After all these years you’d think that being locked into a chastity device is absolutely routine for me. In most ways it is. Nevertheless for about a week or so after I am locked up after being wild, the device feels a little uncomfortable and quite alien. In a way, I like that. It’s a very strong reminder that I am being controlled. After that first couple of weeks, the device is simply part of me. I don’t think about it. I only notice it when my balls get caught on something or I need a slight adjustment. The Evotion Orion that I am currently wearing keeps my urethra beautifully centered in the opening provided for it. That means I don’t even have to think about it when I’m standing up to urinate. I plan to write a detailed review of this device in the next week or so.

Hair is beginning to grow back so I suppose I’ll have to ask Mrs. Lion to get out the wax and remove the unwanted fur. It’s a chore that she doesn’t enjoy. I’m grateful she’s willing to do it for me. Based on what she said after my last waxing, I may need to find a professional to take care of my legs. For right now, I’m most interested in the Lionzilian. We don’t need stray hair in the pictures of the Orion.

Remy chastity device
Remy male chastity device. That’s
hairy me in 1995.

It fascinates me that the male chastity device industry is affected by progress the same way other, much-larger manufacturing is being forced to change. At the very beginning of the male chastity device business, most of the devices were put together using electrical and plumbing parts. The device I am modeling (image, right) was made by a guy who called himself Remy. He made it using some plastic conduit and a cable clamp. He dipped both in tooldip. It was not terrible and for the time, it did a good job.

lori chastity device
Lori’s first male chastity device. The heavy device hung from
my frenum piercing.

Another early player was a woman named Lori. Her partner manufactured devices out of stainless steel. He hammered sheets into cylinders and then formed bars, base ring, etc. She is still in business. When Remy gave up his business, she picked up his URL. Because of the relatively crude manufacturing technique, the Lori devices tend to be very heavy. Her original devices required a piercing, specifically a frenum piercing to attach the device to the penis. My problem with this was that the weight of the device painfully irritated my pierced skin. Here I am in one of her very early devices (image, left). It was way too long for me and so heavy I could wear it for less than a day before the pain was unbearable. I’m happy to say that in the years since then — over 20 years ago — her manufacturing has improved dramatically and she has many happy customers.

1 inch-long Jail Bird Male Chastity Device
This is my Mature Metal Jail Bird.

When Mature Metal started up their business, they used much more sophisticated techniques to forge stainless steel devices. Their Jail Bird is one of the most popular custom-made devices on the market today. That’s the one I wore for over three years (image, right). There are lots of physical limitations involved in manufacturing a device designed to fit over a penis. Most of the people that make these devices do the best they can but can’t really create lightweight, perfect devices. The one exception is a Canadian company that uses sophisticated machine tools to produce exquisite devices made up of stainless steel, titanium, gold, and other exotic metals. Their cheapest custom-made device is more than $2500. A Jail Bird sells for about $400.

About 10 years ago 3D printing came into its own. Several companies set themselves up as public 3D printers. You could submit a digital design to them and they would print it as a full-sized three-dimensional rendering. There are almost no limitations as to shape or size. Early on one or two people manufactured and tried to sell 3D-printed chastity devices. I bought one. It was not a good fit, even though I supplied my measurements. My penis was in the wrong position to urinate without making a terrible mess. It was reasonably comfortable, but it was large and definitely not ready for prime time.

Now, there are a few people making these devices using 3D printing. Custom Chastity was the first I discovered. I ordered one of their custom devices. It’s a great design. It takes advantage of 3D printing by subtle shape adjustments that exactly match the shape of my penis. It’s pretty and weighs nearly nothing. The problem is that the manufacturer, a couple living in Australia, uses Shapeways, the largest public 3D printer, to manufacture the device. I believe they also make most of the other chastity devices that are 3D-printed. They don’t charge a lot and they do excellent work.

custom chastity male chastity device
Custom Chastity device. Great design but
ruined by rough finish.

The problem is that they use a technique called sintering to produce the devices. Sintering works by laying a thin layer of tiny plastic particles on a level table. A laser scans the shape of the device fusing the tiny particles. Think of the scan as a slice of the physical device. After it makes the scan, another layer of plastic bead is put down and the laser fuses that for the next slice. The slices are very very thin and the result is a perfect rendering of the digital design. The problem for chastity device wearers is that those tiny particles remain on the outside surface of the device. It’s like sandpaper. I found the Custom Chastity device so rough my skin was rubbed raw after wearing it for a few hours. When I asked Custom Chastity about this problem, at first they claimed no one else had trouble with the device.

Later, they admitted that this was an issue and they were trying to fix it. Shapeways offers a “premium” finish. This is an extra step after the 3D printing. They tumble the products with mildly abrasive ball bearings. This tumbling makes the surface much smoother. The Custom Chastity people claimed it didn’t work. That’s the reason I don’t recommend their device. It’s a really nice design but until they can produce it so that it doesn’t take your skin off, it isn’t worth much.

All you need to become a male chastity device manufacturer is the ability to use 3D digital design software. Of course, you also need to understand the anatomy of thepenis and have some idea about how you want to build a cage for it. One guy started a little company of his own. Apparently, he spent quite a while working out a design for a chastity device he could wear. By the time he decided to sell it, he had a really nice concept. He calls this model the Cherry Keeper. You can search here to read my review of the Cherry Keeper. I wore mine for quite a while. He designed a feature that he thought would make it more difficult for people to pull out of the cage. Pullout is the most common form of cheating for people wearing chastity devices.

cherry keeper on lion's penis side view
The Cherry Keeper cage is quite short.
It nestles between my balls, and is invisible under clothing.

