lion's orgasm forecast
If we change things so that Lion will get a lot less opportunity to orgasm, this could be his future. Click this image to see his orgasms to date.

I was looking at the chart of Lion’s orgasms on the sidebar. He was a very lucky boy in March and even luckier in April. Sadly, it tapered off in May and June. I bet he’s hoping July picks up again.

The other night I told him since he made it to eight maybe the next time would be a multiple of eight. He suggested binary. I countered with some form of exponents. Lion is a math guy. I don’t do exponents so I’d lose track quickly. Of course if I lose track I could always say I have to start over. Reset. Gosh I’m sorry. Starting over at one. No orgasm till some number to the nth power.

I also told him it wasn’t just him suffering because he’s not allowed to come. I don’t get to taste him so therefore it’s me who is suffering more. He didn’t buy it. Oh well. Worth a try.

So my pet made it nine days and I’m thinking of making him wait two weeks. I don’t know why he’s complaining. It’s not even a multiple of eight. And if he makes it two weeks, then what? This could get complicated.

Many years ago I made up little cards with tasks on them. Depending on which one he picked he would have to perform that task or have it performed on him. For example, he would get clothes pins on his balls or he would have to give me a tongue bath.

I was thinking I could update that idea with numbered cards. When I allow him to come he would pick a new card that would tell him how long he had to wait for the next orgasm. That way he’s sealing his own fate. I have nothing to do with it. If only he had picked a lower number. It’s out of my hands. Poor Lion.

The first idea that came to mind when I thought of time off for good behavior was to select a dildo and if he could accommodate that dildo by a certain day then he would get a day or two off his “sentence”.  Of course we’d work up to that size. I wouldn’t expect him to magically be able to take a monster dildo.

So far that’s all I’ve come up with. But I have two weeks to decide, right? He’s not going anywhere. Or should I say, he’s not coming anywhere.

penis in too long chastity cage
Here I am in my old cage. It’s too long and too wide.  The head of my penis doesn’t even enter the front of the cage, much less nestle firmly against it. My Jail Bird will be back this Wednesday after the cage was shortened by half and inch so that it would be a better fit. Click the image for a larger, color view. It’s easier to see how badly aligned my urethra is in this very large cage.

(Monday, June 23 2014) Last night ended a nine day period between orgasms. I know that the chastity marathoners are smiling at such a short wait. It was a very long time for me. I learned a lot about myself during those days. Since this wasn’t the first time I had to wait more than a few days to come, I see some patterns. I get tree-humping horny by the third day. Regardless of anything else happening, on day three I am really ready. If I were a wild lion, there is a good chance I would take matters into my own hand. On day five I get grumpy, or as Mrs. Lion calls it, grumbly. I feel deprived and unhappy that my toy is unused. This persists for a day or two. By day 8 I get massively horny again. Without the cage, I would never get past a week.

I find it interesting that there is a progression of reactions during this early period. Based on what others have written, after a couple of weeks, things seem to even out. Clearly we males are as hormone driven as our mates. It’s just that sex is usually more accessible so we never get pushed to where others might notice our changes.

As you may  have read, Mrs. Lion posted about what happened on my eighth night. She had planned to tease me and then bring me to a mind-blowing oral orgasm. Unfortunately, her last tease (oral) went just a bit too far and I had a ruined orgasm. This upset her. I wasn’t upset. As usual, after I ejaculate, I get soft and my interest in sex evaporates. I wondered if I had reset my internal clock by virtue of the ruined orgasm. Mrs. Lion said she would give me that orgasm the next day. I was doubtful that I would be ready.

I’m sure you’ve read all the extravagant stories about how a ruined orgasm just makes a man hornier. I have had a few and I didn’t notice that effect. I never had one after such a long dry spell, though. On Sunday, the next day, I was surprised to find myself horny again. It wasn’t tree-humping horny, but my mind was definitely turning toward sex. Look at the picture I placed with yesterday’s post. It shows my mind was certainly on sex.

Last night, Mrs. Lion got out some spanking implements and told me to lie naked on my stomach. She then gave me a butt-burning spanking. I didn’t get hard during the event, but as you will see, it had the desired effect. After I rolled over she got me hard. It took a bit longer than usual. Then she did several very close tease-and-deny’s. There was no question at all that I was more than one-day desperate. She then used her mouth to tease me again and finally kept going until I had an amazing orgasm. It was most certainly a nine-day orgasm! I asked her about how much semen I produced. I have had a theory that the  longer I wait, the more semen I will have stored up. To my surprise, she said that I produced nearly as much as I did the night before. She told me after the ruined orgasm that I had an unusually large ejaculation. I attributed that to the eight days it had to build up. However, my theory was clearly incorrect. Only a day later I had managed to deliver nearly as much. Live and learn.

Neither time did Mrs. Lion require me to clean up. As she clearly stated in her rule, if she makes me come orally, she keeps the semen to herself. I am absolutely fine with that. I am very surprised at how the last two days went. I was sure that a ruined orgasm would essentially reset my chastity clock the same way a complete orgasm would. It did for a few hours, but then the weight of all that waiting came back. I was also sure that I would need at least a couple of days to recharge after the ruined orgasm. I clearly didn’t.

This is yet another case of Mrs. Lion knowing best. I tried to discourage her from trying to give me an orgasm last night. Happily, she ignored my opinion. She also told me and later wrote that she doubted her ability to do tease and deny. Last night she proved that she is an expert. Clearly, she is more skillful and confident than five months ago when we began this adventure. She is an amazing woman.

