As I mentioned last week, I’ve been trying contacts. They’re multifocal. I’m told it takes a long time to get used to them. Some people never get used to them. I guess it’s a double whammy having multifocals as a first ever pair of contacts. My distance vision is just starting to go. I have a slight prescription. Reading is more of a problem. Several years ago I reached the inevitable presbyopia stage. I’ve coined the term “presbyoldpeople” since it hits you when you’re older. Needless to say, with my eyes freaking out in the contacts, reading is more difficult. I get a few minutes of clarity, realize it and my eyes blur again like they’ve been caught making things clear and they aren’t quite ready to admit it yet. It’s frustrating, but not insurmountable.

I guess having my eyes and my brain at odds with each other is tiring. My eyes don’t hurt. Except for the occasional hey-you-have-foreign-bodies-in-your-eyes feeling, it’s pretty comfortable. Lion has worn contacts forever. He says it’s definitely making me tired. I may not feel it as actual tiredness, but it’s there. I am determined to make this work. Maybe not these exact contacts, but some contacts will work.

Lion has been down for a few days. I won’t say it’s not a big deal. I know how big a deal it is when you’re down. I’ll just say it happens from time to time. It happens to many of us. I’m not sure there’s anything that can be done at this point. He’s not climbing a ladder to jump off the roof. The only thing I can do is be here for him and do whatever I can to help him work through it. If he needs a swift kick in the ass, I’m his girl. I’m his girl anyway, but you know what I mean.

When I asked if he wanted any action last night or if he wanted to wait, he asked if we could wait. We can and did. We snuggled for a bit until our body parts started begging us to move. I’ll ask again tonight. And if the answer is no again, I’ll be a little more adventurous with my hands to see if I can get my weenie’s attention. That’s not to say we have to do anything. I just want to get my weenie involved in the conspiracy to make Lion feel better. If my weenie and the boys are on board, I stand a better chance of getting a yes from Lion. No, it’s not the answer, but it’s a step closer.

Eventually, we’ll get back on track. I’m not rushing it. Things take time. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t think Lion is either.

Despite the fact that I’m working, I’m having trouble keeping track of what day it is. I keep thinking it’s Thursday. For days I’ve thought it was Thursday. I have no idea what’s special about that day that makes me want to hurry it along, but it still isn’t Thursday. I can’t imagine how Lion keeps the days straight. I do know that the longer his furlough drags on, the more he worries about his job and how we’ll pay for things. I also think he’s upset about his birthday. There’s nothing like a birthday to stir up feelings of mortality.

Between having an orgasm Sunday night and worrying about things, he didn’t want to do anything last night. I’m not sure what I can do to help except be there for him. Telling him to snap out of it is ridiculous. When you’re in a funk, there’s no snapping out of it. Ironically, I do tend to snap out of it eventually. By that, I mean I don’t gradually feel better. It seems to happen suddenly. When I had my recent whatever-the-hell-it-was, I felt rotten all day, up to and including the time I left work. I ran an errand on the way home and by the time I walked in the door I was fine. But that’s me. And I’m weird. All I can do for Lion is to keep things as even-keeled as possible and help him through.

Several months ago, I suggested that Lion’s wait time shouldn’t officially start until he was horny again. Since he’s not ready for action the day after an orgasm, should that really count? At times, he doesn’t feel horny for a few days. When I suggested not counting those days, Lion said they should count. Recently, however, he seems to be saying they shouldn’t count.

The problem, of course, is that it’s difficult to know when the clock should start. Does it start when I can edge him? Does it start when he feels horny? We haven’t been able to answer those questions. I guess that means we’re stuck with our current method. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. As long as we both realize it might not be the most accurate system in the world, we should be fine. When Lion sighs and says he’s waited X days, he needs to understand that the real number is actually less. I think that’s made it easier for me to make him wait. It may have been 21 days since his last orgasm, but he didn’t really start feeling it until the fourth day, so it’s really a seventeen-day wait. It’s funny how the mind can justify things.

We’re getting a different kind of blow job here in the Pacific Northwest. So far the winds aren’t too bad but they are giving us little power glitches. The uninterruptable power supplies are holding things steady for now. It was raining earlier but I guess the wind blew all the clouds away. Now the sun is shining away.

Lion had a blow job on Sunday night. Last night was a night off. We watched TV as always. Tonight I’ll take the weenie out for a test drive and see how responsive it is. I think there might be a good chance that it will get hard pretty quickly. I’m not sure Lion will make it to the edge tonight. For the past few months his responses have been slower. I always hold out hope, though. I like it when he’s horny.

Although I’m the one who decides when he has an orgasm, it’s not like he has no say in the matter. Obviously, he can’t just say he wants an orgasm. His say has more to do with whether he can make it to the edge or not. Clearly, I can’t give him an orgasm if he can’t get to the edge. I could suck him all night and, if he can’t do it, he can’t do it. Sometimes that’s why I decide to strike while the lion is hot. Sunday was part of his birthday weekend. If I had waited till Monday, the weekend would have been gone. Now that his sore has healed, it’s no longer an obstacle and we are free to play as we wish. I could give him an orgasm tonight if I can get his motor running. It wouldn’t necessarily be a good idea, but I could.

I mentioned in a post last week that I might make Lion’s wait a lot shorter this time around. There’s no reason for it, other than to change things up. I like to keep him guessing. If he settles in for a long wait and I hit him with a shorter wait, it keeps him on his toes. I could just as easily make him wait 17 days. I could roll dice or even throw a dart at a calendar. There is no method to my madness. Generally I just wait until I want to give him one. Yup. It’s usually me who gives in first. It’s not because he wants one. He always wants one. I mean, yes, he always wants one, but he’d be happy waiting longer than I do most of the time.

So I really can’t answer when Lion’s next blow job will be. It might be as soon as Friday. Then again, it might not be till some other Friday. Or non-Friday.

Our stupid football team lost again. I don’t know if any other team has as bad a record. It was a fairly close game and they did do a bit better than their other games, but they still lost. Lion suggested playing Spankball. Normally we do the swats after each score but we decided to wait until the end of the game. He got 143 swats. That isn’t bad in the overall scheme of things. Afterward, he said it’s probably better to do them after each score. That way it’s tied into the game.

A while later I decided to give my weenie a try. When I started, Lion said he could probably wait another day. I decided we should give it a try to see what would happen. At the very least, he’d get some attention. He got hard and eventually, I asked if he wanted me to suck him. Silly question.

For someone who hasn’t been edged in a while, he was certainly excited. I know he wondered if he’d need extra attention to get his motor running again. Not necessary. He was raring to go. He got to the edge very quickly. I asked if he was sure he wanted to just be edged last night. I don’t remember what he said. I was willing to wait…and then I wasn’t. I gave him his orgasm. [Lion comments — I said I was fine with waiting. She didn’t answer.]

It wasn’t a huge one like when he waited 20 days last time. It probably would have been if I waited until today or tomorrow. But I was done waiting. I wanted to give him an orgasm. It wasn’t because his wait was 21 days. I just wanted him to have it. You can’t blame me for wanting to make him feel good. That’s my job.

Deciding how long to make him wait this next time is also my job. I’m toying with having it be a short wait. What does that mean? Four days is short. But so is ten when you compare it to a 21 day wait. I’ll know when it’s time. Lion won’t.