Here it is, Christmas day. There is news to report but that will have to wait until tomorrow. Today I want to talk about gifts. Mrs. Lion and I decided not to exchange gifts this year. Of course we sent presents to our kids, but we decided that we both had everything we want and gifts just weren’t necessary.
That’s not entirely true. In 2014 Mrs. Lion gave me the amazing gift of making my enforced chastity fantasy become real. It wasn’t just for a weekend or a week. It turned out to be permanent. She did this purely out of love for me. Since we started there have been many challenges for both of us. Mrs. Lion has had to face many changes in the way she relates to me. To her credit, she has worked hard to make my experience better (well, more properly submissive) and better.
Over this time she has worked hard to become more of a disciplinarian and to make decisions she knows I won’t like. This is her biggest hurdle. She is still careful not to make things too uncomfortable for me, though I sense that is changing. I want it to change. It won’t be easy for either of us. Recently, she has been upping the ante considerably. She did back off on the diapers for now, but I suspect that I will be back in them before the weekend is out.
More important than enforced chastity or anything else is the love we share. Our love continues to grow every day. I have received the greatest gift of all, my soul mate and partner, Mrs. Lion.
Merry Christmas to you. I hope you get what you want this Christmas. Thank you for taking the time to share our lives.