I’m in a small-but-nice hospital room. They’re good to me and the food    is great. I just call room service and, Voila yummies arrive. I had kidney stone surgery. Not fun at all. I should be released into Mrs. Lion’s custody this morning. Even in my fog of pain, just before going into surgery, I remembered to remind her of punishment day.

I just wanted to tell you I’m ok and that I am grateful that Mrs. Lion takes such good care of me. And that room service here is bringing me a large, chocolate shake. Lions can be bribed with treats.

I finally got Lion to the emergency room. Yesterday, his doctor’s partner said he should go. Lion hates hospitals, so no ER yesterday. This morning, his regular doctor said he should go. The doc assumed it was something that would require admission. Thankfully, Lion is now in outpatient surgery with good odds he’ll be home tonight. He’ll work from home for a few days and be good as new. We’re both relieved about that.

Needless to say, it’s been a rocky few days. Lion has been miserable and I’ve been powerless to help more than holding his hand. I knew I needed to get Lion to the hospital, but he wasn’t budging. I’m sort of glad the pain got the better of him so he had to concede the trip to the ER was necessary. They don’t tend to do CT scans at the corner drug store.

I don’t know if Lion will feel up to doing a post for tomorrow, but I’m betting he’ll be back Friday morning.

[ Mrs. Lion – Update since I wrote this. Lion’s surgery is done and the surgeon wants him to stay in the hospital overnight just to be safe. Lion will not be happy.]

“For more than fifteen years I have explored the idea of enforced male chastity. My exploration started on the Web in the mid 90’s. My first discovery was altairboy’s site. At the time it was filled with how-to guides for homemade male chastity devices, fictional accounts of enforced chastity scenarios, and posts by people who spent their time devising ways to escape from various devices. Still, the idea of Mrs. Lion controlling my favorite toy was a very arousing idea. How odd is that? Giving someone the ability to prevent me from enjoying sex is exciting.”

Those were Lion’s first words here on the blog, three years ago today. Unbeknownst to me, he started a blog about male chastity. He may have told me in passing, but I didn’t really know until a reader asked him a question that seemed more up my alley than his. I didn’t contribute my first words until March 26, 2014. For a while I wrote sporadically. Something Lion wrote about needed to be addressed from my point of view. A reader asked Lion to ask me a question. Finally, I jumped into the every day cycle on May 16, 2014. Kicking and screaming, as I recall. After all, what did I have to write about on a daily basis?

Sometimes it is a struggle to come up with ideas. I largely report the news. When did Lion have his orgasm, how many times did I edge him, we tried something new last night, etc. When one of us is sick or Lion has sore spots, I have a hard time with a post. I’m the play by play person. If there’s no play, there’s no idea. Lion can complain about not having any idea for a post, go into his office and emerge with an elaborate post. I guess he’s the color guy, if you want to stick to sports analogies. He can pull something out of his past and he’s off and running. It’s not as easy for me.

I don’t think either of us imagined we’d still be doing enforced chastity for over three years. There’s no way I would have told you we’d still be writing the blog. But you know what? I think we’re still doing enforced chastity for over three years because of the blog. It helps with communication. I know it sometimes doesn’t look like we talk to each other at all. One of us, usually me, runs off and gets all bent out of shape about something we misunderstood. It took me a long time to figure out that, when Lion writes a post about a particular way of doing things, he doesn’t mean that I’m doing it wrong. I still think that at first, but I don’t get bent out of shape. Much.

I’m looking forward to the next three years of blogging. Maybe, at some point, I’ll be able to pull posts out of thin air like Lion does. Maybe I’ll be the color guy. It doesn’t really matter. As long as we continue to communicate.

Our Internet is out, but we have cell hotspots. I am sick. I’ve had stomach cramps for two days. This is my shortest post ever. I hurt too much to sit up.

Mrs. Lion and I talk about everything. We rarely learn from each other via posts. I love her more than anything in the world. I am fully aware how lucky I am. I took a pain pill I got for another reason. It helps. Tomorrow I’ll go to the doctor.

Being snowed in is usually fun. Not now when I’m in so much pain. More tomorrow, I hope.