When I woke up early this morning I realized Lion hadn’t written a post for this morning. He was happily asleep after our middle of the night TV watching so I just went back to sleep. It took a while for me to remember to mention it to him after breakfast. I know he was really tired after we got settled in. He may like the heat, but it takes a lot out of him.

As Lion mentioned, he hasn’t been horny. Maybe it’s his cycle. Maybe it’s the finances. It will work out eventually. All I can do is be there and offer. I don’t think there’s any pressure on either of us. At least I hope he doesn’t feel any pressure from me.

Today we’re off to explore the area. We’ve stayed here a few times before so there aren’t many new places. But we’ll have some fun driving around looking for fruit that is in season.

One interesting, or sad depending on your point of view, thing is that by taking our home away from home with us, we still have the same chores to do. Lion still tends to do the cooking and I still tend to do the cleaning. This morning I had to vacuum so Lion’s allergies won’t bother him as much. I wonder if there’s a market for campsite maids. Think about it. People can spend a lot of money on an RV. They might be willing to pay for a campsite maid. And maids are already used to going to your house, why not your RV? It could work!

Sorry for the late post. We are at our “campsite”. All the work of setting up for the first time this season wore me out. We both woke up at about 4AM. We decided to watch TV. We saw an old, overacted series, “Thriller.” We slept in and had a light breakfast. Mrs. Lion has planned some fun this weekend. So far I am just not interested in sex. I have a feeling that she can fix that later. Today, the forecast is for high 90’s and sunny. That’s very welcome to me. We have two central AC units in the “camper” so we are cool and comfortable.

I am cage free this weekend. That’s a relief in the camper. I’m not at all used to this state of affairs. For no apparent reason there has been no lion wood at all. I would like to attribute this to our current problems, but I am not sure at all that I can blame it on economic strain. It could also be my “cycle”. I’m used to losing interest for a week or two every few months. Whatever it is, I don’t seem able to shake it. I’m not distressed. I’m just not interested right now. In a more vanilla situation, it wouldn’t be very important if my sex drive is in low gear. But enforced chastity, ironically, has a major focus on my horniness. I don’t want to disappoint Mrs. Lion. I’d get some oysters, but last summer I had nasty food poisoning from some. My raw oyster days may have ended.

We have a fun day ahead of us. We will probably travel around the local area. This is a particularly interesting place for us. There’s a bakery that makes an amazing cinnamon bread. It’s more a pastry than a bread. It makes incredible french toast. Lions do run on their stomachs. Stay tuned for our next chapter. I promise to publish on time tomorrow.

I hope by the time this post publishes we will be arriving at our destination. The weekend is supposed to be hot and sunny. Lion loves hot weather. I’m glad our deluxe accommodations feature air conditioning. I’m more of an 80 degree person.

I unlocked Lion at 8:30 last night. It was punishment night but he didn’t have anything on his list. He’s been a very good boy lately. He even did a lot of work getting the camper ready for the trip. I’ll need to figure out how to reward him. I do have a few ideas to pass the time. I’m pretty sure he’ll be tied to the bed at some point. He loves that.

As Lion said, our camper has all the comforts of home. I call it our rolling villa. It can be our beach house, our lake house, our mountain cabin. Wherever it is, we’re together and that’s the best part. I know he’s looking forward to the restraints and the toys. I am too. I love having a happy Lion.

Mrs. Lion and I want all the comforts and discomforts of home when we travel. After all, play is certainly part of vacation fun. We’ve managed to work things out so that we can do most anything we want in the comfort of our trailer. Mrs. Lion calls it a camper, but I figure that anything with central air, satellite TV, full bath and kitchen is not rightly a camper. It’s more of a three star hotel suite on wheels. Two Valentine Days ago, Mrs. Lion give me a set of restraints that are held in place by the mattress. We added these to our bed in the “camper”. Mrs. Lion also has a travel bag stocked with paddles, scratchy velcro, clothespins, butt plugs, and lube. Since the trailer sits a good distance from its neighbors (usually) and the walls are well insulated, any sounds I happen to make won’t be heard by others.

Last summer, Mrs. Lion also brought the dog control collar and used it once or twice in public to remind me to behave. That was fun too. Perhaps she will do it this year as well. As you may have read, some of our standard rules are changing for travel: I can stay clothed during the day when inside the trailer. Mrs. Lion is allowing this so that I can do my fair share of dog walking. In the past she was the only one wearing clothing, so she got stuck with taking the pooch out all the time. I will be uncaged while we are away. This is a defensive move caused by the vagaries of RV toilets. Of course, I am also constantly supervised on the road so there is little risk of me cheating. I wouldn’t cheat anyway. Mrs. Lion knows that.

With all the pressure we have on us now, we aren’t doing very well at communicating. I hope getting away for a few days will let us settle down and get to a better place. It’s not that we fight. We just miss cues sometimes. We can do better, and we will.