It’s a week  now that I am in my original Chinese cage. My Jail Bird is back at Mature Metal getting the cage shortened. With any luck I will get it by the end of the week. The one I am wearing is too long and pinches me when I stand up. I really miss my custom cage. I also wonder how long it will be until I can have another orgasm. Only Mrs. Lion knows that and she’s not talking.

We’ve gotten some really nice comments (see listing of the most recent on the right) and emails. It’s very good to know that you are reading and enjoying the Journal. Please offer your opinions and experiences. They are great to read and provide so much to this effort.

old faithful
Last night I finished what I started and Lion erupted with a full orgasm.

Last night I decided to continue my lion torture. I was pretty sure I was going to make him come. A while ago he was hard the entire time I spanked him so I figured it would be an excellent way to get things started. After giving him red cheeks, complete with my handprint, he was not hard.

I was beginning to think that he was right. Maybe he needed another day or so to recharge. But no. A little bit of encouragement and he was very excited. I successfully edged him a few times. I think it may have been more times than I ever edged him at one time. Then I moved in for the kill.

I wanted the rest of my dessert from the night before. But I wanted to drive him a little more crazy before I took it. At the last minute I debated if I should keep teasing him and tell him he couldn’t come till I either tickled or grabbed his balls. When his hips started bucking I knew he was too close to get that fancy so I finished him off. I got my dessert and he got his orgasm meter reset to zero.

He never used to buck his hips into me. I like it. I first noticed it when I was riding him a few weeks ago. Usually he just lays there and pants a lot. It’s nice to have him more involved. Not that he doesn’t have other things on his mind at the time.

Now I need to decide how long to make him wait this time. Last night I was a pro getting the Chinese cage back on him so struggling with it won’t be an issue. We think his Jail Bird will be back this week so it will be even easier to put him back in after exercise. We aren’t scheduled to go away for another two weeks so…. Would that be cruel? Maybe. I could set that as my goal and go from there. Two weeks with time off for good behavior and extra time for bad behavior? Perhaps.

ruined orgasm
Last night I had a ruined orgasm after 8 days of waiting. Mrs. Lion felt badly she didn’t give me a full orgasm. I had a very good time.

(Sunday, June 22, 2014) As Mrs. Lion wrote in her Sunday post, Saturday night didn’t come out the way she planned. She watched the video I wrote about in Sunday’s post and decided to talk to me more during her teasing. It was great. At one point she decided to use her mouth. Oh boy, hot dog! I love that. She stopped when I got too excited, a couple of times she told me that I had made her an “appetizer”. I loved learning that I was leaking precum. In the video, the woman congratulated her partner when he began producing it. That was so hot! So was Mrs. Lion’s observations. Finally, she pushed me just a bit too far and I could feel the explosion coming. Then it stopped, but the lava flow didn’t. A ruined orgasm!

It turns out that Mrs. Lion feels badly that my orgasm was ruined. She wanted me to have a full, mind-blowing orgasm last night. I don’t understand that. I loved what she did and the result, while a bit frustrating, was still amazing. In my mind, what happened is nothing I would ever feel badly about. She was wonderful. It was more my fault than hers that I started to come before she expected. I need to warn her. When I feel that pressure building, I have to let her know we are close to the edge. I will do my best to provide that information from now on. What I can’t understand is her feelings of guilt that she didn’t give me what she intended. She will certainly get many more chances. In her post she says she will give me that orgasm today. Why? If she wants me to have the explosive experience, why not wait some more?

I learned something last night: A ruined orgasm takes a lot of the pressure to come off me. Yesterday afternoon all I could think about was how badly I needed to orgasm. This morning I still wish I could have an orgasm, but I am not as intently focused on it. That’s not entirely true. Writing this post has done a good job waking up the now nine-day-yearning I have.  This might be instructive in terms of my ability to handle waiting. Teasing certainly refocuses me on wanting to come. Daily or every-other-day teasing keeps me on edge and wanting. Going more than a couple of days allows the desire to recede a bit. Ruined orgasm gives me a partial reset. I feel less pressure. This is hard to describe. I still want to come very very badly, but I don’t feel the urgency I felt yesterday. Maybe ruined orgasms give me a short vacation from urgency. Wouldn’t that be a shame. Well, the vacation has ended already. I am just as desperate as I was yesterday.

My advice to Mrs. Lion is to make lemonade — you know the expression, when you have lemons make lemonade — maybe you wanted me to orgasm, but instead it got ruined. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You have just extended my no-orgasm, lockup time. Certainly, that’s not a bad thing in the context of my chastity. If you hadn’t said anything, I would have accepted it as part of our play and would have wondered how much longer I will have to wait. You don’t owe me an orgasm at all. I may be a grumbly, whiny lion for a while longer. I will try to be better at that as well. If my grumbling bothers you, tell me to shut up and stick something up my ass. That generally works. Above all, don’t stop what you are doing. What happened last night might be a mistake in your mind, but in my mind it was great chastity play.

Tonight we played again. Mrs. Lion gave me a nice, butt-burning spanking followed by endless tease and deny. If I thought last night’s ruined orgasm made me less frustrated, I was wrong. Wow, did I want to come! Very fortunately, Mrs. Lion had more on the agenda. She began sucking me. She stopped a couple of times just before the point of no return. She’s wrong about not being good at tease and deny; she’s diabolical. She got me so excited my hips were thrusting. This time she kept going and I came into her mouth. True to her word, she didn’t share a drop. I, being a generous soul, was happy to let her have it all.

So now the clock starts again. In three days I will be climbing the walls and humping trees. In five days I will be grumbly again. Poor lion who has a big smile now.