Lion has been taking only one “heroin” pill on a less-than-daily basis. As a result, he’s been awake more, but also in pain more. His exercises cause pain too. He did manage to make it into his office to clear his inbox yesterday while I changed the bed. He’s able to roam the house at will.

Now, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need my help. Sometimes he’s just in the wrong position to make it out of bed by himself. And, yes, there are still many things he can’t do on his own. He can’t take a shower or get dressed by himself, and he still needs me to cook and be his waitress. Can I refill your water, sir? I’ve been doing my best to keep him as happy as he can be while in pain and trapped in a sling.

Depending on whether he takes “heroin” or Tylenol, he still falls asleep a lot. And sometimes he mumbles things. I think he’s taking what he hears on television and mixing it with whatever is floating around in his drug-addled mind and says very confusing things. Then he looks at me like I’m supposed to have an answer for him. He did say something about being horny the other day. Or not horny. I didn’t expect him to be and I was surprised he mentioned it at all. I’m not sure if that was during a coherent or incoherent moment.

Right now he’s answering a work email. His coworkers are under strict orders to ignore any email or phone call that sounds loopy. He’s fine right now, but that can change in a minute. For the most part, he’s in more pain today. I thought he would jump at the chance to go out to the store (at least along for the ride) when I pick up a prescription for him, but he said he doesn’t think he can make it. I’m not rushing him. He’ll be fine at home while I’m gone.