We’re getting a different kind of blow job here in the Pacific Northwest. So far the winds aren’t too bad but they are giving us little power glitches. The uninterruptable power supplies are holding things steady for now. It was raining earlier but I guess the wind blew all the clouds away. Now the sun is shining away.

Lion had a blow job on Sunday night. Last night was a night off. We watched TV as always. Tonight I’ll take the weenie out for a test drive and see how responsive it is. I think there might be a good chance that it will get hard pretty quickly. I’m not sure Lion will make it to the edge tonight. For the past few months his responses have been slower. I always hold out hope, though. I like it when he’s horny.

Although I’m the one who decides when he has an orgasm, it’s not like he has no say in the matter. Obviously, he can’t just say he wants an orgasm. His say has more to do with whether he can make it to the edge or not. Clearly, I can’t give him an orgasm if he can’t get to the edge. I could suck him all night and, if he can’t do it, he can’t do it. Sometimes that’s why I decide to strike while the lion is hot. Sunday was part of his birthday weekend. If I had waited till Monday, the weekend would have been gone. Now that his sore has healed, it’s no longer an obstacle and we are free to play as we wish. I could give him an orgasm tonight if I can get his motor running. It wouldn’t necessarily be a good idea, but I could.

I mentioned in a post last week that I might make Lion’s wait a lot shorter this time around. There’s no reason for it, other than to change things up. I like to keep him guessing. If he settles in for a long wait and I hit him with a shorter wait, it keeps him on his toes. I could just as easily make him wait 17 days. I could roll dice or even throw a dart at a calendar. There is no method to my madness. Generally I just wait until I want to give him one. Yup. It’s usually me who gives in first. It’s not because he wants one. He always wants one. I mean, yes, he always wants one, but he’d be happy waiting longer than I do most of the time.

So I really can’t answer when Lion’s next blow job will be. It might be as soon as Friday. Then again, it might not be till some other Friday. Or non-Friday.

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