Lion has been counting down the days until his new job starts. I have been counting down the days until his all-you-can-come buffet ends. At this point, if he receives an orgasm tonight, he won’t go out with a bang, so to speak, on his final day. That doesn’t seem fair. What to do. What to do.

It doesn’t seem likely that he’ll want an orgasm tonight and tomorrow night. He doesn’t have such a quick turnaround anymore. In fact, there was only one time (if my memory serves me) that he came twice in one night. His turnaround is definitely not that quick now. I do wonder though if I gave him an orgasm this afternoon, would he be ready for tomorrow night? Could six or seven hours be the difference?

It’s likely we won’t find out. It’s already afternoon as I write this. And we have errands to run, as well as the odd job that pops up along the way. I suppose I could go attack him once I finish writing. Just as an experiment, you see. But I think it’s more likely that he’ll either not get an orgasm tonight so tomorrow night can be the fireworks, or possibly tonight will be the fireworks and tomorrow will be a down night. It’s for me to decide in the next ten hours or so.

I bet Lion doesn’t have a preference. Even if I ask him he’ll say it’s up to me. Of course it is, but sometimes I do like to know how he feels about things. This certainly doesn’t have any repercussions. Either way he’ll have an orgasm and be happy. He’ll start his new job either with a fresh orgasm or a day-old orgasm. No horniness to distract him from learning the secret handshake of the new job. And that’s really my only interest in having a specific time frame to give him this last orgasm. I want him to be happy and relaxed. It definitely won’t be his last orgasm ever. Just the last one to send him off to the first day of school. Name and bus number on a piece of paper pinned to his chest. Thermos of hot chicken noodle soup and bologna sandwich in his Batman lunchbox.

OK. That’s going too far, but I’ve never seen him this excited for a job to start. I want him to have the best first day he can have.

My last post talked about male masturbation control and the question of what, if any controls the keyholder/disciplining wife should have on her solo sessions. There was a comment responding to the post that cites a classic male fantasy about masturbation control. Here’s an excerpt from the comment:

Female masturbation is not prohibited as there is no loss of Jing (life essence). I lose no chi or jing when I orgasm. I don’t masturbate, but it wouldn’t matter if I did as it wouldn’t impact the frequency of intimacy I would have with my husband. I can have 18 orgasms and be energized. Whereas the detrimental effects of semen depletion are observable in males.”

Here’s how she handles violations by her husband:

“I bought a shock training collar used to humanely train dogs.”

“The settings go from 1-100 on the remote for the collar. I wanted to do it just as a demonstration, and set it to 1. It delivered a very aversive stimulus. It’s stopped masturbation for the last year and any intentional spills during intercourse.”

Hot stuff? I don’t want to take up too much space, but I have read very close versions of this same story on multiple blogs. If you aren’t actually under orgasm control, this story offers super masturbation fodder. But sadly, it’s just a story. How do I know?

  1. Masturbation is a self-reported “crime.” If the consequence of confession is so dire it will stop masturbation (which he can do in secret with little-to-no risk of discovery), wouldn’t the logical outcome be that he just stop telling her? The only way she could come close to discovering his naughty behavior is to masturbate him to orgasm and measure the semen output. But wait! My semen output varies widely even though I never masturbate. You get the point.
  2. Shock collars are unsafe worn around the neck. The ones intended for large dogs can indeed offer extremely uncomfortable shocks. But none on the market have 100 levels. Also, none generate an uncomfortable shock at the lowest settings. How do I know? We have a small dog collar I sometimes have to wear under my balls. I have a large dog collar we tested and found too powerful. The lowest setting on the big dog collar was barely perceptible. The difference between the 20 settings was too great to get good lion control.
  3. Semen depletion initiates a refractory period. This is the time it takes for the male to “recharge” and be able to orgasm again. It has nothing to do with semen production. The refractory period is, however, triggered when semen is depleted.  That’s why some men can have multiple ruined orgasms until they run out of semen. Many younger men have a refractory period as short as ten minutes. Senior citizens can have them as long as a week or more.
  4. If her partner’s behavior is so boorish if he is sexually sated, why the hell is she with him?

The person who posted the comment cited above (he, among others, calls himself Anonymous. It must have been a popular baby name.) added another comment after I made a brief reply:

“Let me just say that I like your blog because with all the caging, FLR, DD, etc., there always seems to be a real mutual love and caring between you and Mrs. Lion. However, I see other blogs (like the one that I cited) in which I see none of that. Kudos to you guys for showing people how all of this can be done without denigrating, disrespecting, and disregarding your partner.”

That comment was going to be my fifth point. People just can’t live 24/7 with, as he put it, “ denigrating, disrespecting, and disregarding your partner.” Maybe for play sessions the two can take on these roles. But every day, I sure doubt it. I would be surprised if a woman even wrote the various aversion masturbation training posts. I’ve never met a woman that obsessed with male masturbation. And, no one since the mid-nineteenth century has proposed that male masturbation had any systemic effects on the guys who jerk off.

