Yesterday, Mrs. Lion’s post was about an incident years ago that she imagines might be the reason she wanted me locked up during her trip. This incident is the only truly disturbing event in our marriage.

In her post, Mrs. Lion reports that one morning she woke me very early to tell me that she was going to drive hundreds of miles to see her kids who were camping in Oregon. That’s the first disconnect. I have no memory of being awakened and given that news. When I actually got up, she was gone. She never left without letting me know her plans. I was very worried.

I tried to call her on her cell phone. No answer. After many hours and still no trace of her, I was near panic. Finally over 10 hours later she answered her phone. According to my memory, for the first time she told me that her ex husband and kids were camping in Oregon and she drove to see them. It was an eight hour drive. I asked her why she didn’t tell me. She answered that she was afraid I wouldn’t want her to go. So, rather than risk an argument or not go, she took off without telling me.

She wrote that I was jealous she was going back to her ex. I wasn’t. I was terrified that she decided to leave me. She’s told me about other times she’d done this sort of thing in her prior marriage. Justified or not, I was sure that was also happening to me. I wasn’t jealous of her ex. I was afraid she decided to go off on an adventure that took her out of my life.

The actual event: her leaving in the early morning and being incommunicado for the day are facts we both acknowledge. In retrospect, now that I know where she went, I know I wasn’t threatened. That doesn’t mean we reached closure. I, at least, haven’t. I’m haunted by the, “I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to go” comment. I’m not worried that is still true. She is way past that point. She makes plans without consulting me. But she always informs me of what she is thinking of doing. I’m never surprised.

The scenario as I remember it has her desperately wanting to see her kids and that she needed to run away to make it happen. That is a very negative view of me. I hope that’s changed. That particular pattern was one she developed in her former marriage. Maybe this was a hangover from it.

I will still panic if she isn’t home when I expect her. Neither of us goes off without informing the other. Even if it’s just to have a drink with the “girls” after work, Mrs. Lion informs me. She knows I worry. I, of course, do the same for her.

I’m sure she is over her earlier pattern of taking off. What surprised me in her post was that she remembers telling me she was going. Maybe she did and I was asleep. Or maybe she doesn’t want to remember saying that she was afraid I would stop her.

Of course this is ancient history. The feelings are still fresh in my mind. I don’t panic easily. I used to run master control at a major network. But in this case, I was sure my world had just fallen apart.

It’s interesting that she thinks the reason she wanted me locked in a chastity device, and send her pictures, is that she was giving me a sort of emotional pacifier. The cage was to reassure me that I’m still hers. It’s not a bad idea. I didn’t understand it that way. To me, it’s a way to stay connected on a very primal level. I love that connection.

For the record, I have no hard feelings about the incident all those years ago. I can still call up how frightened I was at the time. It was one of the most frightening days of my life.

[Mrs. Lion – Lion and I have vastly different recollections of that day.]

I was out shopping for dorm room things with my daughter and we were talking about her father and how things worked out (or didn’t work out) between us. I was just about to tell her how upset Lion got one time I decided to visit them when they were in Oregon on an RV trip, and a thought occurred to me: did I decide to lock Lion up while I was away to keep him from being insecure about my seeing my ex?

Yikes! It certainly wasn’t a conscious reason. It’s kind of a fucked up reason even if it was buried deep in the back of my brain. But why would that thought pop up? And why would I think Lion wouldn’t be insecure if he was locked up?

Maybe I’m desperate to figure out a reason for locking him up. Maybe Lion has asked enough times that I think I need to give him an answer. Maybe I’ve given him the only answer I have to give him: he likes to be locked up and asking for pictures of the lock was a way to let him know I’d be thinking about him while I’m away.

I don’t know why that thought popped into my head. It certainly was not the reason for him to be locked up. Maybe I was thinking my ex should be locked up – in a mental institution. Let’s just say that I will be absolutely ready to leave here on Sunday and get back to Lion.

I got to spend part of yesterday cage free. Mrs. Lion had me remove the chastity device and have a few hours of freedom. After my shower, the cage went back on. Once the cage was off, I checked for bad smells. There were none. I didn’t expect this little vacation from chastity. It was a good opportunity to assess my condition after five days without release.

There were no issues at all. The sore spot I acquired when the Jail Bird rotated and pinched me, has largely faded away. I can’t detect any rough spots or other evidence the cage hurt me. Since my normal lockup isn’t with this cage and I’m generally unlocked every day or two, we both wondered if longer lockup would have any adverse effects. It didn’t.

Of course, lack of sexual attention affects me. I’m not really horny. That’s probably curable when Mrs. Lion returns home on Sunday night. Well, maybe not Sunday night. She’ll probably be too tired. I’ll probably remain in the cage until Monday night after she’s had a chance to get some rest. I imagine we’ll have big fun; well she will.

It’s fun having a few hours of being wild. It has nothing to do with sex, or course. I haven’t felt any stirrings of an erection. It’s just convenient to pee without scoping out my orientation in the cage. It’s nice to sit down without having to assure my balls aren’t under me. Actually, there is very little difference to me whether locked or wild. I wonder if that means I am domesticated.

I often read guys claiming the size base ring they need shrinks. They claim their scrotum has thinned. Others claim their penises get smaller after prolonged lockup. In my case that’s not true. The same base ring that I used when I started is still the best fitting for me. My penis is the same size it always was.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t any changes. The biggest is that I’ve lost interest in masturbating. Mrs. Lion forbade it almost five years ago. She enforced her rule by keeping me in a male chastity device for almost five years. At this point I can safely live outside of the cage without any chance I will jerk off. I also don’t get hard as often. Yes, I get my morning wood, or a tightening of the cage in the morning, but during the day I don’t get hard. I  just don’t.

Mrs. Lion can get me hard without much trouble. So, I’m not impotent as a result of long term chastity. I’ve just “learned” who can get me hard. It isn’t me.

Enforced chastity has changed me. The changes aren’t to my anatomy, but they are just as profound. I don’t think I am alone. It stands to reason that long term physical control of a man’s penis will affect him. The changes in my case are a little surprising to me.

I let Lion cut the seal and go wild.I checked the number first.

But he’s going to have to send me a picture of the cage with the seal today. Then he can unlock himself, check a sore spot I noticed on my weenie before I left, take a shower, and lock himself back up. Of course, he’ll need to send me a picture of the new seal proving he’s safe and secure in the cage again.

That’s assuming the sore spot is not irritated. I do not want him in the cage with a sore spot. It will only get worse and I won’t be able to play with my weenie when I get home. And I want to play with him. Maybe not on the first night after traveling cross country, but I want a non-sore weenie.

We are down to four days till I get home. I can’t wait. Not that it’s not great to see my family but home is best. I know where everything is, the bed is mine and, most importantly, Lion is there. I miss him a lot.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion let me take off the cage this morning after I previewed her post. I usually shower in the late afternoon; then back in the cage.]