Lion had an MRI yesterday. Now we wait for the results. I hope they let him know the outcome on Monday, but I don’t know how realistic that is. He may have to make an appointment to go over them. I guess it depends on what they find. Waiting may be worse than the actual test.

I don’t know if Lion was in the mood for anything last night. I played with my weenie a bit. He didn’t get very hard, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying himself. The angle is wrong for any lengthy play. My arm started to hurt so I didn’t try very long. For a while I’ve wondered if there’s a nerve in the arm that’s similar to the sciatic nerve in the leg. It turns out there is. If it flares up like a sciatic then it should be letting go soon. I’m not saying we can’t play until then. I’m just saying the mystery has been solved.

At some point today I’ll bring out the spanking bench. We have no appointments. I’m not working. I just have the regular old weekend things to do. There’s no reason I can’t whomp a Lion. If I do it early enough, I can even play with him. I don’t know if it will be as adventurous as anal play or tying him to the bed, but we can certainly do something. It’s been a while since his last orgasm. I have to edge him to prime the pump and maybe tomorrow he might get lucky. Of course, one could argue that he gets lucky every time I give him attention. It depends on what you consider getting lucky.

Now that his MRI is behind him, there’s no need to worry about metal accessories. I can lock him away again. The first step is remembering to do it. Spanking, edging, locking. Spanking, edging, locking. That will be my mantra for the day.

We didn’t play yesterday or last night. I replaced my truck’s mirror in a half hour. It was a stupid trim piece that took another half hour and annoyed me to no end. I put all the tools away and took a break. Then I was off to do laundry, make dinner, clean up a bit, take shower, blah, blah, blah. The day just snowballed on me.

One of my tasks was to find Lion’s Jail Bird non-cage [Lion — Locking cock ring]. It was in my lockbox. He struggled to get the base ring on. I struggled to get the alignment correct so the locking screw would fit. For a minute I had flashbacks to the trim piece on the truck mirror.

Lion modeling his locking cock ring
Lion took this self-portrait today. He’s wearing the Mature Metal locking cock ring.

Every time I have trouble getting a cage on, I realize that I don’t look forward to taking it off again. If I have to put it back on, I’ll have more trouble. So why take it off? And ’round and ’round we go.

I know Lion likes to be caged. I know some cages are easier to put on and take off. I know some cages are easier for him to deal with from comfort and/or peeing standpoint. And I know that’s the only reason I am willing to struggle with putting them on. And, let’s be honest, it’s only once a day. It’s not like it’s a big deal. It’s a few minutes of an inconvenience compared to how much inconvenience for Lion locked away? And then I don’t have to worry about it again until the next day.

Lion asked if I like him in the locking cock ring. He was in bed most of the time. I was busy running around. I didn’t really notice it. He says we can play without taking it off. As I recall, that didn’t work. I don’t remember the exact problem, but I do remember trying. It was awkward at best. We can certainly give it a try again. I’ll probably take it off, though. I like unfettered access to my weenie.

locking cock ring
This is a Mature Metal locking cock ring. It’s not on me. Mine should be arriving in a few days. Then you can see it on me.
(Click image to visit selling site)

My view on enforced chastity has been evolving over the last five years. It began when I found myself aroused thinking about my penis living in a small cage that prevented any sexual activity. My wife and lioness would have the only key. Masturbation, even erections would be impossible unless she unlocked me. My ability to ejaculate would be completely under her control. That’s still a very hot idea to me.

I wore my Jail Bird chastity cage for over three years. It came off for teasing and travel. My only erections were at Mrs. Lion’s hands. She unlocked me almost every day for a teasing session. When she finished, she locked me back into my little cage.

Over time, the cage became part of me. I felt naked if it wasn’t locked on. I “forgot’ that I could get hard and ejaculate on my own. I was effectively trained not to sexually touch my penis. I admit that it surprised me when I realized this. After all, I had been jerking off since I was eleven. Without giving it any real thought, I had been trained to keep my paws off my penis.

If you had asked me if I could be trained that way, I would have vehemently denied the possibility. My penis has been my trusty companion, always available to make me feel good. I’m not entirely sure I would have introduced enforced male chastity if I thought this would have been the outcome.

It never occurred to me that I wouldn’t be able to play with myself even if wild. After three years in my cage, that’s exactly what happened. Mrs. Lion’s sexual control no longer required hardware. But I like hardware. I like the feeling of being restrained. Too bad. It’s no longer needed. I’ve been wild. I am trained not to touch. Mrs. Lion can have fun with me without the bother of unlocking a chastity device.

I miss the hardware. I miss the bondage. Mrs. Lion is willing to lock me up in my Jail Bird again. She points out that the last time I asked her, after a couple of weeks I wanted release. I loved the bondage, but had a lot of trouble with adjusting the cage and pee spraying. This, of course, isn’t new. I was happy to endure these inconveniences for over three years. Now, it seems like too much trouble.

