You probably noticed the lack of Lion post this morning. While he figured out that the source of his problem was a switch in medication, he was still in no shape to write a post last night. As instructed, however, he stayed in bed all day except for bathroom and food breaks. And to let the dog out. And to let the dog out. And to let the dog out. (She needs a revolving door sometimes.) I was proud of him for listening to instructions. I didn’t even let him help with dinner or cleanup. He went back and curled up in bed to snooze. This morning, I can report that his voice is back to normal and he feels much better.

Needless to say, we didn’t play last night either. I have been lumping edging and orgasms into “play” even though many people consider those to be separate entities. I figure the whole idea of enforced chastity and the ensuing edging is play. It may not be BDSM play, but I am playing with my food, so to speak. I don’t necessarily consider domestic discipline to be play. With the possible exception of the shock collar. That can be for fun or punishment. But punishment is definitely not play. Punishment is to correct a behavior. It needs to be drastically different. Which is probably why I have never really used the shock collar as punishment. Plus the fact that Lion is on his best behavior when he has it on because he doesn’t want his balls zapped.

Tonight we’ll probably at least snuggle. I don’t know if Lion will be up for anything more than that. It’s perfectly fine. He may need a little while to recover from his cough. I don’t want to push him. This may seem like less-than-female-led-marriage behavior, but first and foremost, we are a couple. We take care of each other. My default in any illness is to take care of my Lion, regardless of any other arrangement we have. After all, I have to get him better before I can torture him again.

Lion isn’t feeling well. He has a cough that may be progressing into a head cold. It isn’t as bad as the Black Death we had in March, but he’s down for the count. I told him to stay in bed today. Let’s see if he listens.

As Lion said, we haven’t been doing any playing. I’ve been taking my cues from him and he hasn’t seemed to want to for a while. I figured it had something to do with the job. He is very excited about it, but he’s also nervous. He’s worried about all the new things he’ll have to learn in a short amount of time. Although he’s read tons of material about the company, he really doesn’t know anything about the day to day operations of his particular area. He’s afraid he won’t be able to hang onto this job. He doesn’t want to disappoint me. That’s a lot to have on your plate. It’s understandable if he doesn’t want to play. And now he has the added “bonus” of not feeling well.

The one thing Lion does not have to worry about is disappointing me. If the job doesn’t work out, we’ll move on to the next thing. What is that? I have no idea. But we’ll figure it out. If he’s too sick to go on our trip this weekend, it’s no big deal. It’s more important that he feel better. It may sound sappy, but we stick together through thick and thin.

This may make for boring reading when you came here looking for talk about female led relationship and enforced chastity. I assume you’re also here for the way a real couple makes its way through the day to day of FLR and enforced chastity. Well, sometimes there are stumbling blocks along the way. Real life is rarely as exciting as the fantasy blogs. Sooner or later we’ll get around to playing again. I’m assuming it will happen once Lion gets through the first week jitters.

Since unlocking him for our trip, Lion has remained wild. We were only going to be home for a few days before the next trip so I figured he could be wild. He’s had enough orgasms that he shouldn’t be tempted to cheat. And now that he’s sick, it’s probably one of the last things on his mind. He also has the first day of work coming up and a plane trip for which he will have to be wild. If we don’t go camping this weekend, I’ll lock him up again for a few days.

I suppose I could put my foot down and insist that we not go anywhere this weekend so he can recover from his cold and be well rested for his job. I do have that power. I just don’t want to put the brakes on the trip if Lion is really looking forward to it. This is when I feel like his mother. “I know you want to go to Johnnie’s birthday party, but don’t you want to be well enough for your championship soccer game on Tuesday?” In the overall scheme of things, it’s more important for him to be ready for work than to go camping again. We’ll have to discuss it tonight.

Lion wonders why I didn’t say, “We’re not leaving.” the other day. Perhaps it was baby steps. Perhaps he did have a choice. He could have left. I would have figured out how to get home. My point was that I was not going to leave just because he wanted to leave. It was my line in the sand. It was for him to decide if he’d leave me or not. He decided to choose wisely.

I wish the same were true of last night when he decided to interrupt me. He was listening to the news and I started to say something. Before I got half a sentence out, he interrupted. And it just proved he hadn’t heard anything I said because the first part of my sentence was “I’m not saying X happened, but….” And then he proceeded to tell me that X didn’t happen. Um…I know. That’s what I said. When I told him I didn’t want to continue my thought he got upset at me. He got upset at me. How does that work?

A few minutes later, Lion announced it was punishment night. I told him it was a good thing because he had something on his list. And yes, I know, I should have whomped him when it happened. We were in the kitchen and the paddle was right there. But I think if I had started whomping at that moment I might not have stopped until he had blisters. As it was, when I did swat him, it was very hard and he rolled over a few times. Finally he rolled over and told me he was done. In his defense, they were very hard swats. In my defense, they needed to be. And since he ended the punishment early, he will get more swats tonight. I doubt those swats will be as hard, but there will be more of them. Luckily, he remembered to thank me for the punishment.

Lion is fortunate that I didn’t let the punishment stop me from the rest of the night’s activities. I knew he was horny. I suppose I could, at some point, tell him we’re not playing on a certain night because he pissed me off and that’s his punishment. But not last night. I had other plans for him. Even though we haven’t been playing, I decided he needed another orgasm. And he was going to get it with me riding him. That is his most favorite position to have an orgasm. We both love when he comes inside me.

I’m not really sure how many orgasms Lion has had at his all-you-can-come buffet. As a guess, I’d say four. He’s still got a week to go. Maybe he’ll have four more.

We went adventuring yesterday. We just had to see Useless Bay. It was nothing special but how could you not visit a place named Useless Bay? Along the way, we stopped to have lunch. It took more than a half hour for our food to arrive. Lion was ready to leave. He was very fidgety. He said he was leaving. I told him I was staying. Stand off.

I think Lion had his truck keys with him, so it was a matter of whether he wanted to strand me on an island. He didn’t. I knew he wouldn’t. I agreed it was horrible service. The food took too long. The waitress basically ignored us. While I was proud of Lion for not growling, I wanted to put my foot down when he decided we should leave. I may let him decide a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them.

By the time we made it back to the camper, I was tired. After dinner, Lion’s tummy was bothering him. Needless to say, we didn’t play last night as promised. Sometimes I think we’ve become an old married couple. Sex takes a backseat. We’re too tired. Too this. Too that. Blah, blah, blah.

I really thought that Lion would be having lots of orgasms within his seventeen day free orgasm period. Maybe not quite every other day, but more than he’s had. And we’re running out of time. He’s only got seven more days. I know he’s excited about his new job. That’s more important than sex. But there’s no reason we can’t make time and effort for sex.

So now we’re in the homestretch. A week from today Lion starts his job. He’ll be busy. He’ll also need a way to relax. I think I have an idea for relaxing him. Several actually.