Today Mrs. Lion will be heading to her office for a brief visit in order to collect necessary materials to work from home. Her boss insists it’s a low-risk exercise because few of her coworkers will be in. After that, she needs to have very little physical contact with anyone from her office. That’s a good thing. A lot of people are impatient about getting out and about. It’s challenging to have to stay home and stay away from others. Here in the Seattle area, we’ve been very fortunate. Our leaders have followed the right protocol for managing a pandemic. In contrast, New York did almost everything wrong. As a result, while Washington has 700 coronavirus deaths, New York has over 7000. This is not explainable simply by differences in population. I read a very interesting article about this in the New Yorker Magazine. There was an article in the May 4 issue “the coronavirus protocol”. It’s an eye-opening and very insightful look at how the United States has handled the coronavirus outbreak.

I won’t go any deeper into this subject since anything I say will have a political flavor. I am deeply disturbed by how our leaders mishandled this crisis. Please take a look at the New Yorker article. It’s fair and crammed full of factual information.

In other news, I’m completely bewildered by my sexual performance. For no apparent reason I have been unable to reach the edge of orgasm most of the time. I thought it might be due to the fact I was getting tired of being masturbated. Mrs. Lion substituted oral stimulation. The outcome remains the same. My semen production has also varied widely. In the past, stimulating me prior to actually letting me orgasm generally increased my production. That doesn’t seem to be the case now. There are times when nothing comes out when I have the orgasm, but fluid leaks out slowly later. Other times, like my most recent orgasm two days ago, Mrs. Lion reported that I produced a very good amount of semen; at least twice as much as I have in the recent past. Again, I can’t think of a good reason for this.

For the last two months or so, I am apparently unready to ejaculate for at least nine days after my last orgasm. I can get aroused and have a very good time. But I can’t get anywhere near actually coming. I don’t understand this. It’s not my refractory period, at least I don’t think it is. Maybe my sex drive is drying up. Perhaps it’s partly due to the seven years of orgasm control we have been practicing. I don’t know. It could also be organic and simply the fact of my increasing age. There really isn’t any good data out there to help me understand what’s going on.

In the meantime, we still have fun. Mrs. Lion and I still love being together. I’m very glad about that.


  1. I’m so glad that your woman is your best friend! this is what I have always strived for. well, in the sense that my man was my best friend)

    1. Author

      Thanks for the good wishes. We are very lucky we found each other.
      We are even luckier that we know it.

  2. Author

    That’s the thing. It could be a function of aging or something else. I think your doctor is wrong. It may take longer for you to be ready to have another orgasm, but from everything I’ve read there is no reason you can’t enjoy sex for another couple of decades. Wearing a chastity device may have conditioned us. In terms of semen production, there is no correlation with age. It just seems to happen to some guys — like me.

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