don’t have to remember the key. I don’t have to worry about unlocking him or locking him back up. It’s like a mini vacation for me too. But I do it most of all because I can. My cage, my rules.

I’m also toying with an idea. When we go anywhere, Lion has to be on the move constantly. Where can we go today? Let’s do this. Let’s do that. I may just have him sit his butt down and relax a bit. Of course I know he sits a lot all week and gets bored being home. I don’t. I’d like to not drive here or there. So maybe if he wants to go somewhere so badly, he should drive. The only time he ever drives my truck is when we’re pulling the trailer. I know it’s a big, non-sportscar vehicle and the steering is numb and it lumbers around turns, but when we’re away it’s his only source of transportation. You have to make due with what you have. (For the record, when I’m alone, I make sure it doesn’t lumber around the turns.) He asked me once why I drive so fast. I told him it’s because when we tow the trailer I can’t. I have to keep my average speed up. Silly boy. He has a sports car; he should know that answer.

So let’s review: Lion will be wild. He will not have to make breakfast, but he will have to do more of the driving, especially when he’s the one who wants to go out and about. Fair enough? Who cares? Those are the rules for this weekend.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion’s truck is a four ton monster. It has a high center of gravity and very unresponsive steering. It’s stopping distance and maneuverability around turns is what you would expect from a large truck. I know Mrs. Lion can’t flip the truck. The online stabilization system will prevent it. I drive a modern muscle car (Mustang GT)  that can take turns at high speed. I’m licensed to drive on a track (thanks to Mrs. Lion finding me the classes). I’m happy to admit that because my senses are tuned to a different platform, I may be too conservative when it comes to the truck. Nevertheless, it is more than double the weight of my car, and a lot longer. I will take on the excursions this weekend. Watch out!]

Yesterday, Mrs. Lion wrote in her post about a video camera I acquired. She said it is a webcam. It’s not. Actually it’s a security camera that sends what it sees to the cloud. Currently, it can saves the latest 24 hours. I got this to offer some protection if anyone attempts to get into our house. A phone app allows access to the camera for a live feed or to review any of the recorded video. Mrs. Lion has been using this to verify that I am always naked at home. When we go away, it will provide us with the ability to monitor things at home. It has motion sensing. Mrs. Lion uses that feature to find when the dog or I are in range. I guess it really is Lion TV.

It’s no secret that the majority of people who read blogs and forums about enforced chastity and FLM are males. In the case of our blog, about 80% of oue readers are male; at least that’s what Google estimates. I have no idea how they would know.  but it is close to what I figured. Many sites have over 95% male readers; the more explicit the sexual content the lower the percentage of female readers. Not very surprising when you think about it. According to most of the stuff you find on the web promotes the idea that when a male surrenders control, sexual or otherwise, he immediately begins doing things like housework or wearing panties. The reason I dislike it so much is the underlying assumption that any task or item of clothing associated with women represents a loss of status (and power) when assumed by a man.

There is one element in most of these fantasies that does seem to agree with real life: Many caged males do provide far more orgasms to their keyholders than they receive themselves. It isn’t unusual for the woman to have 20 or more orgasms for each one her male gets. That’s not true in our case. Unfortunately Mrs. Lion still hasn’t regained her libido. When she does, I’m positive I will be providing far more orgasms than I will experience. I don’t think it is because somehow giving without getting orgasms is necessarily submissive or humiliating. I think it is because of two things: First, the male has very limited opportunities for orgasms; enforced chastity by definition limits orgasms. Second, the power exchange frees his partner to experience worry- and guilt-free orgasms. She no longer has to worry about reciprocation nor feel bad if she doesn’t get him off. He has asked her not to get him off.

I recently read a post in a blog written by someone who claims to be a female, that men should only have orgasms if needed to impregnate their partners.She says otherwise male orgasms are unnecessary. She also claims that females have a biological imperative to have as many orgasms as possible. Her  theory is that a woman’s orgasm lasts longer and helps in bonding and emotional attachment. Men, on the other hand, come quickly and forget about the experience almost immediately. The theory she is advancing is that a woman should lock up her husband and never let him come again. I bother to write about this because a lot of guys and a few women actually buy into this. There is no science behind this crap. It’s just another chastity fantasy.

As far as I can see, most couples who actually practice enforced chastity and FLM do not live in some sort of D/S fantasy. They are normal people who work, play, love, have children, pay bills, and laugh like vanilla couples. Mrs. Lion and I have a loving marriage. I will do anything for her; not because we practice enforced chastity and FLM, but because I love her. Even before we considered such things, I felt the same way. We share chores and make important decisions together. We snuggle and laugh. I know she will do anything for me as well. We like the power exchange because it has brought us closer sexually. I’m hoping the FLM will encourage her to be more selfish and give me more chances to do things to make her happy. It’s not your basic D/S fantasy at all. It’s two people in love doing things that work for them. That’s plenty for us.


Somewhere along the line Lion acquired a web cam. I don’t think he has any plans to create Lion porn. At least I hope not. No one wants to see my butt on any screen. He has it set up near the front door. I assume it’s, in part, so he can see when the dog wants to go out. She has a tendency to just stand there and you’re supposed to realize she’s there by telepathy, I guess. Aside from being a pretty boring TV show for most of the day, it allows me to check up on my naked Lion. Every time he walks down the hall I can see him.

