This is the famous Woody Allen sandwich from the now-defunct Carnegie Deli in New York.

We ate the last of my birthday present corned beef and pastrami for lunch yesterday. Mrs. Lion sent all the way to Katz’s Delicatessen in New York for authentic deli food. It was wonderful. We both had “Woody Allen” sandwiches. In New York, delis like to name sandwiches after celebrities. The Carnegie Deli created the “Woody Allen”. This sandwich is half corned beef and half pastrami on rye bread. Nothing else. I always added deli mustard. That’s all.

The Carnegie sandwich had at least 1/2 lb of each meat on this $30 monster. I would eat half for dinner and take the other half home for lunch the next day. Our sandwiches yesterday were a bit more modest: only 1/4 lb of each meat per sandwich. So, we ate the entire sandwich at one sitting. Yum!

I’m a native New Yorker. I’ve been an expatriate living near Seattle for over a decade. Time doesn’t seem to lessen my nostalgia. When I’m asked where I’m from, I always answer, “New York.” This is often met with confusion when a local person wants my address. I’m not from here; I am here.

I’m sure you know I had a great orgasm on Sunday. I’m still basking in its glow and not feeling particularly horny yet. Mrs. Lion plans to take care of that. She’s a regular Mrs. Fixit.

I don’t think either of us is feeling particularly energetic. That can be why we haven’t used the Box O’Fun. We discussed it, but it just hasn’t managed to manifest itself yet. Perhaps when I get a few more days further from my last orgasm, at least my interest will grow. For now I guess we will keep things low key.

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