His solution was something he called the “headlock”. This is a “shelf” inside the top of the cage. The idea is that when you put the cage on, you force the head of your penis past this shelf. It rides comfortably just below the head. Removing the device requires forcing the head back over the shelf. I discovered that this shelf has a much more useful purpose. It prevents the head of the penis from withdrawing away from the top of the cage. That means it helps keep the urethra flush against the top of the cage and, hopefully, centered.

To my delight, it actually works. Of course, to get the right fit you need a custom device. Fortunately, that is not an expensive proposition. He offers several off-the-shelf sizes of Cherry Keeper. Essentially you order a base ring of the correct dimension and you order the front of the cage. He has that available in several lengths and also offers several standard headlock sizes. For the complete off-the-shelf device expect to pay about $75. For a flat $75 fee, he will custom design a cage for you. He can change the sizes of the parts and also the shape of them. I had him make me a custom cage with more taper at the end of the front. The idea was this would force my urethra to stay in place.

Cherry Keeper chastity device headlock
Headlock “shelf”
holds the head
tightly to the top.

He uses Shapeways to make the devices. In fact, you order the devices directly from Shapeways. If you order his standard device, which is available dyed in lots of colors, you will get the sandpaper-like finish that I hate. However, if you order it in white (natural), and ask for the premium finish which costs a little more, the product comes to you much smoother and very nice to wear. Including the design fee and the premium finish, it cost me about $150 for this custom device. Not bad!

Aesthetically the Cherry Keeper is a bit clunky. However, it works and it works well. I spent a lot of time locked into mine. Mrs. Lion hated getting me into it. She had to lube the head of my penis and work hard to push it past the headlock. After a while, she got good at doing it but was never very happy with the trouble it takes to put on. I had very little trouble peeing. It wasn’t foolproof. About 1/4 of the time my urethra had wandered enough to the left or right to make a messy spray. In comparison, my Jail Bird was off-center at least 75% of the time.

orion side view
Evotion Orion

I am currently wearing the Evotion Orion.(image, right) This is a new device, for me at least, that is also 3D-printed. It is expensive. The custom version is a little over $300. It’s about the same price as a Jail Bird. I don’t want to spoil the full review which is coming soon, so I won’t go into too much detail. This device is significantly different than any other I’ve worn. Evotion got in business to build devices for men with piercings. That may have something to do with their design philosophy. In any case, this is a three-piece device that requires two internal locks. Measuring for it is completely different than for any other device I’ve ever worn. I’ll go into detail in my review.

Evotion hand finishes these devices by painting them. They don’t talk about the sort of paint they use, but it feels like a high-quality automotive-grade finish. In any case, it does a good job of sealing up the rough 3D printed exterior. The result is a completely smooth, somewhat grippy device. As you might guess, I like wearing it.

By the way, Shapeways offers printing in metal. They can print in stainless steel, gold, silver, and other metals. The printing process is exactly the same as it is for the nylon (plastic) devices. The laser just has to work at a higher temperature. A powder of the metal is deposited on the baseplate and the laser fuses the powder where the device will be. Obviously, the resulting product is considerably heavier. The cost is very very high.

Male chastity devices have certainly evolved. They’ve evolved in construction with more advanced technology allowing imaginative designs that fit better and feel better to wear. Most device manufacturers forgo high security in favor of building comfortable devices that can be permanently worn. I’m very sure that the majority of guys buying chastity devices will move to the machine printed versions. They’re just too good to resist. My beloved Jail Bird feels heavy and a little uncomfortable when I compare it to my Evotion Orion.

As it was said in the movie “Goodbye Columbus”, “Plastic is the future, young man.” It sure is especially with devices you wear between your legs.


  1. I just saw this and noticed your comment on the scratchy stuff. I’ve looked at 3D printing to get a just right device for husband. The CB-6000 we use with the anti pullout thingy Kept for Her sells works OK, but, I’m always interested in something better. We had one he couldn’t pull out of and you didn’t need an anti pullout thingy for it, but, it was a Chinese knock off I bought just to see how it worked. It didn’t hold up long. Husband even said the design was flawed and even if I got the real one, it wouldn’t last much longer than the Chinese knock off thingy did,

    I called husband (he’s working in the office today) and asked him about it. He says when you buy anything from Shapeways or one of these 3D printers, you have to soak the thingy in something he called Bestine (I had to write it down). He said he can get it through his job, but some people might find it hard to get because he said you can use it to make illegal drugs. He did say Glick’s Art supply sells it in their stores because some artists use it, but they can’t ship it to you.

    He says you soak it in there and some waxy stuff comes off it and goes to the bottom and then you wipe it off and let it dry and then scrub it with soap and water. He also said most of that 3D printed stuff is pretty brittle so he wonders how it might hold up for long term.

    1. Author

      I’ve tried several 3D-printed devices. The rough finish isn’t residue. It’s actually the material the device is made of. The 3D-printed devices are generally made of medical-grade nylon. This material is very rugged and a little flexible. It has a melting point of about 350°F.

      Bestine is a solvent used to thin and remove rubber cement. I’ve used it for years. I’m not sure that it issolves nylon. The best way to smooth machine-printed devices is by tumbling. The device is put in a drum with some abrasive BBs and allowed to tumble four hours. The little BBs rub off the rough edges of the piece. I used sandpaper to smooth my device from Custom Chastity. It Took a Very Long Time but Did Work. I tried using a tiny power tool, but it melted the nylon. You can order the Cherry Keeper chastity device with a premium finish. I found that absolutely perfect for use as a chastity device. It’s not very expensive either. The Evotion device I’m wearing has a coating that gives the device a glasslike finish.

      I wouldn’t try using a solvent bath to fix the problem.

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