holding hands
My best gift ever.

Here it is, Christmas day. There is news to report but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Today I want to talk about gifts. Mrs. Lion and I decided not to exchange gifts this year. Of course we sent presents to our kids, but we decided that we both had everything we want and gifts just weren’t necessary.

That’s not entirely true. In 2014 Mrs. Lion gave me the amazing gift of making my enforced chastity fantasy become real. It wasn’t just for a weekend or a week. It turned out to be permanent. She did this purely out of love for me. Since we started there have been many challenges for both of us. Mrs. Lion has had to face many changes in the way she relates to me. To her credit, she has worked hard to make my experience better (well, more properly submissive) and better.

Over this time she has worked hard to become more of a disciplinarian and to make decisions she knows I won’t like. This is her biggest hurdle. She is still careful not to make things too uncomfortable for me, though I sense that is changing. I want it to change. It won’t be easy for either of us. Recently, she has been upping the ante considerably. She did back off on the diapers for now, but I suspect that I will be back in them before the weekend is out.

More important than enforced chastity or anything else is the love we share. Our love continues to grow every day. I have received the greatest gift of all, my soul mate and partner, Mrs. Lion.

Merry Christmas to you. I hope you get what you want this Christmas. Thank you for taking the time to share our lives.

I really should learn to write down my 4 a.m. thoughts for posts. Sometimes I come up with good titles or good lines. Sadly, by morning, the concept may be there but the gem is lost. Oh well.

Lion made it approximately five and a half hours in his diaper last night before it became apparent it was a bad idea. I thought, since he had originally come up with it all those years ago, that it was not a problem. My twist of having him stay in a wet diaper proved to be too much. And sleeping in it was not possible either. My other error was starting it at a time when we are home for five days straight. Although I did amend that before we started to be two days in, a day off, and then the weekend in again. So, until we find a solution, he is bare bottomed.

One idea might be to limit it to just Friday after work until Monday morning before work. Any longer may just be too much to ask. Another solution might be to allow him to change once the diaper is wet. I never meant for him to be that uncomfortable. I was just trying to show him who is boss. Now he’s worried he’s disappointed me. And, of course, I’m worried I pushed him too far.

Ironically, he’d rather wear frilly, lacy panties than diapers. He found a website that caters to the man who wants to wear such panties. And the man who is forced to wear panties, I suppose. I’m not sure about the panties idea. I know how difficult it is for him to find underwear he likes. That’s hardly the point, but I was never sold on the panties idea. I just let his mind wander for a bit. Last night he said he needed to know what I had planned for him. He had waited long enough. I agreed. So I pulled out my pink and purple purchase.

Lion will have pink and/or sparkly purple toenails in the near future. He was not amused. I am. I thought it would be funny to see him stretched out on the bed watching tv and every so often catch a glimpse of his girly toenails. No one else will know it’s there. Completely hidden by his shoes and socks. But Lion will know. Every time he looks at his feet. Every time he thinks about his feet. He said he’d rather wear panties. Interesting. Something that takes no effort from him, I will be painting his toes, and he’d rather have to wear something.

Stay tuned for updates about the diapers/panties issue and pictures of the lovely toenails. Maybe I should have gotten green and red for Christmas. Darn!

[Lion — I never realized how awful a wet diaper is to wear. I am sure Mrs. Lion will work out the diaper situation to her satisfaction. As far as underwear goes, I have to be honest and say that I am not that fussy. If Mrs. Lion wants me pantied, she shouldn’t worry about comfort. The reason I showed her the Manties website is that their panties, aside from being not my style, are cut for men so there is room for my cage and balls.]

Monday night, after edging me several times and leaving me a horny mess, Mrs. Lion sat down and wrote her post for Tuesday. She is going to make me wear a diaper all of the time when we aren’t working. That means that from Friday when I come home from work until Monday when I dress to go to work, I will be in diapers. If we have a holiday off, it’s the same. Ok, we did do this before. I even suggested it. It seemed like a private humiliation that I admit, turned me on.

