A wife beater is the nickname for a tank-style undershirt for men. Well, Lion just purchased a rug beater that I’m calling the husband beater. At his suggestion, I tested it on him last night. Admittedly, I didn’t whomp him as hard as I would have for punishment. I just wanted to get a feel for it and allow Lion to do the same. I can see how it might be something that would leave a mark, but I don’t think I’d use it as the primary paddle of a session. It wasn’t very comfortable to hold and I’m not sure it packs as much punch as a wooden or rubber paddle. Lion says it stings, which makes sense.

The Husband Beater, made especially for spanking. Lion will probably learn to hate this toy.

After I was done with my husband-beater experiment, I had Lion lay across the bed. It’s true, I didn’t try this on Friday night. I just assumed Lion wasn’t able to play and left it at that. He was ready last night. It took a bit, and I don’t know if it was just another day or the spanking did the trick, but he got hard. I edged him a few times and left him wanting more. It hasn’t been that long since his last orgasm so I wasn’t even tempted to give him one. [Lion — It was four days last night.] However, after a ruined orgasm, I’m always worried about going too far again and hypervigilant about salvaging it if I am stupid enough to press my luck. As a result, for a while at least, I probably don’t get him as close to the edge as I could. Over time, of course, the memory of the ruined orgasm fades and I get brazen all over again.

Lion loves pomp and circumstance when it comes to playing. He wants me to enjoy things too. If I look like I’m just going through the motions, he thinks I’m doing it to appease him. The problem with this is that I don’t know what fanfare he’s looking for and I’m usually trying to make sure I’m doing things correctly. Tying his balls may sound easy, and it is compared with when I first started out, but I still have to make sure I’ve got both balls, I’m not pinching him, I’m not tying too loose or too tight, and I’ve left myself enough rope to tie the actual knot. I can’t be Vanna White and the technical guy at the same time. I don’t know if any of that played into Friday night’s problem or not.

I think I need to adjust my thinking about the Box O’Fun. Just presenting it to Lion for him to choose doesn’t mean the fanfare is over. He still needs the “voila” moment during play. I try but sometimes I miss. I think I missed on Friday. Tonight is another opportunity for fanfare.

One failed erection is nothing to apologize for. In the overall scheme of things, it’s not a big deal. To me, of course. To a guy, not being able to get it up can be catastrophic. Are my playboy days over? Am I no longer a man? Lion and I have been together for a long time. I don’t base his manhood on his, well, manhood. I certainly wouldn’t base it on one night.

Maybe he wasn’t really in the mood for ball bondage. Maybe he was really looking forward to my spanking experiment starting again and when I said I didn’t think it was necessary, a fantasy was gone. Of course it wasn’t necessary. None of this is really necessary. Air is necessary. Spanking experiments are not.

I could be oversimplifying. Perhaps he wasn’t fantasizing about the experiment. Maybe it was 8:27 pm and he thought it was too late to play. Maybe it was Friday night. Maybe it was 72 degrees in the house. It could have been anything. Or nothing. I don’t think we need to put too much importance on it. And yet, here I am, writing a post about it. Why? I don’t know.

Sometimes when I start out writing a post, I go way the hell off the rails before I get back on track. I started thinking about last night and how much of a big deal it wasn’t. I mean, why apologize to me? Shit happens. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve disappointed Lion by what I did or didn’t do for him. If you’ve been reading the blog from the beginning, you know we started male chastity because I all but ignored him sexually. We fell into the stereotypical marriage where the wife never wants sex and the poor husband has to beg for it. Locking him up was the “cure” for that.

Ironically, we’re now the pseudo-stereotypical marriage where the wife never wants sex and the poor husband has to beg for it. The difference is that the poor husband gets teased within an inch of his life most nights without the satisfaction of having an orgasm. That sounds the same doesn’t it? Still no love for the poor Lion. There’s a lot of difference, of course. Lion gets sexual attention even if he doesn’t get his long sought after orgasm. He gets frustrated and horny and he loves every minute of it. Okay, maybe not every minute. He certainly loves it more than he did before we started male chastity. He’d much rather have blue balls this way, I bet.

So last night’s miscue is not a big deal. We’ll try again and again until we get it right. Practice makes perfect.

Last night I brought out the Box O’Fun and asked Lion if he wanted to play. He said he did and chose ball bondage. Then he asked if we could put it off a day. I agreed. It may seem odd that I agree to delay things. I do this because I don’t think it makes any sense to play with Lion when he doesn’t want to play. Punishment should go on, but play is voluntary.

