Today (Thursday) is the 12th day since my last orgasm, and Mrs. Lion has only made one small effort to get me aroused. I know that Mrs. Lion has had a few bad nights. I did too. But we didn’t lose all 12. We may need to take a new look at sex. The last time we posted on the subject, Mrs. Lion wrote that she gets the same feeling now from an orgasm as when she actively looked for sex. I reacted by saying that maybe I should work with her to set up some sort of schedule for her. She said that she would commit to teasing me at least every other day.

We haven’t followed through on either. The other thought was to start festivities earlier. This particular idea has been floated endless times without result. Years ago, I could claim that I didn’t want to miss a specific TV show. We never have to think about an actual broadcast time between our DVR and streaming TV. Yet, sex doesn’t start until after nine.

Spanking, on the other hand, is never neglected. I get spanked if I break a rule or piss off Mrs. Lion. If I don’t earn a spanking for a couple of weeks, I get a “just because” spanking. Mrs. Lion never forgets. Part of the reason she doesn’t may be that the spanking bench is in her way when she goes to the pantry. Maybe some sort of sex reminder is needed.

An obvious solution would be for me to own getting sex. I was never very good at initiating when we both wanted it. Now that it is just me, it feels super selfish to keep begging for sex. I know that if I do, Mrs. Lion won’t say no. Even if she is in pain or tired, she will try. That’s not appealing to me.

Mrs. Lion never fails with spanking because it has a useful purpose. It not only helps to teach me to be better, but it also reminds Mrs. Lion that she has a voice I have to hear. Domestic discipline is valuable to us. It’s proven itself to both of us. Sex, on the other hand, has become something that entertains me. It doesn’t appear to have any value beyond making me happy.

I don’t want to argue the merits of sex. It is valuable as a bond between mates. Mrs. Lion and I are firmly bonded with or without sex. It’s important to me, but not so important that I would hurt Mrs. Lion to get it. I also can’t approach it the way I did with spanking. Adding domestic discipline was my idea, and it took a lot of time to convince Mrs. Lion to embrace it. Pushing it was only partly selfish. I knew that our relationship would become even better if we practiced it. I can’t say that about her getting me off.

My sex situation almost cries out for me to masturbate. After all, if I’m the only one who benefits. It’s only fair that I do all the work. There are a couple of problems with this. First, Mrs. Lion doesn’t like the idea of me masturbating. It’s sex without her. Second, jerking off isn’t that much fun for me. At least, it wasn’t when I did it eight years ago. So, my only outlet has to be my lioness.

I have to wait for her input. I’m getting horny, sweetie.

A bite on the balls will get his attention.

I didn’t go out last night as planned. We decided it was too risky with omicron being so widespread. Neither one of us can afford to get sick. It’s bad enough Lion has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow. We can’t risk missing it.

Since I stayed home, I thought we could do something. Lion snoozed while I made dinner. He snoozed after dinner. He snoozed after I did the dishes. Sure, he woke up here and there, but he snoozed most of the evening. He was wide awake around 9 and I expected him to ask if I was coming over to snuggle. By that time, I was getting tired. Sometimes, when he’s snoozed, I figure he should be rested enough to do things later. Of course, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be ready to do things because I haven’t been snoozing.

We have to figure out a way to get our schedules synced up. I’d say we could try as soon as I’m done with work, but sometimes he’s already napping then. He says I can wake him up. I always figure if he’s sleeping, he must be tired. Plus, won’t he be groggy? I wouldn’t be in the mood right after I woke up, especially if someone woke me up. I guess I can try. The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work. It’s not working right now, so there isn’t much to lose.

I know he was sick for a bit and I gave him some leeway to recover. But now he’s messing with my goal of giving him more orgasms per month. At this rate, he’ll need to get seven in February. And it’s a short month. Chop, chop, Lion. Time’s a-wastin’.

The American Civil War pitted brother against brother in the fight over slavery. Each side was absolutely convinced it was on the side of right. Even now, over 150 years later, some people still believe that the South had God on its side. I’m not saying that the current polarization over COVID is in the same league. But it does share some of the same blind devotion to a cause.

