As you may have read, Lion is back. At least, he was for one post. Time will tell if he is up to doing a post every day. Although I think he may be getting cabin fever, he’s able to get out of bed by himself (with occasional help) and he can do most personal care things by himself. He’s even able to put his contacts in and get them out. That was a big question. I don’t wear contacts so I don’t really know how to deal with them. Thankfully, Lion has that taken care of. The only thing he really needs help with is showering and I don’t mind helping with that at all.

I’m still the chief cook and bottle washer, as they say. Lion’s appetite has not been normal. We think the antibiotic and/or anesthesia messed with his taste buds. Everything has a pepper taste. There are very few things he can eat that are not affected. Chicken pot pies and chocolate milkshakes, two of his favorite things, are among the limited choices that he can still enjoy. Even when food tastes good, he isn’t eating much of it. I guess that’s good for the weight loss program. I haven’t asked if he’s checked yet, but he must be losing weight.

Last night, Lion hinted that he might be ready to get back to other normal business. He wanted to snuggle and suggested something more may be welcome. You never know till you try. However, I was very tired. My sleep is almost as fouled up as his. We ate late and snuggled late. Tonight we’ll have to change that up. Either snuggling before dinner or an earlier dinner. We’ve got no errands to run that I’m aware of. I’m doing laundry, but that can wait until tomorrow or the next day. As long as Lion is not in pain, we can do as much or little as he wants to do.

Lion is feeling well enough that I’ve decided to go to work for a few hours on a few days next week. Depending on how it goes, I may add more hours to each day or more days to the week. I’ll still need to be available to drive him to appointments, but eventually I will go back to work full time. In about five weeks or so I think Lion may be able to drive again. Not that I’m pushing him. I’m sure he’ll enjoy the freedom of being able to escape the house at will.

I think Lion is doing very well. I thought by now he’d be out of pain for the most part. You know, some lingering pain, but the worst would be over. And it is. I thought he’d be up and about and able to take care of a lot of things himself. He is. I’m not psychic. I just had a feeling he wouldn’t stay down for long. At least, not without being tied down.

It’s been more than a week since the last time I posted. As I’m sure you know, a lot has happened over these last days.  The most significant, of course, is my rotator cuff surgery. Like other shoulder surgeries, there is a long period of recuperation featuring many small and large inconveniences. The good news for me, at least, is that the pain isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

One significant inconvenience of recovery is the long-lasting effects of anesthesia and prophylactic antibiotics. While it feels like the anesthesia wears off after a few hours, the reality is the effects on me physically and emotionally stretch out for a week or more.  I’ve learned that a lot of the odd behavior I attributed to opioid painkillers is more likely due to the half-life of the various chemicals pumped into me for anesthesia. So, here I am a week and a day after my shoulder operation. My mind is clear, the pain is manageable, and I’m beginning to regain the energy I lost.

So, I’m back – mostly. I’m growing used to wearing a sling and, more importantly, I’m learning to ask for and accept  Mrs. Lion’s help.  While it might be fun to pretend that her maternal ministrations are another artifact of our power exchange, it would be ridiculous to say this. She’s helping me as my mate and partner. There is no psychosexual power exchange implied in any of the stuff we do on a daily basis. Even the activities that would normally carry penalties or rewards don’t show even a hint of BDSM activities.

I tried to remember to mention punishment days on Mondays and Thursdays. I get a “good boy” when I do it.  We both smile. I enjoy being bathed by her. She has a way of adding sexy touches to most contacts we have. I really like them! However, at this point she isn’t getting an erection as a reward for her attention. Well now that the drugs are finally wearing off, I suspect that some focused attention will bring my penis back to life.

For the next two weeks, all physical therapy I am receiving is passive. I am not allowed to use my shoulder muscles had all. But I have to move my arm; or more correctly have my arm moved without my help. This is important to help the newly attached tendon regain elasticity and to protect the shoulder from freezing out of disuse.

