Step Two: Keep Trying

What a cluster! I started off my day with a worthless meeting that threw off my whole day. I felt like I was playing catch up. I went to lunch late and then realized I hadn’t written a post. Better late than never, I suppose.

I brought home pizza last night to surprise Lion. He loved it. I knew he would. That and the fact that I didn’t want to make dinner were the reasons I brought it. The Presidential address interrupted Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Lion whined that he guessed there wouldn’t be any warm up for sex. I jettisoned the dishes and grabbed the Magic Wand. I don’t know how long we warmed up, but Lion was definitely excited.

A bit after I took my shower, I tried to “revive” him. I didn’t get much reaction. He put a TV show on and we watched a few minutes. I tried again. Not much. I don’t know if he wasn’t interested in sex or more interested in TV. He said his shoulder hurt. I assume that’s what did him in. I guess I could cite the failed attempt and say that warm up doesn’t work. Lion would disagree. It was just one night. He’s right. We have a rule, of sorts, that we try things more than once (unless it’s a complete disaster) to make sure we give it a fair shake. We’ll try it again when Lion’s shoulder isn’t bothering him.

I was waiting for Lion to “buh, buh, buh” about my not teasing him. I don’t think it was my fault. I tried a few times. I didn’t make him turn the TV off or mute it. He normally does that when he’s trying to concentrate on me more than the TV. I figure if he doesn’t mute it, then he must be very interested. Is my logic flawed?

He did mention he was horny this morning as I was getting ready to leave. Good. I hope he’s horny tonight. He might get lucky. Then again, he might not.

Listen to this post.