We went adventuring yesterday. We just had to see Useless Bay. It was nothing special but how could you not visit a place named Useless Bay? Along the way, we stopped to have lunch. It took more than a half hour for our food to arrive. Lion was ready to leave. He was very fidgety. He said he was leaving. I told him I was staying. Stand off.

I think Lion had his truck keys with him, so it was a matter of whether he wanted to strand me on an island. He didn’t. I knew he wouldn’t. I agreed it was horrible service. The food took too long. The waitress basically ignored us. While I was proud of Lion for not growling, I wanted to put my foot down when he decided we should leave. I may let him decide a lot of things, but that wasn’t one of them.

By the time we made it back to the camper, I was tired. After dinner, Lion’s tummy was bothering him. Needless to say, we didn’t play last night as promised. Sometimes I think we’ve become an old married couple. Sex takes a backseat. We’re too tired. Too this. Too that. Blah, blah, blah.

I really thought that Lion would be having lots of orgasms within his seventeen day free orgasm period. Maybe not quite every other day, but more than he’s had. And we’re running out of time. He’s only got seven more days. I know he’s excited about his new job. That’s more important than sex. But there’s no reason we can’t make time and effort for sex.

So now we’re in the homestretch. A week from today Lion starts his job. He’ll be busy. He’ll also need a way to relax. I think I have an idea for relaxing him. Several actually.