Using an app on my phone I can tune in and see what’s been happening. Yesterday I watched Lion walk past fully dressed. Excuse me? Dressed? That shouldn’t be. Well, he was on his way to the store so he did, in fact, need to be clothed. And when he came back he dutifully went toward the bedroom and returned to the kitchen naked. He’s such a good boy.

If you had the login information you could have watched us frantically trying to get the smoke out of the house after Lion’s new pizza recipe briefly caught the oven on fire last night. He was testing out his new pizza peel and things didn’t go quite as planned. Toppings and sauce spilled all over the place inside the oven. So for that short time, with the dog and us running around in circles, it wasn’t such a boring TV show.

I like it because I get to be home, in a sense, during the day. It’s always fun to see my Lion in the middle of the day. When work gets to me, I can sneak off and take a peek at what’s been happening at home. Not that I need to check up on him. I’m fairly certain he’s naked right now. And he’s probably in his office. Maybe he’s started the laundry already. The dog has probably needed to go out a few times already. Nothing exciting. It’s just nice to peek.

Last night was Lion’s scheduled orgasm. He had only waited four days so he wasn’t desperate. I decided I didn’t want to edge him. Instead I started licking and sucking him. I love when he gets hard in my mouth. I teased him and listened to his noises. Lots of little moans and gasps. I like that. When he started bucking a little, I stopped. Not yet, Lion. This was going to be a slow rise to driving you out of your mind.

I didn’t take it as far as I could have. Sometimes I have him bucking himself off the bed and almost begging to be allowed to come. Not last night. I just wanted to build him up to a nice long orgasm. And by default, I was rewarded by a very nice mouthful of yummy Lion goodness.

When I changed his date to the 29th he was a little upset. Ten days? That’s more than double the last wait. He’s not really upset. He just doesn’t want to wait ten days. I can always point out to him that if he doesn’t like the wait, I can make it longer. I don’t think he’ll like that too much either. Poor Lion.

I started this blog as a way to write about the effects of being locked in a chastity device. I also included pages to share knowledge that I have. About two-thirds of the people who visit get here via a search engine. They can land anywhere. Apparently many read more than their original search topic. Every day there are several visitors that stay here more than eight hours. Some of the people who read regularly become a part of our family and often offer advice and encouragement. I love that. It’s totally unexpected. One of our visitors sent an email to me (Contact Us) to tell me that I should make breakfast every day. Mrs. Lion had expressed some frustration at having to decide what to have each morning. He went on to say that if he had a keyholder like Mrs. Lion, he would make breakfast every day. If he knew what I’m like in the morning, he may not have made that strong suggestion. His email raised an interesting point. It goes to how enforced chastity and FLM influence or change how we divide domestic chores. On some level I realize that what I write here is seen by a lot of people. But on another, deeper level, I’m writing to Mrs. Lion and also recording where I am at the moment I write. I think of the blog as a journal of the birth, evolution, and eventual death of power exchanges we try.

Blogging has had some unexpected benefits. Other, like-minded bloggers read The Journal regularly. They offer support and help. We try to do the same. There is an informal community of people who blog about their real-life enforced chastity and FLM experiences.  This is the “Internet” that Mrs. Lion mentioned in her post yesterday. It’s true. I get ideas from their posts. Maybe they get some from ours. I certainly love reading their posts. Many of these blogs are listed in the right column of this page. It isn’t exhaustive. I read many other blogs as well. The ones I list are my favorites. There are so many more good blogs to read. There are two blogrolls that I regularly consult: Keyheld and Sheheld. A blogger who has been around for years maintains this site. The choices are his alone and reflect his taste in enforced chastity and FLM. He features a few blogs. Again, they are his personal faves. We haven’t reached that exalted status.

We are unique in that we offer two posts a day; one from Mrs. Lion and one from me. Most bloggers post less frequently. My vision was to create the enforced chastity daily newspaper. I also wanted to be sure that both the keyholder and locked male’s point of view are represented. In the beginning I asked a keyholder that I found in a chastity forum to offer the keyholder perspective. It didn’t work out very well. After a short time she went off an started her own blog (now defunct). I asked Mrs. Lion if she would take on the job of reporting her perspective. She agreed. It turned out that each of us publishing daily posts offered us a powerful form of communication. This medium has been invaluable in helping us grow up in enforced chastity and now FLM. Some others maintain private blogs where they share information privately. We chose to be public. Of course, we also exchange many emails each day that deal with the details of our power exchange. However, most of the stuff ends up here.

Our readership has steadily grown. I take that as an indication that we are on the right track. It surprises me a bit that we get so few comments to our posts. Many blogs routinely get between five and fifteen comments for each post. It’s rare that we get more than one or two. I don’t know how to interpret that. On one hand I know how many people read each post every day, and that number is large. On the other hand, they don’t add input. Does that mean we are a source of news rather than a conversation with our readers? Are our topics not discussion-worthy? Are we off-putting? I don’t know. I do know that we both love comments and frequently learn from them. It’s a mystery. One thing we both love and appreciate is that you take the time to see what we are up to. Thank you for being part of our family!