Position is obviously important for intercourse. Ironically, the most successful in producing a female orgasm is the cowgirl position. The woman can freely adjust the angle of penetration to stimulate her vagina and clitoris optimally. Lucky girl! The same isn’t true for the man. When she faces him, her clitoris is also in front of him. The woman will naturally position herself so that the top of his penis has the most contact with her. Sadly, the underside of the penis is where the nerve cells are concentrated, which provides his pleasure. It doesn’t mean that he won’t ejaculate eventually. He will, but with great difficulty.

cowgirl position
This is cowgirl position. It’s most successful for giving Mrs. Lion orgasms.

The vast majority of women report that they can’t achieve orgasm during intercourse. The cowgirl position almost guarantees that she will and he won’t. When Mrs. Lion wanted orgasms, this was our standard position. She called it lion riding. Most of the time, after she had her orgasms, she would dismount and use her hand to give me a happy ending. I was very content with this. I love to be ridden.

reverse cowgirl
Reverse cowgirl. In this position it is easy for me to come, but difficult for Mrs. Lion.

Reverse cowgirl is amazingly exciting for the man. She straddles him but faces his feet. This position puts the most stimulation on the underside of the penis. Great for the man, not so great for her. Since she stopped caring about orgasms, on the rare occasions she has ridden me, she does it reverse cowgirl. Her sole objective was to get me off inside her.

We recently discussed sex for her. It isn’t a topic she particularly wants to talk about. I may be totally wrong, but I get the feeling that if I did a lot of foreplay and then Mrs. Lion rode me in the cowgirl position, she would have an orgasm and some fun. I’ve been thinking that there is a big difference between not wanting sex and not being interested.

If I initiate sex and both have orgasms, I think Mrs. Lion will have a good time. She may not care if she does it again, but she may still have fun. If that’s true, then I can be in charge of starting her engine. I’m saying that she doesn’t need to get horny to have a full sex life. If she has fun, only one of us has to get horny for it to work.

Maybe I’m all wrong. I might be misunderstanding how Mrs. Lion feels. Just an idea to consider.

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    1. Author

      I agree. 🙂

  1. Until you try you won’t know. The first photo is very funny and perfectly matches the chosen theme 🙂

    1. Author

      Thank you!

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