Last night, as we were falling asleep, Lion told me I haven’t been doing a very good job keeping to the orgasm schedule. Oh really? It seems to me he was the one who wasn’t horny enough on his scheduled date. True, I gave him a bonus orgasm only a few days before the scheduled date, but he should have been horny enough. He maintains he was very horny. I disagree. Guess whose opinion counts.

On the plus side, I think he will be more than ready for his next one. He still has two days to go, but from what I’ve seen, he’s met the horniness criteria. He almost achieved beautiful penis status last night. Almost. However, he gets no points for being ready ahead of time. If he’s not ready to go on Friday, I’ll make him wait. Luckily he just has to wait until I think he’s ready and not until his next scheduled date.

I think Lion likes his nightly maintenance swat sessions. Just knowing he’ll get those swats gives him something to look forward to. That’s a guess. He hasn’t said anything about it. He may just be so horny right now that any indication he’ll get some action is exciting. Mr. Weenie stands at attention with very little encouragement. He’s even been grumbling a little. Each night, when I unlock him, he has what I call helmet head. He tries to get hard in his cage and the head pushes against the bars and he gets little indentations. It’s just one more indication that Lion is back to his old self.

Yesterday, I said I needed some quiet during the evening so I told Lion I could always tie him to the bed and put a ball gag in his mouth so he couldn’t bother me. I don’t think I’ve ever used a ball gag on him, but I knew that would get his motor running. Tonight, he might just get tied to the bed. At least his hands. Ball gag or not, he likes to be tied up. Your wish is my command, my pet.

Today, or more correctly yesterday, I’ve begun a moratorium on Lion suggestions. From now on, I will let a suggestion ruminate for at least three days before writing a crazy post like yesterday’s. That way we can discuss it further and I won’t go off half-cocked. I can’t guarantee this will cure everything, but it’s worth a shot.

It’s not like we don’t discuss things. I just get lost in the abyss sometimes. And not all of what Lion writes is what Lion wants. I forget that. The other problem I encounter is that he thinks about chastity and FLR a lot. I don’t. It’s only natural. It’s his fantasy. Most of my day is spent thinking about anything but chastity and FLR. When he presents me with another idea or asks me to read someone’s blog, it’s a lot to take in. Sometimes it’s overwhelming. I know he doesn’t mean for it to be. It doesn’t help when he asks me again and again what I thought of the idea. Well, truthfully, I haven’t thought much about it. When pressed, I’m likely to spew out posts like the one from yesterday.

I don’t see anything wrong with maintaining the status quo for a little while. Why do things have to keep changing? They don’t. It’s entirely up to me when and how we do things. I forget that. Lion just gets excited by things and I tend to get run over in the process. It’s not entirely his fault. I need to be able to raise my hand and let him know when he’s doing it. If you’ve been following along, you know that’s difficult for me. I don’t like confrontation.

Clearly we are better at communication overall, but I still fall off the wagon from time to time. We’re a team and in order for that team to function we both need to do our share. With little baby steps, we’ll get there.

Last night I told Lion it was time for his punishment for making a mess and eating breakfast before I did. I told him I was going to give him eight hard swats and he had to stay still. If he didn’t, I would have to start over. He wrote a post about expectations and consequences. I was telling him what to expect and the consequences for not meeting those expectations. He said that wasn’t what he meant. He was talking about the grand scheme of things. He wants to know when to do X and if he should do Y and how to do Z. I have no idea. But wouldn’t it be a good idea if I start out with baby steps? Telling him about the punishment was a pretty good first step, I thought. Normally I don’t punish him on the same day unless he happens to screw up on an actual punishment day. And then I never tell him how many swats or what will happen if he doesn’t stay still.

I guess I’m confused about my own expectations and consequences. What am I supposed to be making him do? If he doesn’t start the dishwasher, then I do when I think about it. If I don’t start the laundry, then he does when he thinks about it. I prefer to share the work. I know he can’t really clean the house because it stirs up dust and dander, and then he’ll be a sneezing, itching pile of goo. So that’s my job. He tends to cook more often. Is that his job? When he complains about cooking too many nights in a row, I cook. He didn’t like making breakfast on the weekends to give me a break from it so I took that job back. I just don’t know what types of things I’m supposed to assign him. Maybe I’m just making too much of it. Maybe I just need to tell him I don’t really care if he hates making breakfast on the weekends. I do too. Suck it up and make breakfast on the weekends. But that’s not me. I’m more of a grumbling-under-my-breath-that-I-hate-making-breakfast-as-much-as-he-does-but-I’ll-do-it-anyway-because-that’s-what-I-do kind of person. And, no, that’s not necessarily healthy, but that’s how I roll.

Now Lion wants maintenance swats to be as hard as punishment swats. What’s the point of punishment swats then? Maintenance swats were supposed to get me used to hitting him. Punishment swats were for a specific thing. Making them both the same, to me, diminishes the punishment swats. If he gets hit just as hard for not doing anything as he does for doing something, why should he try to avoid punishment? If I’m going to get a speeding ticket for going the limit and I’ll get one for going 10 mph over the limit, I’d rather go 10 mph over the limit. There’s no incentive to go the limit.

I don’t know. It just seems like the rules change too often for me to keep track.

magic wand vibrator
Lion’s new best friend, the cordless Magic Wand vibrator.

I thought I was Lion’s best friend. It turns out his best friend is battery operated. We played with the Magic Wand again last night and he’s said several times that he really likes it. This from the man who said vibrators do nothing for him. Apparently he just hadn’t found the right one.

I know Lion is very horny right now and maybe that has a lot to do with his being enamored of the vibrator. Alas, he was not horny enough to warrant an orgasm. I don’t know. There was just something missing. I got him close, but I wasn’t feeling it. He didn’t achieve beautiful penis status. Too bad. Maybe we can try again today. We’re going out tonight so if it doesn’t happen this afternoon, it’s not happening until tomorrow, at least. Who knows? He may actually make it till his next scheduled orgasm before he gets the last one.

I realize I’m playing with fire though. Sure, he’s horny right now. Yesterday was the fifth day so he is at the height of horniness. After day seven he sort of drops on the horniness scale. If his penis is not beautiful by tomorrow I may have to hit reset and give him an orgasm anyway. Maybe, if I have to do that, it should be a no frills orgasm. Is there such a thing? I mean no fanfare. Just a boring reset. Maybe no edging. Just right to the orgasm and be done with it. He shouldn’t enjoy a reset, should he? Yes, he’d get an orgasm which he should enjoy anyway, but if it’s a bare bones (no pun intended) orgasm then it wouldn’t be as enjoyable. I think. I don’t know. I’m making this up as I go along.

On the other hand, if I threaten a reset orgasm, he might just pull a beautiful penis out of thin air. It’s difficult to tell how Lion’s mind will deal with things like this. I’ll have to think about it for a while.