I think it may be time for active sexual therapy. We both recognize that the surgery and recovery have to remain top priorities. However, we can multitask and help me slowly regain use of my shoulder and at the same time regain sexual pleasure.

So far, I don’t think that my demands have overwhelmed my lioness. It may be that once the surgical drugs completely dissipate, I could become more impatient and demanding. I don’t think so. I’m enjoying my ability to do things on my own. So there is a balance between the frustration of semi-helplessness and the sheer pleasure of conquering my temporary disability.

I’m back. I can’t promise to post every day; at least not yet. But I do have time to think about more on-topic material and I am definitely feeling those little tingles that tell me I am preparing to return to my former sexual self.

Lion has been handling the pain with Tylenol for the most part. He did take a pain pill last night, but we think he’s been tensing his shoulder to protect it. He guards it when I’m helping him with his exercises. He just won’t relax. He’s afraid I’ll let go of him and he’ll get hurt. He knows I wouldn’t do that, but he’s afraid. He’s definitely been more aware of his surroundings now that he stopped taking the pain pills. I’m not sure how those pills affect other people, but they make Lion sleepy and loopy.

I think he’s been cooped up for too long. He wants to go out later for toothpaste. I know that sounds unexciting, but he’s trying to be adventurous. There’s only so much walking around the house you can do before you have to go somewhere else. Even if he does nothing more than sit in the car while I get the toothpaste, at least he’s gone further than the kitchen. Our yard is not really conducive to going for a walk. The local grocery store is the equivalent of mall walking. Baby steps.

As I write this, I notice he’s snoozing again. His sleep cycle, our sleep cycle, is all screwed up. He sleeps here and there and that translates to being awake half the night. I wind up awake right along side him. Then I wind up asleep right along side him during the day. I decided this morning that I feel better when I get up and do things during the day. Yesterday, I mowed the lawn because it was sunny and there aren’t many sunny days around here. I was definitely tired after that so snoozing made perfect sense.

Today I’m catching up on laundry. Most of the chores I had envisioned doing while I was home with Lion, haven’t gotten done because I failed to take lack of sleep into account. I’ve been doing what all new mothers learn to do. I’ve been sleeping while the baby sleeps. But that takes me out of the game for doing what needs to get done. Now that he’s sleeping less, or being less of a helpless baby, I can do some of those chores.

At this point, Lion says it’s too difficult to type. I thought maybe he might have a post for tomorrow, but so far it doesn’t look good. I’m just glad he’s feeling a little better.

Lion has been taking only one “heroin” pill on a less-than-daily basis. As a result, he’s been awake more, but also in pain more. His exercises cause pain too. He did manage to make it into his office to clear his inbox yesterday while I changed the bed. He’s able to roam the house at will.

Now, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need my help. Sometimes he’s just in the wrong position to make it out of bed by himself. And, yes, there are still many things he can’t do on his own. He can’t take a shower or get dressed by himself, and he still needs me to cook and be his waitress. Can I refill your water, sir? I’ve been doing my best to keep him as happy as he can be while in pain and trapped in a sling.

Depending on whether he takes “heroin” or Tylenol, he still falls asleep a lot. And sometimes he mumbles things. I think he’s taking what he hears on television and mixing it with whatever is floating around in his drug-addled mind and says very confusing things. Then he looks at me like I’m supposed to have an answer for him. He did say something about being horny the other day. Or not horny. I didn’t expect him to be and I was surprised he mentioned it at all. I’m not sure if that was during a coherent or incoherent moment.

Right now he’s answering a work email. His coworkers are under strict orders to ignore any email or phone call that sounds loopy. He’s fine right now, but that can change in a minute. For the most part, he’s in more pain today. I thought he would jump at the chance to go out to the store (at least along for the ride) when I pick up a prescription for him, but he said he doesn’t think he can make it. I’m not rushing him. He’ll be fine at home while I’m gone.