Lion is very horny. Very horny. I heard that a lot yesterday and last night. I heard it almost first thing this morning. He’s not being annoying about it; not grumbling. Just stating a fact and occasionally saying, “Buh, buh, buh.” That’s his version of “woe is me.” Of course, I’m helping him by teasing him every night.

When he was out of the room last night, I put my small bag of tricks on the bed. After he got settled, I pulled out some Velcro and ran a piece over his cock. I mean, my cock. He winced. He hates the Velcro. So, I gave him a choice: Velcro or a tiny clothespin on the head of his penis. He chose Velcro. Hmmm. Velcro or diapers today. He chose diapers. He really, really hates Velcro. So, I ran the Velcro over my cock again and put it away. Then I proceeded to tease him until he was almost incoherent. He wanted to come so badly. But no. It’s not time yet.

Poor Lion dripped precum for about an hour after I stopped teasing him. He kept telling me how horny he was. I responded with either “I know” or “Good”. When I say, “Good,” he usually says, “Humph.” It amuses me when he walks around saying, “Buh, buh, buh. Horny.” I don’t think he does it for my amusement. I also don’t think he really expects me to do anything about it. I think he wants to remind me that I’m keeping him in a constant state of horniness and he knows there’s nothing he can do about it. I don’t think he’s reached the tree-humping stage yet, but I’m sure it’s just around the corner. He has a few more days before an orgasm is even possible according to the schedule. We all know that 2.0 will do what she wants, but so far, having Lion desperate is amusing.

Now, about those diapers…. The rule of the day is that Lion will wear the diapers while at home. We need to go out this afternoon to do some shopping. He does not need to wear them while we’re out. He must wear a diaper after he pees and sit in the wet diaper until he has to pee again. Then he puts on the fresh diaper for that pee. And so on. After the initial diaper, he will always be in a wet diaper. He does not have to sleep in the diaper. I will decide when his diaper duty is complete. I’m fairly sure he doesn’t like the changing diaper rules, but it’s just one more case of keeping him guessing. One time I tell him he can pee once and wait an hour before changing. Another time he has to pee twice before changing. This time he’ll always be in a wet diaper. He never knows what I have up my sleeve. I like that.

[Lion — This may be another case of putting my own paw in my mouth. Even though I hate wearing a diaper, wearing a dry one isn’t particularly difficult; just a bit humiliating. I forget it is on when I am made to wear one. Wearing a wet one is something I can’t even pretend to like. I can’t forget it is there, even for a second. What makes all this very humiliating is that wearing a diaper, wet or dry, makes me hornier.  Mrs. Lion can make diaper wearing even more uncomfortable by making me wear it until I pee twice and then waiting until I have to pee again before changing it (she mentioned possibly doing this in an earlier post, “Diaper Scale”). I suspect doing that will make me hornier yet. I am sure that if I do this sort of thing all the time, the sexual excitement will stop. Apparently a gap of a week hasn’t dulled the turn on.]