charming lion
Lion’s behavior has improved a lot since being caged.

Last night we went to the movies. My boss walked in and sat in the row in front of us. I like my boss. We started joking back and forth and the husbands got involved too. Afterwards, Lion said, “See? I can be charming.” This is in reference to my contention that he’s rude to waiters, customer service people, and sometimes people in general. I told him I’d like a kinder, gentler Lion. Besides, waiters can do all sorts of nasty things to your food if you’re rude to them. Why tempt fate? So Lion has embarked on a charming journey.

With very few exceptions, he’s been much more well-behaved. I think he’s noticed that he’s gotten much better service in some areas. When his food isn’t correct, he very politely informs the waiter and doesn’t fling rude remarks. He’s still the squeaky wheel that needs oiling, but the entire transaction is a more pleasant experience for everyone. This is not to say he won’t get loud at times. A few weeks ago, he was very verbal when we received horrible service at his favorite deli. In his defense, he started off kinder and only escalated when things did not improve.

I’m very proud of him when he’s charming. And I never said he wasn’t charming with my friends. I only pointed out that calling the order-taker at Burger King a moron was one way to ensure your food would be screwed up. And yelling at a waiter would have a similar, if not worse, effect. The Burger King person probably makes a little over minimum wage. It’s a crummy enough job without having Lion making rude comments. He’s made great strides. I appreciate his doing that for me.

My charming Lion is also a horny Lion. He gave me sideways glances last night after we got home from the movies. We snuggled for a bit, but I’ve been very uncomfortable since a medication change and being in one position for too long is difficult. I moved away but we still held hands. Just before bed, Lion announced he was very horny. I wondered if he had expected to play since we were home fairly early, but we had decided earlier in the day that we probably wouldn’t. I guess we could have. From Lion’s perspective I know we should have. And I know he’s looking for some love today. What luck! It’s raining and outdoor activities are on hold. No weed whacking today. Awwwww… I know. I’m disappointed too. But that means more time for Lion fun. I just hope he’s still horny. Of course he is.

We went to our show last night and we had a good time. There was a little time for gambling before and after. As usually happens, one of us wins and one of us loses. I’m not sure there’s ever been a time when we both won. Both losing, well yeah, that happens most often. Last night I was on the winning side. Nothing incredible. Just enough to cover Lion’s small loss and still have enough of my ill-gotten gains left over to chip in for the jaunt to the big box store. Technically I should buy something for myself, but I don’t tend to do that, much to Lion’s chagrin. He wants me to have whatever I want. The problem is, I don’t want much. At least nothing that I can point to and buy right here, right now.

For example, I know I need clothes for work. But I’m fussy. I need to search for things. Lion is not a patient shopper. That’s fine. I like to shop alone. I can wander around, and around, and around. I’m sure I make security people nervous. Why is she back in the shoe department? Wasn’t she just in accessories? Now she’s in women’s again. Nope. Shoes. I need time to consider, and reconsider, and finally put back on the rack, each item. I’m horrible at shopping. Why would I want to drag Lion along for that?

Anyway, by the time we got home last night it was after midnight. Too late to play. I know, the night was young. We are not. So we slept. And today we’re running errands and going to the movies later. Probably no play again. So it will fall to Sunday, which seems to be our M.O. lately. But it’s OK. I think. I mean, it’s not like we’re not playing on purpose. It’s not like we’re avoiding it. We’re just busy this weekend. And tired. We’ve both been very tired. Things will pick back up soon.

We’re not done with male chastity or FLR. At least I’m not. And Lion doesn’t have much choice in the matter.

I finally remembered to give Lion his punishment swats last night. He now has a clean slate. I could have waited until tonight but I might not have remembered.

I was all set to put the nJoy butt plug in last night, but Lion asked me not to. He’s been uncomfortable for a few days and playing would have made him more uncomfortable. No problem. That’s what we call an adult conversation. He didn’t stamp his feet and demand I not use the butt plug because he didn’t want me to use it. He asked politely and gave a plausible reason as to why he didn’t want it. I decided there was no reason to go against his wishes. I gain nothing by making him miserable. That’s true in most cases, but certainly when he’s got a problem.

For the past few weeks we’ve both been off our game. I’m sure it’s cyclical. At some point we’ll snap out of whatever we’re in and move forward. For the moment, I’m still edging Lion when he feels up to it. Most play has taken a backseat. I’ve been keeping an eye on things. I don’t want to lose any ground. We shouldn’t give up playing for good. We’re just in some doldrums right now. At a certain point, one of us will call it and things will go back to normal. I have no idea how long that will take, but I’m offering to play almost every night unless something weird comes up. I know Lion will never blame me for not playing, but it has been my doing in the past and I want to make sure I don’t do it again.

What we’ve created here does work, even if it’s not working at this exact moment in time. It can’t go on working without maintenance, though. We need to keep it up.

I realized just before bed last night that I had forgotten to give Lion his punishment swats. He said he certainly wasn’t going to remind me. He’s correct. He’s under no obligation to remind me except on Mondays and Thursdays. After that, it’s up to my shoddy memory.

I’ve been far to lax lately. Lion wasn’t interested for a few days so we didn’t do anything. Even before that, I’d backed off from anal training. The only thing wrong with that is then we have to start all over. I can’t very well try to jam a huge dildo into him. We’ll need to go back to fingers and narrower dildos. He can probably still take the smaller nJoy butt plug with a little patience and a lot of lube. We can start again tonight.

I guess this is all part of a normal ebb and flow of any relationship. Why should enforced chastity and FLR be any different? It’s silly to think we’d be “on” all the time. We’re not calling anything quits. We’re just regrouping. Catching our breath. Life has been interfering a bit more than usual lately. We’ll be back in sync in no time.

In the meantime, Lion is still being a very good boy, adhering to most of his rules. He does have his slip ups now and then, but he’s usually good. And now that I’m thinking about it, he did interrupt me last night. I got home a little late and we were both trying to talk about our days and things we needed to do last night and we tripped over each other. That’s not an excuse. Lion should still be punished for the infraction. And he did stop talking as soon as he realized what happened and apologized. He has gotten better at realizing that what he has to say is no more important that what I have to say. Obviously, if my hair is on fire, he should interrupt me. Emergencies preempt all rules. If Lion burns his tongue and has to spit out food which then lands on his shirt, I won’t punish him. I’d rather have him make a mess than burn himself worse.

But that’s just me being a non-leather-clad dominatrix. I think, even if it was me who suggested chastity and was into BDSM, I would still realize that life supersedes play. It has to.