lion's body
Isn’t this tasteful? Is this better than revealing my naughty bits?
(Click image for the uncensored view.)

When I wrote my post yesterday, I was going to include a picture of my penis oozing semen as I experienced a broken orgasm. I thought better of it late Sunday night. If you’re curious, here is a link to it. Is this an image you would like to see with a post? There are times when I think it’s unavoidable to reveal my genitals or butt. The recent post on CBT and the post on spanking are good examples. Spanking implements need visual context. What’s better than showing them against their intended target?

I can think of rationalizations for publishing explicit images of me. I wonder how these images affect you. When I read other blogs, I have mixed reactions about explicit pictures of the blogger. For example, there is a femdom blog written by someone claiming to be a lifestyle, female dominant. This person includes some sexual image with every post. Most are gratuitous. Of course, I’m not offended by the images, but they frequently feel odd because they are out of context. To me, at least, a picture of a guy eating a pussy isn’t very interesting unless there is some story attached. It would be like me putting a picture of my hard penis here in the middle of this post. It’s just out of place, right? But it is a good picture.

Similarly, penis pictures, particularly locked in chastity devices seem to be everywhere. Guys use then as their avatars, theme pictures on Twitter or their blogs, and tweet them constantly. Why? I think exposing their locked state is a turn on. It’s a kind of anonymous, public humiliation, at least in the mind of the poster. I just find it extraneous.

In a totally hypocritical sense, I like seeing pictures of my penis. I generally like publishing them. I don’t feel humiliated or, for that matter, particularly proud. It’s just a turn on. I try to resist gratuitous posting of these images. Sometimes I can’t resist.

The big question is how you feel about seeing them. Is it fun to see my cock during CBT? Do you enjoy views of my spanked butt? Is there any value in seeing me erect with clothespins on my balls? Do these nude shots add anything to your enjoyment of the blog? I’d really like to know. You can comment or use Contact Us to respond. I’m genuinely curious. Thank you.


  1. As always, thank you for your writings. I do believe pictures help enhance the written word (a picture is worth a thousand of them). I use the images from here and elsewhere to help educate my wife on what I’m looking for, since she is a very vanilla woman (but willing to indulge).

    1. Author

      Thanks for your valuable feedback. Does she actually look at the pictures we post? What is her reaction?

      1. in truth, after the initial ewww (sp?) factor she does get to what I want her to see and try to comprehend…sometimes easier than others

        1. Author

          Ewww? Really?

  2. You provide a good narrative which enhances any photos. Unlike those photos with made-up captions.
    You looked perfectly hairless! Love it.

    1. Author

      Thank you! I am hairless except my arms.

    1. Author

      Thanks. I agree. Not too many want gratuitous pictures of my weenie.

      1. But when they fit with your post why not?? I include pics too as you know. Like you I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. But they usually fit what I’m writing about.
        Hmm here’s an idea—why not post a short video of you being spanked? lol

        1. Author

          It’s crossed my mind 🙂

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