If you are statistically minded, this is our 3,999th post. Mrs. Lion’s post later today will be number 4,000. By any count that is a lot of blog posts. Mrs. Lion and I have posted nearly every day since we started this blog. That must be a record. The first issue of the Journal published in February 2014. Mrs. Lion and I started practicing male chastity in December 2013.

spiral chastity device on penis
This device made by Lori in her early days went through my frenum piercing. (Click here to view larger)

Many years before 2013, I reviewed sex toys. I came across chastity devices and contacted the manufacturers for samples to review. At that time, I had no idea what size to request. The devices were custom-made. One device, (see image, right) worked with my frenum piercing. The device threaded through the piercing and then locked securely shut to the base ring. There is no question that it was the most secure device I ever tried. It was also the most uncomfortable and clearly too long for my penis. Like almost every other device I tried, it became too painful to wear after only a few hours. I liked this design, though I suspect it is so open that cheating would be fairly easy. You can see how the oversized spiral stretched my piercing and my penis painfully.

2nd cage I tried
This Chinese cage was way too long for me.

In December 2013, I was idly searching through Amazon.com. Just for the fun of it I typed “male chastity” into the search box. To my surprise, a fairly large number of male chastity devices were shown.

I couldn’t resist. I picked a few likely candidates and ordered them. They were all very inexpensive; none priced more than $50. Two of the candidates had urethral tubes. These tubes channel urine and make wearing the device neater. I was concerned about having a tube inside my urethra continuously. It seemed to me it could cause an infection. The others were pretty standard cages. One of them seemed to fit quite well.

This device felt fairly comfortable. I wore it for the afternoon and took it off before Mrs. Lion came home from work. After dinner, I brought it out and showed it to her. She took it in her hands and looked at it with a puzzled expression on her face. I explained that she could lock it on my penis. Wearing it obviously would prevent me from masturbating. She seemed a little surprised. She asked me if I masturbated. I told her that I did once or twice a week. She was very surprised. She told me that she had no idea I did that. She also said that she didn’t want me to do itt again.

It was my turn to be surprised. I was sure she knew that men masturbated. I never considered it a big deal. She does. She agreed to lock me in the device. I explained that she would decide how often to unlock me and how often she would allow me to have an orgasm. Before locking me up that first time, she told me she wanted to see how I masturbated. So, I jerked off while she watched. Later she told me that she wanted to see because it would teach her how I did it and she could then learn how to better jerk me off.

first male chastity cage on penis
Mrs. Lion locked me in this device that fateful night in 2013. It was one I found online. It was obviously too long for my penis. (Click here to view larger)

I should say that for some time Mrs. Lion had no real interest in sex for herself. That was the reason I masturbated. Once a month or so, she would either jerk me off or on rare occasions give me a blowjob. That was the only sex I got. One reason I wanted to try enforced male chastity was to see if it didn’t improve the amount of sexual attention I got from my lioness.

Mrs. Lion locked me inho the device. I suggested that we have a contract that spelled out how we would manage male chastity and agree on the minimum amount of time we would continue before we could decide if we wanted to continue or quit. Mrs. Lion agreed to unlock me and tease me, at the least, every other day. We agreed we would continue with my penis locked in chastity for six months. At the end of that time, we would decide if we wanted to continue.

The device was pretty comfortable. It had one major problem: the base ring was hinged so that it opened up to allow easy trapping of the balls and penis. Unfortunately, the space allowed for the hinge, would pinch the underside of my balls. I would feel it is a sharp pain and over a day or so, it would show up as a red mark. The device came with a piece of rubber tubing designed to go over the hinge and protect the balls. We tried it, but it would migrate away from the place it was needed. As a result, I had to go uncaged for a couple of days every now and then to allow me to heal. When I was uncaged, Mrs. Lion said that I was wild. Of course, the same rules applied. I wasn’t ever free to masturbate.