After a while, it stopped being fun, but I had to keep going. It was still effective. I wrote about that yesterday. We stopped doing it last summer because I was getting very hot and sweaty at night and it made sleep difficult. I was very happy when we stopped. Now I am back in diapers; this time with a twist.

Does a chastity device ride up the penis when you get erect? We tested to find out. Click here to see the pictures and our results.

This time though, it is different, very different. In the past, each time I peed I could change the diaper. So, while it was too warm and felt humiliating, I was always in a dry diaper. Apparently, Mrs. Lion feels that was too easy for me. So this time I will be in wet diapers almost all the time.

She wrote a set of rules. One of them:

“Lion may change the diaper when it becomes saturated but before it leaks.”

clearly indicates that I am to be in a wet diaper. There is room for a bit of interpretation though. Does that rule mean that after I pee, whether the first, second, or third time in a diaper, do I change it after the pee that seems like the most the diaper can hold? If so, I am in a dry diaper until the next time I have to go. Or, does it mean that if the diaper is saturated and I need to pee again, do I change the diaper before peeing? If that is the case, the only time I am in a dry diaper is the first time I put one on for the weekend. I suspect the latter is her intention. I asked Mrs. Lion and she will allow me to change when the diaper is saturated, so depending on when I am aware of this, I will either change it just after or just before a pee. I’m sure you know what I prefer.

Yesterday, I wrote how pushing something past where I want it for fun is a good way to demonstrate control. I used a punishment as an example. But the very smart Mrs. Lion realized that she can be even more effective by bringing back my old rule with a truly diabolical twist. I am very sure I will not like spending my time in a wet diaper. I should count myself lucky that at least she will let me out if I get diaper rash. I wonder if she will change me or if I have to change myself.

There is more coming. She mentioned that in her post as well. It could be that when not in a diaper I will be in panties. At least they will be dry.

lion in a diaper
This is lion in a diaper last spring. Once again Lion is back in diapers every time we are both home from work. This time he has to keep them on for at least two pees. He will learn to sit in a wet diaper. How’s that for taking charge?

If you recall, I had Lion wearing diapers before summer and all our travels began. Summer is long gone. Perhaps it’s time for the return of the diapers. Merry Christmas, Lion!

I’m actually being nice to him. He complains about being cold when he’s naked in the winter. I have allowed him to wear a t shirt. Now I’m telling him to cover his butt. Much warmer! Nice Mrs. Lion. I’m always thinking of my pet.

Here are the rules:

1) Lion will be diapered on weekends and holidays, from the time both of us are home until we leave for work again. If Lion is home alone (for example, he has a day off that I do not have off) he will not need to be diapered.
2) Lion is allowed to ask me if he needs to wear a diaper when we go out on diaper days. I may forget to tell him he doesn’t have to wear it. On the other hand I may want him to wear it. He should get clarification.
3) Lion may change the diaper when it becomes saturated but before it leaks.
4) Lion should only urinate in the diaper. He is allowed to use the bathroom at other times.
5) Lion is allowed, and encouraged, to tell me if there is an issue that requires him not to wear the diaper. If he has a rash from extended exposure to urine I will not make him continue until the rash is cleared up.
6) Lion will wash himself prior to my playing with him. (This is not necessary for punishment swats.)

That’s all I can think of for now. I will amend them if needed.

Now what made me think of the diapers was his post today about men wearing panties. I told him it gave me an idea for a post and his imagination took over. It’s fun when that happens because he comes up with way more creative ideas than I ever could. So I teased him that I could stop at a store on the way home to get him some frilly, lacy pink panties. He said at least that would only be a day of humiliation. Then I told him I was sure there would be a sale and I could gheet him several.

On the way home I did, in fact, stop for something pink. And purple. I’m not telling him if it’s panties or not. Yet. I wanted to let him twist in the wind a little while longer. He’s not thrilled with the diaper idea and still has the panties possibility hanging over him. Poor boy.