My flat ass and legs
This is my body. I have a small, flat ass.

Once in a while Mrs. Lion references my flat butt. She’s right; it’s very small. It won’t even let me wear a belt. Jeans just slide over my narrow hips and down my legs. I have to wear suspenders. I hate them. I’m also not too fond of how I look from behind. It’s taken me years to discover what style jeans to buy that don’t look baggy in back (slim fit). Yeah, I know that this is a problem women usually complain about. Well, guess what? Guys like having nice rears too.

Obviously rear-enhancing undies

Apparently, almost no one has discovered this male vanity. One company, Obviously underwear, has. I received an email advertising “Underwear fabric with butt shaper effect.” I was intrigued. Obviously is the famous maker of pouch underpants. Each pair has a roomy pouch for cock and balls. I have a bunch of them. They are very comfortable and look good in front. Now, they are claiming butt improvement.

The image on the site is impressive. I yearn to look that way in back. I’m sure I won’t, but maybe, just maybe, my rear will have some shape. Mrs. Lion says she likes my ass just the way it is. I don’t doubt her, but I suspect she might like to see more shape when I stand up. Based on the pictures she has taken of me riding the spanking bench, I exhibit some nice roundness when my butt is presented as a target for her paddles. Unfortunately, the shape goes away when I stand. I ordered some of this new butt-shaping underwear. Maybe it will improve my rear view.

My butt has a nice shape when I ride the spanking bench

When I start obsessing over things like the shape of my butt, it’s a clear signal that I am way past horny. Since I suffer from erectile dysfunction, this strong need doesn’t translate to boners. That doesn’t change how my hormones are stirring me up. Mrs. Lion said that she knows where some Edex is. I’m hoping she will unearth it and give me some relief. I’m not as anxious for her to find the paddle collection. Of course, she doesn’t need a paddle to spank me. We have a ton of pervertable kitchen and bathroom items that will make me yelp when she hits me with them. Her sore shoulders may be keeping her away from that particular activity.

Meanwhile, we need to do a lot of unpacking. We are nowhere near livable yet.

the WordPress nazis strike again

WordPress is the content management system used by millions of bloggers and other website creators. It’s produced by a company named “Automatic.” It’s available as a free application you can install on a computer. That’s what I use here. It’s also available as a turn-key blog on There is a free version as well as paid, more powerful versions available. The other big provider of blog software is Google. They offer turn-key blogs much the same way as Automatic.

What you might not know is that Automatic also offers a plugin called Jetpack. This plugin offers additional features for standalone WordPress installations. Some of the enhancements are free; others cost money. I’ve been a Jetpack user since we started this blog. Last week, I got an email from the “Trust Department” at Automatic informing me that unless I remove sexually explicit content from my site, they would disconnect the Jetpack plugin. Fucking nazis!

I immediately blasted back with an email informing them that I would not change content and they could shove Jetpack up their corporate ass. I’ve done so. As a result, we temporarily can’t manage notifying subscribers of posts, and we can’t show related posts. We also lost their backup service. However, we have that covered another way.

Another chastity blogger, Denying Thumper, was a paid subscriber. The content nazis shut him down without warning. They did that to Collard Michael as well. Both found new homes on hosts who don’t think sex is a crime.

It’s a shame that such narrow-minded people run Automatic. Over the years they were a friendly source of help for bloggers at all skill levels. The WordPress content management system is still the best way to create a blog. A huge chunk of the Internet uses it. It seems irresponsible for Automatic to attempt to censor content. If a website is not breaking the law, why should a corporation try to censor it?

At this point, it doesn’t look like Automatic can censor sites like ours that use the freeware version of WordPress. They might want to try, but too many outlets distribute the free software. Still, there’s something horribly wrong with a company as important as Automatic using its ability to shut down customers as a way of repressing perfectly legal sexual content. Sex isn’t a crime. Pictures of naked people aren’t obscene. I’m disgusted by Automatic and its Hitlarian approach to doing business.

If you have a website and pay for it, send me a note (Contact Us), and I can point you to a much cheaper resource that protects your privacy and respects your content.

As Lion said in his post this morning, I like him in red underwear. I think he looks good with a red butt. Pun intended. I didn’t actually say he had to wear nothing but red, but if he needs that black and white rule then his butt will be red. It’s true, it is his favorite color. I just think it looks very nice on him. Currently he has blue, yellow, gray, red, and white. He asked if I liked him better in white. Nope. Maybe it’s the style of his white underwear, but they don’t look as nice as color.

My favorite color is blue, but the red really draws my eyes to his cute tush. Not that I need any help eyeing his tush, especially when he bends over. Yum! He often tells me that I can ask him to bend over whenever I want the view, but there’s something yummier about a spontaneous mooning. Obviously, I’d rather have a naked mooning than an underwear mooning, but I’ll take that tush view any way I can get it.

I’m more likely to fondle Lion’s buns than my weenie or balls. When he’s facing me, of course, I go for the balls. Most other times, it’s the buns. When I do, he wiggles for me. Depending on how much attention I give him, he’ll let out a purr. He may even arch his back and stick his butt out for me. Cats of all sizes like to be petted.