What I found odd is Lion wanting to delay ball bondage. He likes being tied up. I wonder if he would have wanted to play if he chose something different. You’ll remember he wanted to pick again when he chose a coconut oil hand job the other day. Does he have his mind set on one thing and, when he doesn’t choose it, he doesn’t want to continue? Am I giving him too much of a say in it? Or should I flat out ask him what he’d rather do?

The purpose of the Box O’Fun is to avoid inertia. It would be too easy for us to say, “I don’t care. What do you want to do?” to each other and be stuck doing nothing. I bring out the box and ask if he wants to choose so he can decide if he’s up for playing. To me, this is reasonable. I can decide I don’t want to play by not bringing out the box. Until we started using the box, Lion had no way of telling me he wasn’t in the mood. However, what if he has his heart set on just having a blow job? No ball swats or clothespins. Just a blow job. The box does not offer that option. What if he chose Icy Hot but what he really wants is ball bondage? Should he be able to put off the Icy Hot and ask for ball bondage instead? Eventually he’d have to have the Icy Hot because he chose it, but does that mean he shouldn’t get any action at all?

As it is right now, if Lion doesn’t choose from the Box O’Fun or if he asks to put off the activity, nothing else happens. I guess I’ve been assuming if he isn’t in the mood for whatever he chose, it means he’s not in the mood for anything. Couldn’t he say, “I don’t want to choose, but can we snuggle?” I think so. And I’m leaning toward allowing him to suggest an alternative choice. We’d still be avoiding inertia and isn’t that the point?

For a long time, I’ve asserted that Lion’s wait times are wrong. He says he’s been waiting X number of days based on his last orgasm. I say he shouldn’t count the few days after orgasm because he could care less if he has sex or not. Suddenly, the other day he came around to my line of thinking. Of course, he didn’t say he was agreeing with me. He just made a statement. What the heck? It sort of gave me flashbacks to arguments with my ex. We’d be yelling for hours and then realize we were both saying the same thing. It was so frustrating. Obviously, the level of frustration with Lion was far less than with the ex, but the concept of saying the same thing was there.

Naturally, counting from the orgasm date gives a more concrete number. I have no idea when Lion begins to get horny unless he tells me. On the other hand, I don’t really care how long he waits. I take my cues from him and then I decide when I feel like giving him an orgasm. I’ve been known to give him an orgasm the day after the last one just to keep him on his toes. That hasn’t happened recently because he’s physically not ready for one that soon. When he was having stomach issues, I think he waited over twenty days between orgasms. Does that mean he waited over twenty days? I don’t think so. Yes, physically, he didn’t have an orgasm for twenty days. But most of that time he was trying to get his stomach and intestines to stop playing ping pong. He wasn’t thinking about sex. He wasn’t really waiting.

So how long was he waiting? That’s the problem. I have no way of knowing. I’m not sure Lion does either. If there was one day in the middle of all the turmoil that Lion felt horny, does that start the clock? Or is that day just counted as a day along with the random Tuesday he felt a little better or the following Saturday that he thought he might get lucky? It will be incredibly hard to quantify things.

The other problem, which isn’t really so much a problem as an observation, is that some ten-day waits are worse than others. I don’t know if it’s hormones, the amount of reading he’s done, the way the planets align or what, but sometimes Lion is hornier than other times. Sometimes he wants an orgasm. Sometimes he really wants an orgasm. And sometimes he really, really wants an orgasm. After some waits, he’ll say, “Well, it was an X day wait.” Yes, but for three of those days, he didn’t care. Does that make it a seven day wait? It’s a little too subjective to fully figure out. And, in the end, does it really matter? We’re not going for the record or anything. I just frustrate him for a few days (sometimes more) and give him an orgasm. Done.

The thing that was important to me over this past week was making up for the ruined orgasm he had. We hate those. Lion told me not to worry about it, but I wanted to do a reset to his system. I know it sounds silly. I just wanted, I don’t know, to apologize to his body for the less-than-stellar orgasm. Of course, there have been other orgasms along the way that were less than stellar, but I don’t normally cause them. I mean, I cause the orgasm, but the lack of stellar-ness is not my fault. When it is my fault, I feel the need to correct it. Consider it an I’m-sorry-your-dinner-was-not-to-your-liking-so-I’ve-taken-it-off-the-bill situation. I basically made up for crappy service.

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