In the cold light of rational, critical reading, it’s obvious how patently ridiculous these stories are. But then if you suspend disbelief…

Lion is feeling a lot better. He may not be 100% yet but I’m not as worried about him. We decided not to take our trip so he can fully recover and we can get him ready for his first day of work. I’m not sure there’s really anything I need to do to help. I think it’s more of a mindset for him. At any rate, driving four hours on a Friday only to turn around and drive four hours on Sunday didn’t seem like a good idea. So I kept my Friday off from work and I’ll go in Monday. In the meantime, we have a three day weekend together.

Lion is feeling a lot better sexually too. He was a horny boy yesterday. He reminded me that it was punishment day and even though I still owe him swats for ending our last punishment session prematurely, I decided to let it go again last night. It’ll catch up to him eventually.

I can’t say I really edged him last night. What I did was take him most of the way there and then left him hanging a few times. For whatever reason I didn’t want to chance a ruined orgasm. I guess that’s silly because my goal was an orgasm and I could easily salvage a ruined orgasm. I just wanted it to be a nice orgasm. What resulted was an orgasm that he enjoyed but produced no yummy creme filling for me. Lion thinks it was because he didn’t drink very much yesterday. It could have been that I didn’t have him excited as I could have. Or maybe it’s a consequence of his not feeling healthy. I’m just glad he had a good time.

Lion has three more days left in his all-you-can-come buffet. I think he’s had an orgasm every four days or so which is right in his comfort zone. It’s his ultimate time frame. Some people who practice enforced chastity may have an issue with how many orgasms Lion gets even under normal circumstances. I bet they think it’s outrageous that I offered him as many as he’d like. For us, it’s never been about how long he can wait, although we did have a few longish waits to test him. As I’m writing this I’m thinking maybe I should concentrate less on his wait times and more on power.

Yes, I know, controlling his orgasms is a form of power. I mean I should become more comfortable with my role. Last night when I came home, Lion announced that he thought we should go out for dinner. Ugh. I just walked in the door. The last thing I want to do is go back out. He said he hadn’t been out of the house in two days, except to take something to the garbage can. I told him that counts. Let’s stay in. But I knew he really wanted to go out. I asked if he had any ideas of where to eat. He gave me a short list and asked me to decide. I narrowed it to two. He still wanted me to decide. In a perfect world I would have no trouble deciding. A or B. It’s not difficult. Ultimately I decided, but I realize what I could have done was narrowed it down and told him to decide. I could have made the decision to make him decide. As stupid as it sounds, that is a decision.

Perhaps Lion needing to get in a particular mindset for work is similar to my getting in a particular mindset for making decisions and being in power. Now that I think about it, 2.0 has been MIA for quite a while. I think she was respecting Lion’s unemployment by staying away. She may be the key to my mindset. I’ll have to start looking for her.

I’ve been seeing blog posts about curing males of the nasty masturbation habit. A great many of these posts are based on an earlier one that posited that when men masturbate, they lose interest in their partners and behave poorly toward them. This “disease” must be cured. At this point the posts diverge. Some suggest punishing the male severely if he masturbates. This “aversion therapy” will train him to keep his hands off his cock. The other school of thought proposes that a chastity device will make masturbation so difficult he won’t do it. In either case the end result is no more male masturbation.

Masturbation isn’t sex. That’s how I always thought about it. When interactive sex wasn’t available, I would jerk off as needed. It was just something to do when horny and no partner was around. Almost all married men masturbate during dry spells. Some masturbate habitually, sometimes several times a day. When Mrs. Lion and I weren’t having sex, I masturbated a couple of times a week.

I proposed enforced chastity. I knew that meant I wouldn’t be able to masturbate any more. The trade off for me was that Mrs. Lion would provide the sexual stimulation I craved. When I asked her to lock me up, I mentioned that I would no longer be able to jerk off. She was surprised. She had no idea I masturbated. I was surprised she didn’t know that I did. Much later, she wrote that she considered masturbation almost as serious as cheating with another woman.

Again, I was surprised. I never considered interactive sex and masturbation to be related, much less that same thing. In my mind, jerking off temporarily sated my horny thoughts. It was more biological than entertaining. But, after I thought about it, I realized that she was right. Masturbation is sex. But it isn’t interactive.

Then I started thinking about female orgasms. Our power exchange puts Mrs. Lion in charge of my sexuality. I don’t have a say in how many orgasms she can have. In our case, that’s not an issue since currently she isn’t interested in sex. But assume she loved to have orgasms, lots of them. Would it be OK if she masturbated alone to have some of them?

The “women” posting about curing the evil, male masturbation habit think so. Apparently it’s cheating for a man to jerk off, but hours of happy alone time with her vibrator is fine for his wife. I recognize that the submissive fantasies surrounding male chastity encourage women to go through dozens of batteries a day pleasuring themselves. Based on my reading, apparently a lot of real people feel the same way.

I have to disagree. While it is fine that my ability to ejaculate is controlled by Mrs. Lion, I don’t think it is acceptable for her to masturbate alone. If it is cheating for me to jerk off, why wouldn’t giving herself solitary sex be infidelity? I think it is. There’s a difference between being in charge and having no rules. There are some things that require both partners to discuss. No matter how it ends up, I think that sexual limits deserve discussion and mutual respect.