After writing yesterday’s post, I decided I should probably go back through Fan Mail and adjust the level of kinkiness. While Mrs. Lion and I have a domestic discipline relationship, inserting spanking into an otherwise sexy romance novel seems like a poor idea. I have to admit that the story flows more smoothly without the somewhat-jarring episodes of male spanking. It isn’t so much that spanking is to blame. It’s more that there is a lot of context needed to establish the erotic value of the practice. The book is already loaded with sex. I think the spanking scenes, while very hot to me, are probably over the top.

Since the first 75 pages are pretty much all about sex, maybe that’s over the top too. I’m not going to change that. Part of my problem is that I find it much easier to write sex scenes than to advance the mystery plot. I’m not sure what that says about me. However, I’m hopeful that the vanilla, non-sexual activities will become easier to chronicle. Maybe it’s a good thing that not many people have read the book yet. It gives me a chance to take in feedback and make adjustments.

I find it difficult to write blog posts at the same time I’m editing or writing fiction. Maybe my synapses become overloaded trying to write two things at the same time. Anyway, I’m discovering that the process of writing fiction is something absolutely alien. I love it, but it’s a lot easier writing about the real world than creating one of my own. Anyway, I decided to let you know what was going on in terms of writing since nothing’s going on sexually right now. If you haven’t read my book yet, please do. If you have read it, please review it.

Listen to this post.


  1. I think you should leave the book as it is. You can include less spanking in the next one if you want.

  2. I agree with Richard. I also think the spanking makes sense with the way the characters think and are. Part of my reason for looking forward to the next one is the expectation that things will likely pick up in the kink area… it takes time to find an audience. Few authors have lots of readers with their first books. You are also writing in a niche market. Hang in there and I think you’ll see the success you’re hungering for.

    1. Author

      Thanks for the good wishes. I’m hoping things will pick up. I decided to reduce the kink level a little. It might be more fun to introduce it later.

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