All this talk of underwear does not change the fact that Lion still has to be naked at home. I’ll just be treated to the flash of red when he’s getting dressed and undressed. Maybe at some point I’ll have him give me a little show in his red undies. Maybe he’ll walk the big catwalk for me. I think when he gets his new undies in a few weeks, he should have to model each pair for me. Yup. The Lion’s Secret fashion show. I’m looking forward to it.

I ordered some of the dual pouch underwear that I wrote about a bit ago. It has a pouch for the penis and a ventilated area for the balls. I got a comment from a guy who says he wears these with a Jail Bird. I suppose it is possible with a long enough cage, but mine is too short for it to work. I was wild yesterday for a doctor’s appointment. I took advantage of the opportunity to wear a pair of the dual pouch briefs.

They do feel nice. The separate pouches do eliminate the need to “adjust”. The micro modal fabric feels great. In the car, the place where the label is sewn on the back did dig in a bit. You have to remove the very long labels before wearing. There is a unique fly at the end of the penis pouch. Once you figure out how it works, it is a nice improvement on the standard side fly. This one opens so that the penis goes through a horizontal opening in the end of the pouch. Very easy to use and comfortable. Some complain about the price. These are cheap for micro modal fabric, only $6 each pair. You can find them here if you want to try them for yourself.

My shoulder remains pretty painful which has reduced my interest in sexual activity. The pain comes and goes, so when it’s not hurting too much we do have some fun. It’s all a matter of timing. Mrs. Lion is wonderful about taking care of me. She does everything she can to make me more comfortable. After work last night I saw my doctor. He gave me a cortisone shot which he says will help.

Some people don’t believe that we are real. Others find it hard to accept we are as happily married as we appear. There is nothing I can do about proving either. It’s sometimes hard for me to believe we get along as well as we do. I was incredibly lucky to find my lioness. We just fit together. She’s gone way out of her way to accommodate me. She became my keyholder and later my disciplining wife with no expectation that either would be rewarding to her. She did both simply to make me happy.

Fortunately, she found a lot of value in enforced chastity and she does it because she knows it makes us a better couple. The jury has been out on domestic discipline and FLR. However, she recently discovered she enjoys it when she discovers me breaking a rule. That may not seem like a big deal, but it is. She may still be doing it because she knows I want it, but she is also doing it because she has discovered a personal challenge she likes.

I don’t think she will ever get real pleasure out of punishing me. She may find the trouble that I get myself into amusing, but that’s not the same. I don’t get any pleasure out of being punished. We both realize that punishment is a necessary part of the power exchange. It’s also an effective way to change my behavior.

We aren’t living a fantasy. We are living a real-life FLR/enforced chastity lifestyle. What we write here is a true account of our power exchange. If it seems we are having fun, we are. We love each other and what we are doing.

dual pouch men's brefs
David Archy dual pouch briefs have separate pouches for cock and balls. The white pouch holds the balls, the front blue pouch the penis. Click image for purchase information.

Yesterday was one of those days I dread. For some unknown reason, I wasn’t aligned well in my cage. I carry a Q-tip to help deal with this sort of thing. But, my penis was being stubborn and the urinal wasn’t going to work out. So, I found myself having to sit to pee at work. It’s not a big deal in the scope of life, but I dislike having to pull my pants down, putting the liner on the seat, peeing, and then dressing again. It’s so much nicer to just unzip and go. Ok, I’m being grumbly.

I like to look at the daily deals on Amazon. Sometimes I find great stuff. I discovered Sous-Vide cooking because of a sale on a Sous-Vide circulating pump in the daily deals. Monday, there was a deal on David Archy micro modal separate pouches briefs. This is a product I have never seen before. It’s a normal men’s brief except it has two pouches in the front. One holds the scrotum and the other, the penis. The idea is that by separating the boys from the penis, there is less sticking and discomfort. Odd, huh?

The balls go into a soft mesh pouch that allows air circulation and reduces sweating. The penis goes into a lightweight fabric pouch above. Granted, while the concept is great and the customer reviews, raves, I can’t wear them. My penis and balls are held tightly in place by the chastity device. No way it would work for me. However, if you aren’t caged, I imagine this underwear will be incredible to wear/

The fabric used is micro-modal. It’s a blend that wicks moisture away from the body. My underwear is all micro modal. it keeps me dry and never smells bad. I wear Obviously micro modal thongs and briefs. They have an extra-large pouch that nicely holds my cage and its contents. I have both briefs and thongs. Surprisingly, the thongs are much more comfortable to wear. I think it’s because the briefs tend to ride down in back. I hate how that feels. The thong doesn’t do that. I don’t really notice that the strap in back goes into my crack a bit. The fabric is very soft and I am unaware of it there.

It’s interesting that male underwear is available in so many variations that improve comfort. Traditional briefs or boxers put pressure on the genitals and in my opinion, are much less comfortable than underwear designed for the male anatomy. Before I was locked in the chastity device, I didn’t pay too much attention to underwear. Once locked up, the extra bulk of the cage combined with the way my balls are pushed forward, forced the issue for me and I did research.

Of course these fancy, pouched underwear is a lot more expensive than supermarket Hanes. But, they are way more comfortable. I suspect the dual pouch design would be a real pleasure to wear. If you get some, please let me know.