Last night my plans for Lion were thwarted again. Yesterday, Lion told me his eye hurt. He thought he might have scratched it. On the way home, lights were bothering it, he couldn’t see very well, and it was very red. Luckily I work for eye doctors. Also luckily, it was the night the office has late hours (although I know they would have met me at the office even after hours). I turned around and brought him right back to work with me. Poor Lion has an evil eye infection. Last night we got drops and this morning we were off to see how those drops were working. He got an additional drop to use and tomorrow we’ll be back for another visit. He may even be back on Friday for another visit. You just don’t mess around with eye infections. Needless to say, with his angry eyeball and not being able to wear his contact lens in the infected eye, he had to stay home today. Luckily he can work from home. I don’t think anyone wants him at work with a very red eye, although it might pass as part of a Halloween costume.

In the middle of the night, Lion also mentioned that the screw on his cage seemed loose. He tightened it the best he could by hand and I forgot to get the key out to tighten it more this morning. I was too busy trying to get him to the doctor and then myself back to work. I told him he has two choices. If it comes loose again, he can either remove it or break open the emergency key to tighten it. I’m not sure which he’ll choose. I’m not even sure it will be an issue. I just hope he doesn’t lose the screw.

Depending on how Lion feels tonight, we’ll play. I think now that he knows what’s wrong with his eye and the pain may be subsiding as he uses his drops, he may feel more up to playing. And if I don’t have to make another round trip to work, I’ll feel more up to playing. We’ve both been feeling yucky the past few days. Maybe it was Lion’s eye brewing up the infection. Maybe it’s the change in the weather. Maybe we’re getting colds. Who knows. I just hope we can settle in tonight and maybe, even if we don’t play, we can have a calm night to snuggle.

Last night I was thwarted by stinky clothes. Lion is very sensitive to scents. We tried a new laundry detergent that seemed fine, but in the washer and dryer, the scent took over. We’ve tried washing the clothes three times in our regular detergent and they still stink. Last night he could smell them even through a closed door. With all the running around, first to de-stink them, and then to get them out of his smell range, I didn’t do the play I had intended to do. It’s not that I was mad at Lion. It just killed the mood. The only thing I did was the “just because” swats.

So tonight, maintenance spanking night, I will collect my toys and try again. Lion was horny yesterday. It was just a day after his bonus orgasm. I think he really only loses his horniness when he’s made to wait more than five or six days for an orgasm. I’m not saying he’s a horn dog all the time. I mean he’s horny at certain points during the day until the sixth day. After that he can take it or leave it. I may be off in my estimate. I know he’s said the longer the wait, the less he cares. Again, that’s a strong word, but I just mean it’s not foremost in his mind.

Lately there seems to be a snarkiness about Lion. It may have something to do with waking up in the dark and coming home in the dark. Winter is closing in. The rain is back. Our forecast is for sun today and then rain in some capacity for the next week at least. This is about the time I make my yearly vow to hibernate. Wake me up when it’s spring. As long as the snarkiness is relatively low key and doesn’t last long I won’t do anything about it. Everyone is entitled to their off days. If it continues, however, I may need to take some action.

I guess I’m still having a hard time deciding when I should put my foot down and when I should let things go. Sometimes there are valid reasons for snarkiness. For both of us. Instead of being mad that the garbage needs to go out and I always take the garbage out and how come you can’t do it EVER, we need to talk things out. That’s just an example. I know there are times I catch myself thinking I always do X and Lion never does it, and I’m sure there are things he feels the same way about. The truth is, we each do our share of things around the house. There are things I always do and things he always does. That’s the teamwork part of the marriage. But the snarkiness that comes out of the “always” and “never” is not helpful.

I need to figure out if the recent Lion snark is because he feels under-appreciated or under-punished, or what. For the record, I do appreciate everything Lion does for me and the house. If he feels under-punished, that’s another issue. If I punish him for being snarky then he got what he wanted. I’ll need to be more on top of things. And we’ll need to talk.

As you may have read, Lion and I had some Velcor fun yesterday. He wouldn’t necessarily call it fun though. It hurts a lot even though Mr. Weenie seems to love it. In all fairness, once the blood rushes in, the Velcro restraint makes it almost impossible for it to rush back out. And, since I have the magic touch, Mr. Weenie gets very aroused.

I left Lion wild from about 2 pm on yesterday. Why lock him back up if I knew we’d be playing later on? It saves me the trouble of locking and unlocking and locking again. Besides, I like having a wild Lion sometimes. When we did play again, he seemed to be less enthused. I know he always hopes for more than just a hand job. Eventually I got the ol’ Magic Wand out again. I started sucking him. I love when he gets hard in my mouth. And then I used the vibrator while I was sucking him.

Once I confirmed he really liked it, I knew he was doomed. He was having an orgasm. Not that I wasn’t going to edge him a few times beforehand. And he didn’t know he was going to have one. As far as he was concerned, he still had ten or eleven days to wait. While I’m sure he hoped for one, he wasn’t expecting one. The night before I had pushed him just a hair too far and got a ruined orgasm. He was still horny yesterday so clearly it didn’t have much effect on him. I’ve wondered for a while if I could manage the vibrator while sucking him. Now I know. I’m sure he won’t get an orgasm every time I do it, but it was fun to make him squirm last night.

Lion just reminded me that tonight is punishment night. Once again, I have been remiss in keeping track of his behavior. I know he’s been a toddler a few times, but those were times he was upset about being called a toddler. I’m going to give him “just because” swats again tonight. Just because I know I missed things. Just because he was upset with me. Just because he got upset with me when I got upset with him. Just because he grumbled about breakfast a few times. So, you, see, I was sort of paying attention. I just didn’t point things out.

At the risk of adding fuel to an already blazing fire, I will continue the pageantry theme. Lion is passionate about being kinky. I can’t tell you how many times he yells at the television when we’re watching a police show that depicts bondage and they either get the sets wrong (no one would use that piece of equipment in that way) or they portray the kinky person as a frothing-at-the-mouth psychopath. I get it. He’s upset that people think kinky people are weirdos. Now here’s where we take a wrong turn.

We’re watching football and they pan the camera to people we are dressed in team colors and there are a few with the wild wigs or face paint or their version of a lucky outfit to show support for their team. They are really into the game. They’re screaming and jumping and maybe singing the team fight song. And Lion usually says they are weirdos. Why? They believe their actions help the team. In fact, sometimes the teams really get involved with those fans. Here, in Seattle, we are the 12s. Everywhere you go there is at least one 12 plastered on something. A car, a building, a flag up in the trees visible as you drive down the highway. The players appreciate the 12s. We have Blue Fridays when people wear Seahawks gear the cheer on the team. Are we weirdos for doing something that cannot be proven to help the team? If we didn’t wear blue or stopped dressing up at the games, would the team lose more often? Nope. It’s just pageantry.

I did push it too far when I wrote about his over-the-top need for the key to be in super maximum security. I know he knows there’s no need for it. It’s adding to the passion that he has for being locked up. Just as I’m adding to the passion when I want to sing and dance at a concert or wear my Seahawks gear on a Friday. One man’s weird is another man’s passion.