Mrs. Lion has decided to start a game using points to earn orgasms. I think this could be fun for her and interesting for me. In her post yesterday, she began formulating how the game works. Based on her post, this is what I understand: I will earn one point for each hour holding a butt plug. If I don’t squirm while being spanked, 1 point. If I reach a punishment day with none earned, 2 points. If I squirm -2 points. Failing to be horny on a given day -2 points. Goal for an orgasm, 50 points.

Based on this plan, I would have to hold a butt plug for 50 hours to earn an orgasm. I could reduce that by not squirming or not earning punishment. The maximum for that is 2 points per session. We have 2 sessions a week. Realistically, I might be eligible for an orgasm every two months under this setup. It seems to me we might want to tweak this a bit. Here is my suggestion:

  1. Each day of waiting = 2, 3 if over 10 days.
  2. Butt plug, small 1 per hour, medium 3 per hour, large 5 per hour. Mrs. Lion decides what each is worth. No partial points.

Same deal for punishments, etc. If we do that, I might get an orgasm in less than a month, but it would require other opportunities to earn points. That’s the problem with starting off with just a few things. If the total required is 50, then I should have a reasonable chance to hit that inside of the typical wait that Mrs. Lion wants to set. Extra chances to earn points could be fun (for her). Unfortunately, games like this do require enough opportunities to gain and lose points to realistically give me a chance for an orgasm. This makes it more complex, of course. If the goal is nearly unattainable, I doubt I will try to hit it.

Of course, the big question is, Why have a game at all? The answer isn’t simple. Long term enforced chastity can either turn into a routine where Mrs. Lion’s involvement is minimal (teasing and the eventual handjob), or it can become increasingly interactive where the carrot of an orgasm and the stick of more waiting can be used in an entertaining way for her and sometimes, me. Since I like D/S and Mrs. Lion has learned to be a good top, the more interactive version is what I want. In a more vanilla setting, I’m not sure what the keyholder’s role is beyond withholding orgasms for some arbitrary time.

When we first started enforced chastity, I didn’t really understand the point of so-called chastity games. My view was that this is a power exchange and the keyholder should hold all the sexual cards. That’s the big reason I don’t like using my coupons. It feels like I am taking over when I do. The big benefit of a game is that Mrs. Lion isn’t required to come up with reasons I can or can’t come. In a very topish way she gives me “chances” to earn release. In the strictly BDSM context, as a top I enjoyed games. I liked watching my bottom struggle to get the prize. Now as a bottom/caged male, I want to experience that struggle too.

I’m not sure where this will go for us. Knowing my lioness, we will end up with a point system that works for us. She is very creative and is an excellent puzzle solver. Once she sets her mind to it, she will also find ways to make me struggle for that elusive orgasm. I think that could be big fun.

Lion and I have been discussing a game for his earning orgasms. There will be ways for him to earn and lose points and a target for him to hit. When he reaches the target I still have the final say on when he actually gets the orgasm. So how does he earn points? How many points does he earn for each task? How many points does he lose for each task? How many points does he need for an orgasm?

Last night, while he was holding a butt plug, I suggested one point per hour of butt plug. He said that was too low. He said there’s nowhere to go with that. There has to be some leeway. He said Steeled Snake and Charmer use a goal of 1400 points. How would he ever earn enough points at one point per hour? Do I have to use 1400 points? Nope. Can I start with a million point goal? Yup. What if I decide each task is worth 50,000 points? He could reach a million in no time. Why 1400 points? Why not 1500? Why can’t I figure out my own system? We have the basics. I could start out at ten as the goal just to get a feel for things. What’s the right way to do it?

I think the answer is that there is no right way. It will be trial and error for us just like most things are. In the beginning I’m thinking of a goal of 50 points. He had the butt plug in for about an hour last night so he’s earned one point. If Lion isn’t horny on any given night he’ll lose two points. Last night I was edging him and decided to give him an orgasm. His pattern lately is not being horny for a few days after an orgasm. It doesn’t make any sense to me that he would fall into negative numbers so for the sake of ease, let’s say he cannot drop below zero. If he is not horny tonight he will be at zero points again. If he doesn’t squirm during punishment swats he’ll get one point. If he does squirm, rather than get extra swats, he will lose two points. If he makes it to a punishment night with nothing on his list he will get two points.

I’m sure we’ll tweak this along the way, but at least this is a start. As we see how it goes we can raise the number of points required to earn an orgasm and the number of points earned and lost for each item. We’ll also add other tasks to earn and lose points. I’m afraid if I launch into a full-fledged game right of the bat I’ll find it too difficult to do. If we take baby steps we (I) have a better chance of following through with it.

A number of years ago we played a game involving a timer and a weenie. Lion had a certain length of time to have an orgasm or he had to take a break and try again. I varied the time from 30 seconds to a few minutes. More recently I’ve tried a similar game involving the number and speed of strokes. For example, twenty slow strokes, ten fast strokes, twenty slow strokes, ten fast strokes, etc. The problem with the former is that the goal was for Lion to have an orgasm and that’s not necessarily the goal now. It is possible that I could try to train him not to come within that time frame. He’d have to hold out. I don’t know if I want to do that.

I’ve been trying to come up with a new timer game for a while. It may have to be a hybrid of the two games. Perhaps a timed set for getting him warmed up and then a period of counted strokes. On the other hand, maybe the goal should be to allow him to come if he can do so within the allotted time. You see why this has taken me so long to figure out. There are too many variables. How horny is he? How quickly will he be ready? How many strokes will it take? I’m looking to make things interesting, but not at the expense of my own sanity.

Another idea I had was to set a certain number of times to edge him and if I didn’t break him by then he deserved an orgasm. Do I tell Lion how many tries he has? It could work for or against him. He could be thinking that he just needs to make it three more times and then he gets to come. Or he could think three more times is just too daunting and not be able to do it. I guess that’s all part of the game.

Since none of this really does anything for me, I don’t know what would be fun and what wouldn’t. This is one of the reasons I need Lion’s input. Yes, I’m in charge, but I need to know if I’m missing the mark. If he says something will be difficult for him it doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t try it. Chastity and FLM is all about trial and error.

We’ll put our heads together and come up with a plan. We make a pretty good team.

Lion wants to feel my control. I may have come up with one way to do just that. I haven’t ironed out all the details yet, but the concept is that on a certain day he will have to have two orgasms (he suggested more than two because he thinks two is a breeze – we’ll see) or his next scheduled date will be extended. The two biggest questions that need answering are when and how long.

When do I offer Lion this option? It could be on a scheduled date and if he doesn’t perform then the next scheduled date will be lengthened. Or it could be in the middle of his wait, in which case his current wait would be pushed out. If it’s in the middle of a wait and he does perform then he could quite possibly have another orgasm right around the corner. Lucky boy.

How long will the extension be? Does he need to know ahead of time to make the decision? How long does he have to meet the required number of orgasms? An hour? An afternoon? A full day?

And I’ve discovered another question: should it even be an option for him? Or should I just tell him that’s the activity for the day?

Lots of questions. Lots of thinking for Mrs. Lion. Lots of orgasms for a lion.

Even trying and failing would be fun for him. If this was a coupon he’d have no trouble at all using it. I know he can come twice in one day. We’ve done that before. We’ve never tried more than that. Maybe we need to have an inaugural orgasm-fest to see how many he can have in one day before I set a number. I’m just afraid too many orgasms would kill him. But at least he’d die with a smile on his face.