I think I may have figured out what’s causing my tiredness. When my doctor suggested increasing a dosage of a drug, in the back of my mind I knew there was a reason I shouldn’t take it at night but I couldn’t think of why. Since it doesn’t seem to be doing any good anyway, I stopped taking it the other day. I figured it would take a day or more to get out of my system. Today I am feeling much better. Of course, it could just be that I hit my wall of exhaustion and finally got some decent sleep but I don’t think so. Tonight I plan to be more awake for Lion activities. Even if we just snuggle it will be an improvement over the past few nights.

Ultimately, I need to start exercising. Unfortunately, I only decide I need more exercise when I’m achy or tired and there’s no way I can do it then. It’s a catch-22. I know exercising, in the long run, will help me lose weight, make me less achy and give me more energy. In the meantime, it will make me more tired and achy. Lose-lose, in the short term at least. I just need to suck it up. After all, that’s what I tell Lion to do.

Ironically, despite my tiredness yesterday, I was going to play with Lion. Then I read his post for today. He said he wasn’t asking for play and I didn’t want him to think I was doing it just because he wrote about our lull. Sometimes we get our wires crossed.

He is correct that our errands take a lot out of me. I’m hoping that will not be the case this weekend although I view weekends as the time to relax, as much as we can with errands and chores. Lion likes to keep moving. Let’s go out. Let’s do this. I’m happy being home and vegetating. One outing per weekend cures my shopping/people needs for another week. That’s one of the problems with opposites attracting, I guess. We need to find our compromise.

After my post yesterday, Lion informed me he’d ordered ginger oil. Of course he did. I can’t mention anything without him jumping right on it. He gets so excited. There was no reason to wait, but it still seemed quick to me. He managed to get it delivered the same day. Apparently Amazon is testing out delivering things the second you hit the order button. We did have to wait until after 8, but once we had it Lion wanted to try it. Right this second. And he kept mentioning it until I finally tried it on him.

It didn’t smell very strong. I thought maybe it needed a chance to breathe. Not knowing how strong it actually was, I didn’t use very much. We started with a finger tip’s worth. Lion reported no effect. I took a little more and actually inserted my finger a little bit. Nothing. Phooey. It finally started to smell stronger, but there was little to no effect on Lion’s anus. Either I need to use a lot more or it doesn’t work at all.

I’m wondering if we need to grind up the actual ginger and use it as a paste of sorts. Lion pointed out that the essential oil should be the same as grinding up ginger. What do I know? I’m just trying to come up with ideas to make it work. If all else fails we’ll just continue on with the ginger butt plugs. I know that works.

Lion also ordered peppermint oil. He’s a glutton for punishment. Why don’t we try jalapenos too? The peppermint oil might work. I know he likes when I brush my teeth and then give him a blow job. We’ll have to keep experimenting. It’s a tough job, but we can do it.

We’ve bought an awful lot of ginger lately. There are two fairly full produce bags on the bottom shelf of the fridge, with another bag in the crisper. In the past we haven’t been able to find such nice pieces. These are thick and some are even pre-shaped like butt plugs. All I have to do is peel it. Lion has been hinting about it for days. Last night seemed like the perfect time to use it.

The problem I see with using the ginger is that it’s difficult to get in. Using lube would be counterproductive. It would coat the ginger and mask the oil which creates the burning sensation. Last night I wondered if I should have heated it slightly. Trying to shove a refrigerator cold object in might dull the pain of shoving something in but it might also make the sphincter contract. Having it at least room temperature might help. Besides, who wants to dull the pain?

As I was waiting for the ginger to heat up in Lion’s butt, I started wondering if anyone makes ginger infused lube. It seems to me it would be an interesting idea. I know there are warming lubes out there, but I’m not sure any are specifically ginger. Lion suggested finding ginger oil and making our own to test out the theory.

When Lion said the effects of the ginger were dissipating, I removed it and I thought maybe that would be the end of our activities for the evening. A few minutes later, Lion astutely informed me that he was still caged. Why yes. Yes he was. I told him he had his play time for the night. He said that was unfortunate. Eventually I did unlock him. How can I turn him down? I edged him as we discussed using ginger on Mr. Weenie. We do have a lot of ginger.

Since last night was our second chastiversary, I decided to give Lion a present. Yes, he just had his scheduled orgasm the other night (a day early as a matter of fact), but I decided that two years was a lot to celebrate. Besides, when I was looking at my calendar for the next scheduled date I realized that his last date was supposed to be January 12. So not only did I give him his orgasm early by the schedule’s standards, I had missed the date anyway. That’s what I get for relying on my memory. At any rate, Lion got an anniversary orgasm after all. And, of course, he laughed at me when I wished him a happy anniversary afterwards.

I like surprising him with impromptu orgasms. I just like making him come. Schedule be damned.

A little more than two years ago today, Lion came to me with yet another (I thought) hare-brained idea. He wanted me to lock him into a chastity device. Of course I don’t remember exactly what I was thinking at that particular moment in time, but it was probably something like: What now? Who ever heard of such a ridiculous idea? This won’t last long. Just humor him. Etc. At that point we weren’t doing much in the sex department anyway and, I admit, it just seemed like another chore.

Those first few cages were horrible. Too many moving parts that had to come together just so, without pinching poor Lion in the process. The Chinese one is so bad that I prefer to leave Lion wild when he has to send the Jail Bird back for any reason. Since Lion is in charge of the finances, I had no idea how much he was spending on these cages. Had I known how much the Jail Bird cost, I might have committed to lock him up for the rest of his life just to make sure we got our money’s worth. As it is, we’ve gotten a lot more than our money’s worth. [Lion – It cost a bit over $400 and Mrs. Lion is committed to locking me up the rest of my life!]

If you look back over previous posts throughout these two years, you’ll see a lot of pushback from me. [Lion – To put it mildly.]  This is indeed a foreign idea to me. Why would I want to tease Lion? Why would I want to get him close and then not give him an orgasm? I’m not one of “those” girls. It always seemed logical (if I can use that word for things that haven’t always been logical to me) to end a play session with an orgasm for Lion. Isn’t that the point? I must admit, I still don’t really understand the appeal of being locked away. Then again, I don’t understand the appeal of being spanked or any of the other things that float Lion’s boat. The good part is that I don’t have to understand. All I have to know is that Lion wants it and I can do it for him. [Lion – I am so lucky!]

So, here we are, two years later. It’s been a wild ride so far with no signs of calming down anytime soon. I thank you, our readers, for riding along with us. We certainly don’t have the kinks all worked out yet (see what I did there?) but we’re happier now than we were before we started. And it’s all because of a silly piece of metal locked securely around Mr. Weenie.

Happy anniversary, my pet.