As Lion said, we got a lot done yesterday. By 7ish we were both sleep-watching TV. It wasn’t just me who was exhausted. Despite Lion’s hints that he was horny (and I know he’ll say they weren’t hints), I was in no shape to play with him. No spanking. No edging. No nothing. Poor Lion. With today being full of errands and chores, it might not look too good for him again. Somehow the weekends always seem to get away from me.

Last weekend I bought some new nail polish for Lion’s toes. My intention was to paint them red and then give them a black racing stripe so his toes would match his car. Yup, it was a silly idea. But then, the thought of Lion having pretty toes at all is silly. I don’t remember why I got sidetracked last weekend, but I did again this weekend. I’m now thinking I’m putting too much emphasis on the weekends. Why can’t I paint Lion’s toes on a Wednesday night? I could easily manscape on Tuesdays. Not every week of course, although we’ve turned Thursday night into Chinese food night and Friday is Lion’s deli night. The point is that waiting until the weekend is silly too. With all the chores and errands, fun stuff gets put off. We may not want to do dungeon things like the sling or fucking machine (when we finally get to that point) on a weeknight, but we can do more of the maintenance type things. After all, Mondays and Thursdays are punishment nights.

Luckily, I guess, it’s not such a nice day today. We can’t do some of the outdoor things on our list. That may salvage some time for manscaping and other more fun things. But going forward, I’m going to make an effort to do more during the week to free up the weekends for things that require more time and effort. As long as we don’t get too pigeon-holed. I know I need some structure so I continue to make strides toward our goals, but Thursday doesn’t have to be Chinese food night. (Lion would rather give up punishment on Thursday instead of Chinese food.) I just mean that we don’t have to make things boring and predictable.

Now Lion is worried about Wednesday night. Pretty toes. Feh! It could be worse. Nail polish doesn’t hurt like Velcro does.

OK. So I talk a good game. The truth is, I have no idea what will happen this weekend. Lion wasn’t up for playing last night. Even with the enticement of being tied to the bed. And that’s fine. There’s never any pressure to play. There’s nothing wrong with having a lull. Sometimes I worry about Lion because I know he’s normally horny, but if there are extenuating circumstances, it’s perfectly normal not to be horny. Why would I push him? I’m not the whip cracking, leather-clad dominatrix of fantasy. I’m more the snuggle-up-next-to-him-and-tell-him-everything-will-be-alright kind of person.

As far as our weekend plans go, we’ll run our errands and take care of the chores and anything else will be frosting on the cake. I know I’m in charge, but for this I am following his lead. I can’t force him to be horny and even if I could I don’t think I would. Slip him a few Viagra? To what end? If his heart isn’t into it, what difference does it make if his cock is? I won’t be using it for sex for me. I still don’t care about that. So there’s no reason to push him. He’ll be ready when he’s ready.

That may sound definitively un-FLR, but for the most part, life is not FLR. It’s commuting and figuring out what’s for dinner and doing laundry and sleeping and a million other things that don’t pertain to power exchange or chastity. Sometimes the laundry doesn’t get done. Sometimes the commute takes longer. Sometimes Lion isn’t up for playing. Eventually we’ll have clean clothes, and get to work, and Lion will feel like playing again. I don’t want him worrying about it. You hear that, Lion? Don’t worry about it. [Lion — Yes Ma’am]

This time I did it. This time I broke Lion. He said he was horny and I broke him. I used Velcro on him and we flew too close to the sun. Lion melted. Damn.

I know he doesn’t like the Velcro, but I didn’t know it would absolutely turn him off. I guess he wasn’t desperate enough for an orgasm to withstand those tiny little teeth biting into him. And I should have used the Magic Wand to recover him but I was too lazy to get up to get it. Not lazy, really. More uncomfortable. But that’s not the point. I could have helped the situation and I didn’t. With all my talk of baby steps, I jumped in with both feet before Lion was back to tree-humping horny.

I vow to redeem myself this weekend. No trips to the casino. Some errands to run and chores to do, but plenty of time to play with my Lion. We haven’t done any anal training in a week or so. I wonder if I could have gotten Lion horny if I had maintained some sort of schedule of pegging or anal play of any sort. Sometimes he doesn’t respond to that unless he’s horny. It’s too much pain or discomfort with none of the frills. Sometimes I play with his balls or his cock while I peg him. If he’s not interested, that wouldn’t help. I guess it’s a case of coulda, woulda, shoulda. It’s in the past now.

Looking forward to tonight, which Lion has already reminded me is punishment night, I could pull out the Magic Wand and see if that makes a horny boy a hornier boy. So far he has nothing on his punishment list. If he hasn’t earned any hard swats, he might enjoy some play swats. Tied to the bed, face down. I haven’t done that in a very long time. Yes, that’s a good plan. If Lion manages to get through the day with no infractions, he can have a long, slow buildup of play swats. That alone may redeem me from last night’s fiasco. Not that he won’t get play time this weekend. I just want to make up for my mistake last night. A nice spanking might just do the trick. Especially if he’s tied up. And now he has something to look forward to all day. You’re welcome, my pet.

[Lion — It’s not your fault. I’m just not functioning that well right now. Lots of stress looking for another job. I’m not sure that even if the velcro wasn’t taken out that I would have been OK. I hate disappointing.]

I knew Lion wasn’t broken. I knew he was just in a temporary slump. Mr. Weenie would be back in action soon. Lion wasn’t so sure. He’s never sure when he hits these mini doldrums. And, of course, if you continue to tell yourself you’re broken and nothing works, eventually you can convince yourself. Good thing I’m Lion’s biggest cheerleader. With me saying, “I know you can. I know you can.” he’s usually back in no time.

Lion’s back was cramping up last night. He thinks he sat funny at work. Maybe hunched over his desk for too long. I thought he’d be out of commission for another night. To my surprise, he announced he was feeling horny. Yay! I was able to edge him quite a few times. And he was definitely hard. Not just horny, but super horny. Perfect!

I didn’t want to scare the horniness away so we didn’t play. I just used my hands. I probably could have brought out the rope and tied his balls, but I didn’t want to use clothespins or Velcro. Maybe tonight. We’ll have to see how it goes.

The other day I was on Facebook and a post said, “I dare you to post the last picture you took with your phone.” I laughed. The last picture I had taken was of sunglass frames to see if Lion wanted me to order them. I could definitely share that picture. Some of the other pictures I’ve taken, not so much. I have pictures of Lion’s butt, dildos, butt plugs, etc. Not safe for Facebook consumption. At least nothing I’d be willing to share with most friends and no family. I think it was the same day, a coworker mentioned that someone she went to high school with occasionally shares pictures of whips and other toys, or makes comments about BDSM (I called it that, she didn’t). When I asked why she would share that, my coworker said she guessed her classmate was into that sort of thing. Well, duh. What I was really asking was why she would share such an intimate and potentially hazardous to her reputation thing. With former classmates and who knows who else. I must admit, part of me was jealous of the bravery. Part of me was afraid that if my coworker knew I do the same things, she would no longer want to have any more to do with me. Nothing would change with me, obviously. The change would be in her perception of me.

I suppose that’s why so many of us who practice male chastity, female led relationship, BDSM, etc. remain in the closet. Shhhh! They might find out. I wonder how many of them are in the closet too.