Like most newly-caged males, I read everything I could find on the web about male chastity. I read about custom chastity devices. The consensus at the time was that devices by Mature Metal were the very best. I read every word on their website. Various blogs and male chastity forums suggested that the Jail Bird model was the most comfortable.

Long jail bird
I was too generous in measuring my penis length for my first Jail Bird. The tip of my cock didn’t touch the end of the cage.

I religiously followed the measuring instructions on the Mature Metal website, and sent an email ordering a Jail Bird. I was told the device would arrive in about six weeks. This long delay is one of the reasons that many newly-caged males don’t order custom devices. However, after a month or two of wearing an off-the-shelf device, the value of a custom-made chastity cage becomes apparent.

The Jail Bird arrived in due time. It was beautiful. It fit very well and we were both happy with it. The open cage-like design made it easy for me to keep clean. It didn’t allow enough room for an erection. It did the job and was very comfortable to wear.

I had a problem, however. Because the tip of my penis was not touching the end of the cage, when I went to urinate, frequently the spray would go all over. Some guys deal with this by peeing sitting down. When they do that, they don’t get the bathroom floor all wet, but they do give their balls a shower. I wrote to Mature Metal, and asked if there was something that could be done. It turned out that for a relatively small charge, they could shorten the cage. Mrs. Lion took a tape measure to the cage while my penis was in it, and determined that it was 1/2 an inch too long. I ordered that the cage be shortened by three-quarters of an inch. This would allow a little compression to assure the head of my penis stayed in place.

1 inch-long Jail Bird Male Chastity Device
This is the shortest Jail Bird. The cage is just one inch long. It fits me perfectly. (Click here to view larger)

When the shortened cage arrived, it appeared to solve the problem. The cage was only 1 1/4 inches long. It didn’t take long to discover that head of my penis could still pull back enough to go off-center and spray through the bars. I went back to Mature Metal and asked them if they could shortly cage to just 1 inch. They said they could, but warned me that they couldn’t go any shorter. I sent them back my cage and within a couple of weeks, I got back the new, 1-inch cage.

This device was perfect. My urethra poked out of the bars just a little bit, and for the most part, stayed in position so that I could use the toilet standing up with no problem. Occasionally, even with this very short cage, I could go out of alignment a little. A small amount of pressure with a finger or a Q-tip got me back into position. This is my current go-to cage.

Lion's penis in Cherrykeeper chastity device
The 3D printed Cherry Keeper is an example of excellent devices at reasonable cost.

Over the years, I have tried other custom-made chastity devices. If you want to read about them, do a site search on “Reviews”. They have ranged from cages to a device that completely encases my cock and balls. Most have been 3D-printed. 3D printing has lowered the cost of a custom device as well as made delivery much faster. It’s now possible to get a custom-made device for less than $200 delivered in less than three weeks. Of course, that doesn’t mean people have stopped buying handmade stainless steel devices. There is something about wearing steel that is very exciting. to many men

lion's butt paddled with paddle tramp
This little paddle was bought as a joke and spent years hanging from our refrigerator. It’s no joke on my bottom.

The other side of the lion
Over the years before we began male chastity, Mrs. Lion and I enjoyed some BDSM play. She would spank me (not very hard), put dildos and butt plugs up my ass, and play with my cock and balls. We didn’t do this very frequently but it was a lot of fun when we did. Mrs. Lion always topped me.

When we started male chastity, it was a sort of continuation of our BDSM play. Mrs. Lion is in charge and has full control over my ability to enjoy sex. Since the chastity device prevents erections, she also controls when I can get hard. This control is 24/7. In a way, it’s an extreme form of BDSM.

It was natural that sooner or later I would want to extend this. Feeling her control over my ability to have sexual pleasure is very exciting. I reasoned that if that control were extended it would even be more fun. I asked Mrs. Lion if she could take charge of more. She agreed.