Even though it has killed millions of people, some believe that COVID is just a bad cold. Hospitals are fuller now than they were in Spring 2020 from that “cold.” Almost 99% of all cases are the omicron variant that some claim is very mild. Breakthrough infections are soaring. The only good news is that vaccinated and boosted people get a milder illness. They are just as contagious as people who get sicker.

I’m pretty tired of dealing with this disease. Mrs. Lion and I have N-95 masks and wear them. That’s no guarantee that we won’t get sick, but it is the best we can do. Both of us have type 2 diabetes. That puts us at higher risk. We have to be careful about every decision we make. Since being vaccinated and boosted doesn’t guarantee immunity, we have been forced to make hard choices.

For example, Mrs. Lion was supposed to attend a retirement dinner last night. It was for someone she knew for nearly a decade. She cancelled. The risk of contracting omicron is simply too great. If either or both of us get it, we are at significant risk. Does taking extreme precautions guarantee we are safe? Of course not. We still have to go to the supermarket. Our plan is to make every effort to limit our exposure.

There’s another, more serious problem with COVID, even mild cases. According to a study from South Africa, thirty percent of people who recover, suffer from long-haul COVID. Until now, no one understood exactly what is behind these long-term problems. It turns out that tiny blood clots form in the circulatory system. This isn’t unusual. The autoimmune system eliminates them. However, former COVID sufferers have extra material in those clots that prevent them from being broken up. The study doesn’t explain how the micro-clots eventually end up causing the wide range of health problems associated with long haul COVID. It does show that the disease creates lasting changes in the body.

My point is that there are good reasons why the world’s medical community is so concerned about this disease. It’s plain stupid to minimize the importance of this pandemic. Hospitals across the US are cancelling elective surgeries because they don’t have staff to provide care because of omicron. I’m grateful that Mrs. Lion and I are vaccinated (and boosted). We aren’t stupid enough to believe we are safe from infection.

I consider it irresponsible for anyone to argue against any preventative measures that you and I can take. I hate wearing an N-95 mask, It’s hot and uncomfortable. I want to go to the casino and play the slots. I hated to sell our tickets to “My Fair Lady” on New Year’s Eve. Mrs. Lion is sorry to miss her old boss’ retirement dinner. I worry when I hear that a friend actively avoids precautions. I don’t have enough to afford to lose even one.

Blogging is a lot like yelling the news into the Grand Canyon. Someone may hear it, but you never know who or what they heard. Sure, I know how many visitors we have and what pages they visit. I have a complete set of analytics to tell me. They don’t say how readers react to our writing. We get comments from some readers. We love them, even if they are critical. We know that most readers don’t say anything. Why should they?

Maybe a better question is why we put in the time, money, and energy to publish. We don’t get any revenue from this site. We pay to keep it online. There are no ads. Any cookies dropped on our site are related to analytics. Google may also use this cookie data to provide our visitors with other services. We don’t know what they are, and we don’t benefit in any way.

We depend on search engines and other blogs to introduce us to new readers. That’s worked very well. Ironically, the more popular we become, the more expensive it is to keep the site going. I’m enough of a techno-nerd to find ways to make sure our site comes up quickly. Of course, there’s some ego involved. It’s nice to be famous, even if it is in a small circle of kinksters. A very large benefit that Mrs. Lion and I get out of blogging is the discipline of clearly articulating what we want and what we do.

Every post we write offers information about how we think about our sex lives. If we honestly communicate our feelings and desires, we will never descend into the silence of couples who are lost. We don’t always agree. Since the differences are articulated here, bridging them is a lot easier. We can crystalize our feelings here. Mrs. Lion reads every word I write. I read everything that she says.

We also talk. Often our posts provide seeds for very productive conversations. Nothing is off-limits. However weird my idea might be, Mrs. Lion is willing to consider it and most likely try it. I don’t think either of us would have guessed that we would be practicing domestic discipline on a full-time basis. If you go back in our archives, you will see our baby steps, our failures, and our occasional triumphs. You can also read my poorly-formed ideas and how they got refined over time.

If our blog does anything, it illustrates how our relationship has evolved over the last eight years. Maybe we can help others on the same path.