I hope by the time this post publishes we will be arriving at our destination. The weekend is supposed to be hot and sunny. Lion loves hot weather. I’m glad our deluxe accommodations feature air conditioning. I’m more of an 80 degree person.

I unlocked Lion at 8:30 last night. It was punishment night but he didn’t have anything on his list. He’s been a very good boy lately. He even did a lot of work getting the camper ready for the trip. I’ll need to figure out how to reward him. I do have a few ideas to pass the time. I’m pretty sure he’ll be tied to the bed at some point. He loves that.

As Lion said, our camper has all the comforts of home. I call it our rolling villa. It can be our beach house, our lake house, our mountain cabin. Wherever it is, we’re together and that’s the best part. I know he’s looking forward to the restraints and the toys. I am too. I love having a happy Lion.


    1. Author

      Thanks so much! It was a fun trip. Despite all the comforts and a great new mattress, we both had trouble sleeping. Go figure!

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