In the beginning, things were very simple. Mrs. Lion made a couple of simple rules. One was that I was not allowed to spill food on my shirt. She figured I would break this rule a lot. She was right.

The second rule was that I had to wait to eat until she had started. Again, she figured I’d break this one too on a regular basis. She was right about this too. When I broke one of the rules, she would spank me. We have a pretty large collection of spanking paddles. I acquired most of them in the years before I met Mrs. Lion. During those years, I was the one doing the spanking. Now, they were coming in handy for her to use on me.

Since Mrs. Lion’s spankings have become so severe, lesser offenses are now punished with more childish punishments like this: standing in the corner.

She had never spanked before and it took her a very long time to get to the point that her spankings were painful enough to act as a deterrent. I’m getting ahead of myself.

During those early days of spilling and spanking, it occurred to me that if Mrs. Lion could punish me for spilling on my shirt, she could also punish me for doing things that upset her.

Mrs. Lion has always been rather introverted. She doesn’t like to express her feelings. When I’ve said things that hurt, she just stays quiet about them. At some point, she stays a little too quiet. After some prodding by me, she will tell me what upset her. It occurred to me that if instead of keeping quiet and stewing, she could growl at me and then punish me, we would both be much better off.

I wrote about this in the blog and Mrs. Lion tentatively agreed. That was over three years ago. During the last three years, her spanking skills have improved substantially. Now, at the end of 2019, she delivers bruising spankings that I will feel for a day or two afterward. Her spankings have become so severe that we decided she wouldn’t use them to punish me for breaking those “training wheels” rules. Instead, for them, she would inflict more childish punishments like soaping my mouth or making me stand in the corner.

So far, this has worked out very well. The sole exception is when these milder funishments don’t cause me to correct my behavior. The best example of this is that I consistently forget to remind Mrs. Lion that Saturday is punishment day. I’m required to remind Mrs. Lion every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday that it is punishment day. When we first started with our disciplinary relationship, Mrs. Lion would often put off punishments to the point that she totally forgot them. To help correct this, we established punishment days. On those days if there were any punishments as yet un-administered, after dinner I would be punished. This never worked out very well, but she still wants me to remind her. Sadly, I can’t seem to remember to remind her on Saturdays. I’ve done this so many times, that now when I forget she gives me a full-scale spanking.

For some reason, the red color of my butt doesn’t come out in our photo. Mrs. Lion’s spankings leave marks and hurt for a day or two after she administers them.

Mrs. Lion still has trouble punishing me for saying things that upset her. I’m hoping that this will become easier for her as time goes on. In the meantime, I try to point out situations when she seems to be annoyed. Sometimes, I even point these out in my posts. It’s not that I want a spanking. I want Mrs. Lion to be more aware of what upsets her and to feel she has the opportunity to take action to correct me when I am the cause.

We’ve come a long way
A lot has happened in the last six years. I’ve had health problems that have left me much more dependent than I’ve ever been before in my life. Mrs. Lion has stepped up and takes wonderful care of me. We’ve gone from a tentative step into male chastity all the way to a butt-bruising, full-scale, Female Led Relationship with Discipline.

Now that we have been doing this for years, it’s part of our marriage. There is no way we can go back. We learned this a few months ago. I had to undergo some surgery that required a relatively long recuperation. During that time, Mrs. Lion suspended all rules. One day, I happened to mention to her that I missed our FLRD. I even missed the spankings. She agreed. We both felt that something was missing from our marriage. We were very happy when we could get back to normal.

From time to time we get comments from people who wonder how we can possibly do what we do. They suggest that Mrs. Lion is excessively cruel. This is untrue. When it comes to domestic discipline, Mrs. Lion has been very careful not to do too much. The simple fact is that the level of spanking I get is the minimum required to get my attention. She’s learning how to become a better disciplining wife. She’s already mastered how to be a brilliant keyholder. I’m very lucky she’s in my life.


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