Visits to our blog nearly doubled in two days.

The past two days have been very odd for this blog. Our traffic climbed until it doubled our usual number of visitors on Friday. The stats our software predicts for Saturday (I’m writing the post-mid-day on Saturday) is a little lower than Friday. Usually, when there is a sudden increase in visits, we see that a search engine or another website refers the additional people. This time, almost all are “direct entries.” Those are visitors whose browsers don’t show that the people come from another site. It usually means that they type in our web address.

That doesn’t make any sense to me. There is nothing in our content that is very unusual. When I looked to see what the people first visited, the distribution of visits looked typical. A search engine may be removing the referring site name before sending people here. That would explain why there is no obvious bump in the stats. In the past, Google has experimented with tweaks to its search algorithm. When they did this, our traffic would suddenly go up or down. I suspect this is what happened now, along with wiping out the referring site field.

We aren’t complaining about the additional traffic. It’s nice to have new people find us. As far as I can tell, we can support a lot of visits without incurring additional costs from our cloud provider. We have no way to make money with our blog. It’s a pure expense to us, and we do it because we love sharing with you—enough blog stuff.

Oral sex is all that works for me right now.

It’s been nine days since my last orgasm. I’m horny. Mrs. Lion has been fondling my penis most nights lately with little result. I’m not trying to be difficult. I just can’t seem to respond to her hand under the covers. Her mouth is another story entirely. I’m not entirely sure why this is happening—well, not happening. It just is. I get the feeling that she believes that if I’m really interested, some under-the-covers fondling will get me hard. Maybe if she makes me wait long enough, I might.

My first sexual experience was an attempt to fuck when I was eighteen. The girl and I had no sexual experience. It was my first year in college, and my high school days (and nights) were spent at a boys’ boarding school. I never saw a naked woman before that day. I thought I penetrated her that first time. I had an orgasm, and so did she.

When we got together again a couple of weeks later, we were less rushed and more willing to explore together. I couldn’t get inside her. She had a very tough hyman. It didn’t occur to either of us to have her go to her gynecologist to get him to break it surgically. I probably could have gotten through, but it would have taken a lot of force and hurt her.

Anyway, we decided to look for a workaround. We bought a marriage manual (this was pre-Web days) and read it together. Oral sex looked like fun, so we tried it. It worked very well for both of us. I don’t remember how long we were together. It was months, at the least. We were very happy using our mouths each time we were together.

Maybe my earliest experience created my love of oral sex. It has always been my favorite. I wonder if that is partly to blame for my current need for oral attention. It’s also partly because for the last eight years or so, handjobs were my source of sex more than 99 percent of the time. I have no idea how I would do with vaginal sex. Mrs. Lion doesn’t want that. It’s been about five years since the last time we tried. For now, at least, it appears to be oral or nothing for me. It’s like I’m 18 again.

Thursday night, after a ten-day wait, Mrs. Lion gave me a great blow job. She is amazing at oral sex! She said that there was a decent amount of semen when I came. This is a very big deal for me. Not long ago, I had dry orgasms; no fluid came out.

Web searches suggested that my problem was retrograde ejaculation. This occurs when the neck of the bladder doesn’t close during orgasm. The fluid goes into the bladder instead of out the desired path. This seemed the most likely reason for my dry orgasms.

Further reading suggested that using an EMS machine connected to an anal probe would help strengthen the pelvic floor (Kegel) and the various muscles that control the opening of the bladder. I’ve been using it for about a month. It seems to be working.

When the semen wasn’t coming out (or very little came out), during my orgasm, there was a sort of sharp pain that felt like it came from the tip of my penis. When the flow returned on Thursday, that sharp pain disappeared. Go figure.

I’m going into all this detail because this problem is common in men as they pass fifty. Any changes in ejaculation and peeing can signal a problem. The same day I ordered the EMS machine, I made an appointment with a neurologist. I’m going next week.

We males are notoriously bad at reporting medical issues and going for help. I’m committed to changing this behavior. I refuse to accept a reduction in the quality of my life without a fight.

lots of people hear us as well as read us

I did a Google search on “Male Chastity Journal.” In the past, this search yielded a long list of posts and pages from here. This time it started with listings for our podcast. We use Amazon Polly, an artificial intelligence service, to “read” our posts aloud. We don’t have the time or technology to do this ourselves every day. I’m pretty happy with the quality. I would sound better, but–oh well.

Anyway, I was startled to learn that our podcast is carried on Audible, Amazon Music, FM, Apple Podcasts, and a ton of others. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’m glad it has. There may be more people listening than reading. Welcome to our listeners! Check out the website. There are nude pictures of me! (Talk about a great incentive, LOL.)

I admit that it didn’t occur to me that a podcast would be that interesting, particularly one that is a computer voice. One side effect that listeners experience is that the computer reads captions as part of the podcast. For example, my post yesterday had captions with the images. They make the podcast less intelligible. I will remember that going forward.

