When the time came to wax Lion, I wasn’t sure we’d be able to do it. He was still a little under the weather. We agreed to try and got the front done yesterday.

I’ve heard of some sort of syndrome happening because everyone is stuck at home. We get caught in some vicious cycle of not sleeping when we should and/or sleeping all day. I’m sure lack of movement is partially to blame. I wonder if people who take walks, are outside gardening or are working on inside projects are less likely to fall into this trap. I can’t say this helps me because I’m normally prone to naps even if, or maybe because, I am more active.

In any case, Lion seemed fine while I was waxing him. Of course, we could have stopped at any time if it was too much for either of us. That’s always the case. There’s no reason we can’t heat the wax up another time and continue. That’s the beauty of having in-home waxing. Lion would be less than half-waxed, but who’d see him? Especially now since he can’t really leave the house. Even if he did, no one would see if half his chest had hair.

I have to go to work this afternoon to gather supplies to work from home. I also need my marching orders. Apparently I’ll be doing projects rather than my regular work. Okay. This won’t really help them, but I won’t argue. The important part is that I won’t have to go to the office much, if at all, for a few more weeks.

Since I’ll be out for an unknown amount of time this afternoon, I can’t really commit to finishing Lion’s waxing today. Obviously, as I said yesterday, there’s no reason I couldn’t start later in the day, but I’d like to keep some timeframes normal. Besides, we might be able to do Zapardy! tonight. Come on hard questions!


    1. It’s a game we play. You can read about it here.

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