The reason my feelings have changed is that I know the cage isn’t needed to prevent me from playing with myself. It’s locking jewelry at this point. I still want to be “marked” as belonging to Mrs. Lion. Traditional collars don’t work. I wrote about that yesterday. Thanks to a Google search, I found the Mature Metal locking cock ring. This device is essentially the same as my Jail Bird with the cage cut off. Once attached, it’s securely fastened to me and I can’t remove it without a key.

Unlike the chastity device, the locking cock ring is designed to permit me to have full erections. This is for Mrs. Lion’s convenience and pleasure. Normally, cock rings are considered intimate male jewelry. Men wear them because a ring pushes the balls forward and puts pressure on the erect penis helping it stay hard. They facilitate erections.

The Mature Metal locking version is no different. The top (penis only) ring is a size wider than the diameter of my chastity cage to facilitate erections. My cage is 1-1/4 inches in diameter. The penis ring on the new locking cock ring is 1-3/8 inches. I can get hard. The additional size won’t necessarily make the erection completely comfortable. It will squeeze my erect penis. That will help hold the blood in and make me harder.

Until now, a device has been locked over my penis to assure I couldn’t get an erection. Now I’ll be wearing a device that not only allows one, but enhances it. Of course, my erections are for Mrs. Lion’s pleasure. It’s nice that I like them too, but not the point. This is the first locking penis device I will wear that allows  me to get hard. For me, at least, it’s a new kind of penis bondage.

locking cock ring
This is the double locking cock ring we ordered. Instead of a padlock, we ordered the security screw.

I’ve been in enforced male chastity for five years. At this point, the chastity device is more an inconvenience than a useful control device. At some point, I became conditioned not to masturbate under any circumstances. My chastity device became more of a symbol than a needed piece of sexual hardware.

I could argue that sexual hardware was never really needed. Mrs. Lion could have trained me without locking me into a Mature Metal Jail Bird. I suggested the hardware. I also suggested the power exchange. I wanted to be locked in a chastity device. It sends a strong message to me about being sexually submissive. I’m very sure that the device has no similar effect on Mrs. Lion. It’s probably some extra work for her to put on and take off.

To her credit, she saw how exciting it was for me to be locked in a device. Over the years, wearing the device was just for me. Mrs. Lion never used it to punish me (make me stay locked longer between teasing). She supported my fetish. She also enforced that I always remained locked up. I couldn’t decide to take it off. That’s what I wanted.

When I had shoulder surgery, the cage came off for months. I asked to put it back on. Mrs. Lion agreed. I stayed locked up for a month or two. I asked to be released. I grew impatient with the inconvenience of spraying pee. The thrill seemed to have gone away. Sexually, I remain under Mrs. Lion’s full control. So, the device came off again.

I miss it. Well, maybe I don’t exactly miss wearing a chastity device. I miss being locked into something that only Mrs. Lion can release. A collar would work as well as a cage. I’ve tried wearing a collar in the past. Every one I tried ended up irritating my neck. Then, there was the problem of a “public” collar I could wear at work and when out and about.

I like wearing a chastity device because it is absolute evidence that I belong to Mrs. Lion. My penis is hers. Anyone who sees it, will know that I don’t control it. I love that idea. I miss it now that I’m unlocked. I started wondering if there was something else we could do that would give me the security of being locked up without the mess of a cage.

After digging around on the Web, I found a device that Mature Metal makes: a locking cock ring. Essentially, it is the base ring of my Jail Bird connected to a simple ring that my cock threads through. The rings lock together. I can’t just slip out of it. I don’t want to. To me at least, it’s unmistakable evidence of my sexual surrender to Mrs. Lion. It may be a nice next step.

I wrote to Mature Metal and got some insight into this device. Mistress MM wrote,

“I LOVE using the double locking cock ring on William. It allows me access when ever I want it and I know he is trained to not touch. You MAY want to go up a size on the front locking cock ring  since you will be able to become fully erect.”

In a later conversation, Mistress MM clarified that point. By “going up a size” she meant going from the 1-1/4″ diameter of my Jail Bird chastity device to 1-5/8″. This would permit me to get an erection, but would be very tight and probably uncomfortable. When I mentioned this, she agreed and said that’s the idea. She went on to say that it would keep me hard by restricting the return flow of blood to my body, but it won’t be tight enough to not let me eventually get soft again.’

That means the cock ring will probably have to come off if I am to ejaculate. It’s unlikely I can if the ring is this tight. Mistress MM didn’t see why I thought this would be an issue. I’m not surprised. This is, after all, about sexual control.

I guess I’m not the first to consider this concept for post-graduate chastity. I was interested in the comment that I would be able to become fully erect. Unlike a chastity device, this ring is intended to be left in place at all times, including during most sexual activities.

With Mrs. Lion’s permission I ordered the Mature Metal locking cock ring. Unless I have to fly, this device could be my full time companion, even during teasing.