I let Lion cut the seal and go wild.I checked the number first.

But he’s going to have to send me a picture of the cage with the seal today. Then he can unlock himself, check a sore spot I noticed on my weenie before I left, take a shower, and lock himself back up. Of course, he’ll need to send me a picture of the new seal proving he’s safe and secure in the cage again.

That’s assuming the sore spot is not irritated. I do not want him in the cage with a sore spot. It will only get worse and I won’t be able to play with my weenie when I get home. And I want to play with him. Maybe not on the first night after traveling cross country, but I want a non-sore weenie.

We are down to four days till I get home. I can’t wait. Not that it’s not great to see my family but home is best. I know where everything is, the bed is mine and, most importantly, Lion is there. I miss him a lot.

[Lion — Mrs. Lion let me take off the cage this morning after I previewed her post. I usually shower in the late afternoon; then back in the cage.]