Being distributed across so many platforms makes it impossible to know how many people hear what we say. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m always curious about our audience. I’m also amazed about our reach. Thank you for reading or listening.

Our NFL Super Bowl game ended with me earning over 200 swats. Mrs. Lion set up the spanking bench as soon as the game ended. She used a leather implement to administer my penalty. During the game, I winced when either side scored. Every touchdown earned me 30 or 35 swats, depending on whether the extra point was made. The Los Angeles quarterback was sacked twice. That earned me another 14. You could call my sore bottom a football injury.

I left the shower door open on Sunday night to make matters worse. That means I will get a ten-minute spanking tonight (Monday) for that. Despite what Mrs. Lion wrote yesterday, I feel my Super Bowl swats on Monday afternoon. I know, it’s my own fault. I should be more careful.

I’ve been struggling for as long as I’ve been writing here to try to explain why what we do isn’t all that bizarre. Sure, it’s what some call “kinky,” but that’s not the point. I get it that most people don’t want to get spanked even though they’ve dreamt about it. What I don’t understand is why the response is so negative. I am fine with, “It’s not for me,” but it hurts when people condemn it outright.

Yesterday I wrote about giving the gift of monogamy. My definition is broader than usual. Based on what Mrs. Lion taught me, monogamy reserves all of my orgasms for her. That means no masturbating as well as no other partners. This is much harder for men. I had some help in the beginning. Mrs. Lion kept me in a male chastity device all the time that she wasn’t providing sexual stimulation to me. I learned to depend on her for orgasms. That is a profound act of trust and love.

Podcasts and blogging

All of our posts are also published as podcasts. You can find us on most of the podcast providers. The biggest is Apple. They aren’t in our voices. We use a computer voice generation system to produce them. It would be too difficult to record and publish our posts ourselves. The computer voice isn’t bad, but it isn’t us. Our podcasts are getting pretty popular. I’m glad we have the opportunity to offer our content this way.

It occurred to me that it might be fun to offer some content in our own voices. I’m not sure if it’s possible. Our publishing system doesn’t allow us to add a podcast we create manually. All this stuff gets very technical. It took a lot of time to set up the automated podcast creation. It was worth the effort.

Creating and running a blog is supposed to be easy and non-technical. It’s possible to do it if you are willing to live with the defaults of the blog provider. The biggest free providers are Blogger (owned by Google) and Both are easy to set up. Take your time and read the directions. We started on I did buy my own domain name. That added a little cost and confusion. As we grew and wanted more features, we had to make tough decisions. gets very expensive as more people visit. It also severely limits the plugins that you can use. Blogger is even worse. It’s free no matter how big you get, but your options are minimal.

The biggest drawback to creating a blog is the commitment to write posts regularly. The vast majority of blogs start with a blast of posts as the blogger says what they want to write about. Then, life intrudes, and there are fewer and fewer posts. Finally, the blog fades out.

Dealing with the technical details is way easier to master than the chore of maintaining a publication. A blog is a sort of magazine. Readers expect regular updates. It takes a lot of thought and time to maintain a successful blog. It will eventually require some technical skills too. Still, if you are motivated and willing, blogging can be a lot of fun. Mrs. Lion and I like it. As of today, we have about 5,500 posts in our archives.

Blogging is a lot like yelling the news into the Grand Canyon. Someone may hear it, but you never know who or what they heard. Sure, I know how many visitors we have and what pages they visit. I have a complete set of analytics to tell me. They don’t say how readers react to our writing. We get comments from some readers. We love them, even if they are critical. We know that most readers don’t say anything. Why should they?

Maybe a better question is why we put in the time, money, and energy to publish. We don’t get any revenue from this site. We pay to keep it online. There are no ads. Any cookies dropped on our site are related to analytics. Google may also use this cookie data to provide our visitors with other services. We don’t know what they are, and we don’t benefit in any way.

We depend on search engines and other blogs to introduce us to new readers. That’s worked very well. Ironically, the more popular we become, the more expensive it is to keep the site going. I’m enough of a techno-nerd to find ways to make sure our site comes up quickly. Of course, there’s some ego involved. It’s nice to be famous, even if it is in a small circle of kinksters. A very large benefit that Mrs. Lion and I get out of blogging is the discipline of clearly articulating what we want and what we do.

Every post we write offers information about how we think about our sex lives. If we honestly communicate our feelings and desires, we will never descend into the silence of couples who are lost. We don’t always agree. Since the differences are articulated here, bridging them is a lot easier. We can crystalize our feelings here. Mrs. Lion reads every word I write. I read everything that she says.

We also talk. Often our posts provide seeds for very productive conversations. Nothing is off-limits. However weird my idea might be, Mrs. Lion is willing to consider it and most likely try it. I don’t think either of us would have guessed that we would be practicing domestic discipline on a full-time basis. If you go back in our archives, you will see our baby steps, our failures, and our occasional triumphs. You can also read my poorly-formed ideas and how they got refined over time.

If our blog does anything, it illustrates how our relationship has evolved over the last eight years. Maybe we can help others on the same path.