I ordered some of the dual pouch underwear that I wrote about a bit ago. It has a pouch for the penis and a ventilated area for the balls. I got a comment from a guy who says he wears these with a Jail Bird. I suppose it is possible with a long enough cage, but mine is too short for it to work. I was wild yesterday for a doctor’s appointment. I took advantage of the opportunity to wear a pair of the dual pouch briefs.

They do feel nice. The separate pouches do eliminate the need to “adjust”. The micro modal fabric feels great. In the car, the place where the label is sewn on the back did dig in a bit. You have to remove the very long labels before wearing. There is a unique fly at the end of the penis pouch. Once you figure out how it works, it is a nice improvement on the standard side fly. This one opens so that the penis goes through a horizontal opening in the end of the pouch. Very easy to use and comfortable. Some complain about the price. These are cheap for micro modal fabric, only $6 each pair. You can find them here if you want to try them for yourself.

My shoulder remains pretty painful which has reduced my interest in sexual activity. The pain comes and goes, so when it’s not hurting too much we do have some fun. It’s all a matter of timing. Mrs. Lion is wonderful about taking care of me. She does everything she can to make me more comfortable. After work last night I saw my doctor. He gave me a cortisone shot which he says will help.

Some people don’t believe that we are real. Others find it hard to accept we are as happily married as we appear. There is nothing I can do about proving either. It’s sometimes hard for me to believe we get along as well as we do. I was incredibly lucky to find my lioness. We just fit together. She’s gone way out of her way to accommodate me. She became my keyholder and later my disciplining wife with no expectation that either would be rewarding to her. She did both simply to make me happy.

Fortunately, she found a lot of value in enforced chastity and she does it because she knows it makes us a better couple. The jury has been out on domestic discipline and FLR. However, she recently discovered she enjoys it when she discovers me breaking a rule. That may not seem like a big deal, but it is. She may still be doing it because she knows I want it, but she is also doing it because she has discovered a personal challenge she likes.

I don’t think she will ever get real pleasure out of punishing me. She may find the trouble that I get myself into amusing, but that’s not the same. I don’t get any pleasure out of being punished. We both realize that punishment is a necessary part of the power exchange. It’s also an effective way to change my behavior.

We aren’t living a fantasy. We are living a real-life FLR/enforced chastity lifestyle. What we write here is a true account of our power exchange. If it seems we are having fun, we are. We love each other and what we are doing.