Last night I owed Lion punishment for forgetting to thank me for the previous night’s punishment. I’ve been wondering about alternative punishments for him. There are some old standbys like washing his mouth out with soap, as well as some other ideas I have up my sleeve. While I was in the shower last night, I decided to give Lion a choice for his punishment.

In the future, he probably won’t be given a choice. I’ll just tell him what the punishment is and expect him to take it. But this is new and I am cautious about punishment in general. He’s said that standing in the corner after a spanking sends a powerful message. I’m not sure I understand why. I’d think standing in the corner is its own punishment. To that end, I decided to offer Lion the choice of a spanking or standing in the dark bathroom with the door closed for five minutes. Initially, I was thinking of ten minutes, but for the maiden voyage I limited it to five minutes.

Not surprisingly, Lion chose the dark bathroom over swats. I hadn’t specified the number of swats. It might have been four. It might have been fourteen. I guess he didn’t want to take the chance. He’d rather stand for five minutes in the dark. Fair enough. I don’t know what I would have chosen in his position.

Why the dark? Sensory deprivation. If the light was on he could have looked in the mirror or counted the tiles on the floor. He might have decided the sink is dirty and we should really clean it. He might have wondered why the towels were crooked on the towel rack. In the dark, he was left alone. I even turned the sound down on the TV so he wouldn’t have that to distract him.

This morning, I started to wonder what would happen if I tell him ahead of time what his punishment will be. For example, if he forgets about punishment night again or forgets to thank me for a punishment, he gets his mouth washed out with soap. Will that threat be enough to help him remember? On the other hand, if I tell him he’ll have to stand in the dark bathroom for ten minutes, will he be less likely to remember because he doesn’t fear that punishment? Here, in Washington state, they are going to crack down (they keep promising) on people who drive in the left lane of the highway for miles and miles for no reason. They are considering raising the fine from $48 to $70 because they don’t believe $48 is enough of a deterrent. I think the idiots who do the speed limit in the left lane are just clueless and don’t know they’re idiots despite the cars zipping past them on the right. A stronger punishment isn’t going to suddenly make them stop being idiots. And, I would imagine, Lion wouldn’t suddenly have a better memory because of a more hated punishment. Up to this point, he’s known the penalty is some very hard swats. He still forgets.

Plus, I don’t know that I should be letting my secrets out ahead of time. He should be wary of any punishment. He doesn’t know what other ideas I’ve come up with. He won’t know about those until I decide to use them. (insert evil grin here)

I don’t know if Lion was particularly in the mood for it or not, but he received his punishment swats for forgetting to remind me of last Thursday’s punishment day. I think I gave him eight very hard swats and raised a shallow bruise that always tends to show up. Once it even bled a little.

I know. I know. Eight swats is nothing. He’s a wimp and I’m too scared to go further. I know. But remember, we’re just getting started with real punishment. It will take some time for us to get up to speed. And we had this setback while he was sick. I spent a lot of time nursing him back to health. I don’t look forward to breaking him again.

The thing is, Lion is giving me another shot at swatting him. He forgot to thank me for his punishment last night. So tonight I’ll have to select my paddle and have at his buns again. It’s true that it isn’t punishment night tonight, but I should punish him as close to the infraction as possible. I’d already punished him last night. I suppose I could have used a different form of punishment, but he seemed a little distant already. I didn’t want to push the issue. I just pointed out his mistake and we’ll deal with it tonight.

I’ve also been thinking, although half-heartedly, about coming up with different punishment methods. I have inklings of ideas and I’m not sure if they’d be used in conjunction with spanking or instead of. For example, Lion has pointed out that some women make the man stand in the corner after a spanking. Could he be made to stand in the corner instead of a spanking? Sure it would be less painful physically, but from a humiliation point of view it may have more of an effect.

I know Lion hates diapers and girly toenails. Could they be used as punishment? Again, not so much pain, but humiliation. Maybe he has to watch Criminal Minds with me for a certain length of time with no distracting iPad and without making any comments about not liking the show. Or maybe he has to watch “little did she know” (true crime) shows with me without making any comments. That would be evil of me. I’m not sure he could do it.

Last night was date night. We saw a musical that Lion likes. It occurred to me, as it has in the past, that the reasons I don’t like musicals are that I’d rather have someone just tell me a story rather than singing it to me; and I keep hoping the next scene will grab me, and it just never does. This is not true of all musicals. I can remember at least two that were a pleasant surprise, but 90% are a bust from my point of view. I go because Lion likes to go and, other than several years ago when we went to 20-something musicals, symphonies, and operas in one year, he asks to go to far fewer than he used to.

Date night also meant no play for Lion. Between the cage and training collar, Lion was very fidgety in his uncomfortable seat. He kept getting pinched and squished. And I had nothing to do with it!

We also discussed the need for me to punish him for random things that bother me without a warning. Since he was driving at the time, I gave the example of him cutting someone off. To me, that would be the perfect example of something he should be punished for without a warning or without establishing it as a rule. Minding his manners is not just for me and waiters. It should be for other drivers as well. Obviously, sometimes it is unavoidable or necessary to cut someone off. And I’m not with Lion all the time. I can’t police him then and I don’t expect him to self-report it. It’s not a rule. It was an example of an on-the-fly thing that would get him in trouble.

I am now on the hunt again for new rules, and keeping my eyes open for those non-rule infractions. Lion hopes catching him will become second nature for me. My first goal is to catch him more often than I miss. Maybe as often as I miss. Maybe at all. This is a lot of work. Good thing Lion is worth it.

Master of his own demise, Lion ordered capsaicin oil to mix with the coconut oil. Glutton for punishment. He says I can mix it any strength I want depending on how much I want him to suffer. Uh huh. How much I want him to suffer. See my post from the other day when I ask what answer he wants. I don’t really want him to suffer at all. He wants to suffer. I’ll probably either mix it too strong without intending to. Or too mild for Lion. I guess we’ll see when it gets here.

Speaking of being a glutton for punishment, Lion forgot last night was punishment night. At 9 pm I reminded him. He said he completely forgot. I’m glad one of us remembered. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have the nice red tush he wound up with. Or the dark red spots that may turn into bruises. In between swats I asked what last night was. He said it was punishment night. In between more swats I asked what Thursday night is. He said it was punishment night. Maybe he’ll remember. He’s been very good at remembering. Maybe he just had too many things on his mind.

The good news is that Lion was horny last night. He has been since he’s been home. He even responded well when it was after 9. Playing late has been a sticking point from time to time, especially when he thinks he’s broken. But last night, Mr. Weenie sprang right into action. I got him oh so, almost too, close. Over and over. The past few nights, I’ve been getting him so close he drips pre-cum for a while afterwards.

He may have been preoccupied with other things, but Lion seemed very quiet after I edged him. It could have been frustration. He just didn’t look or sound very happy. It’s only been a few days since his orgasm. I’m less depressed over the loss of my junk food than he looked last night. He was fine this morning. I’m chalking it up to frustration.

[Lion – I was still upset from the painful spanking. The edging was great and, yes, I am massively frustrated. It felt so good. I didn’t really expect to come, but sure wanted to! My post tomorrow will be about how I was feeling and what happened on Monday night.]