I’m sorry to say, Lion forgot punishment day on Saturday. At around 9 pm I asked him what day it was. He realized his mistake. Poor Lion butt.

Last night I got out a paddle and told him I needed him face down. I wasn’t hitting that hard and he was yelping. I even hit a little lighter and he was still yelping. Could he have forgotten how to handle a spanking in a few short days? It wasn’t even a particularly mean paddle. When I was done, he said he thought I’d forgotten. No, sir! Well, I did up to that point. Something made me remember.

This morning, Lion remembered it’s punishment day. He asked if he’d be getting two more installments of spanking. Now that I’d forgotten. I might have remembered but who knows. I told Lion that he’ll be getting more than three days of punishments since this is his third time in four weeks forgetting Saturday punishment day. I guess adding that day to the mix is working just as I’d intended.

By this afternoon our deck should be all done. The builder just had to finish up a handrail today. We asked if he could put the smoker and grill back up on the deck so I wouldn’t have to lift them myself. The smoker survived being on the lawn for months. The grill rusted out. It was well over ten years old so we can’t really complain. However, now we have to get a grill. And either I have to put it together or I have to lift it onto the deck after Home Depot puts it together. At least if I put it together I can carry it piece by piece to the deck. But then, of course, I have to put it together.

I have no idea what shape I’ll be in if I have to put the grill together. I may be achy. Not sure if Lion will get his nightly edging, although he never quite made it to the edge last night and I was even give him oral ministrations. I won’t take it personally. I’ll just have to try harder next time.


  1. Many stores that sell grills will deliver and likely bring it up to your deck. For good stores that’s part of the service!!

    1. We bought a pre-assembled grill at Home Depot.

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