shock collar
Smartphone controlled shock collars offers new opportunities for male control. Click image for more information.

Over a year ago I wrote about using a dog training collar for male control. The device, a small pet training collar by Pet Safe works well. We had to modify the collar part to secure it under my balls. The device came with a small remote control that looks like a miniature TIVO. It works effectively. Depending on how Mrs. Lion sets it, I will jump or even jump and yelp.

We almost never use it. It requires Mrs. Lion to tell me to put it on and then carry the remote everywhere she goes. I think she forgets to use it. After all it isn’t on the top of her mind. Or, for that matter, mine.

Since I first proposed this form of correction, the only positive feedback I’ve received came from males. Women don’t seem to be attracted to it. To be honest, the idea of correcting me isn’t appealing to Mrs. Lion. She does it because it supports our female led relationship. I don’t think she has any particular aversion to the collar as a form of correction, but it does require her to remember to use it and with the old collar, have the remote at hand.

modified training collar
This is the Smart Dog training collar that Mrs. Lion modified. She removed the plastic end, then we cut both sides so that they wrapped tightly around cock and balls, then she sewed Velcro to the strap to fasten it.

What if we no longer needed the remote control? What if Mrs. Lion’s iPhone or iPad could control the collar. She always has one or both with her, even in the house. That leaves the problem of making sure that the collar is firmly nestled under my balls. That should be easy to solve. All we need is a rule. If I am to wear the collar when we are together, then if I forget she can correct me the old fashioned way; with her paddle. I’ll learn to put it on at the directed times.

The male side of using a shock collar for correction is training him to wear it at appropriate times. The disciplining wife side is now simple too. She just has to click on the icon for the app and then zap him. This is contingent on the device being comfortable to wear. We modified the other collar successfully. This one should be easier.

This device generates a single pulse every half second or so as long as Mrs. Lion has her finger on the button. It’s very different from the small dog training collar we used in the past. The pulses are more powerful as well. Set on “1” it is a very noticeable, but not very serious jolt. It’s enough to get my attention. Set higher, it definitely reflects Mrs. Lion’s feelings about what I did. Since it is a single pulse, it is more like a quick slap than anything else. It is very effective.

The big question is, why use this at all? The training collar works by sending static electric pulses through two contacts on the device. These pulses are harmless. The sensation varies from a mild vibration to a strong jolt depending on the setting Mrs. Lion selects. The pulses continue until she releases the button. Safety features in the collar prevent the duration from going more than a few seconds. The odd thing about this form of correction is that there is no after effect. When the stimulation stops, there is no further sensation.

If you are the disciplining woman, note that this is correction, not punishment in the classic sense. The sensation is uncomfortable and the duration is very brief. So, let’s say Mrs. Lion and I are in a restaurant. I forget and eat first. A two second touch of the button on the phone app will correct me then and there. This is behavior modification at its best.

shock collar on penis
Here is the modified training collar in place around my cock and balls. The “business” end is held in firm contact under my balls.

When I first heard about using a shock collar in 2014, it seemed like a hot, sexy form of control. I didn’t see it as a serious tool for training. The main reasons were the need for the remote control and the difficult battery changes. The old unit uses watch batteries. To put new ones in the collar, tiny screws had to be removed before changing  those little, expensive batteries. The same kind of batteries power the remote. It was a lot of trouble. The Smart Dog Trainer uses built-in rechargeable batteries. It’s very easy to recharge. The phone app indicates current battery reserves, so the disciplining wife can assure her male has kept his collar fully charged and ready to zap him.

Like every other component of domestic discipline, both partners have to develop new habits to include the collar. That takes a lot of time. Mrs. Lion has begun to truly internalize observing my behavior and responding with punishment when needed. We’ve never used the shock collar for actual correction. It’s been more of a D/S toy. I suspect it will remain that way for some time. However, if I have to wear the collar when we are together (the range is about  200 feet), then she can not only have more opportunities for playful zaps, but can use it for instant correction if she remembers it’s available.

The beauty of this device is that it isn’t dangerous. It has no lasting effects, and most important of all, it’s impossible to ignore. It doesn’t hurt that the stimulation is applied at the most sensitive area of male anatomy. Most significantly for me, at least, is that I can’t prevent or stop it. I can’t take it off without pulling my pants and underpants down and then fiddling with the Velcro.

No one but both of you will know it is there. Only you will know what is happening when a correction is applied. That’s why it can be used for public play as well as correction. Since the intensity of the zap is adjustable on the phone, she can administer milder zaps for play and then turn up the intensity when a true correction is needed. All she has to do is remember to take out her phone and use it.


  1. Author

    My wife loves to use this for correction! And for fun. She has enjoyed shocking me as I am making a purchase. The suddenness and surprise always results in some exclamation as well as a jump from me. It is often hard to explain why I am acting that way.

  2. Author

    Hi there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be okay. I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.

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