We seem to have hit a barrier. Lion doesn’t want sex if he’s the only one who wants it. I don’t want sex because, well, I have no idea why. If neither of us wants sex, we have a problem. I don’t know what to do to make Lion understand that I want to make him happy. Apparently, he has the same problem. He asked the other day if I can have an orgasm, why don’t I want one.? I haven’t had an answer until one just popped into my head. Maybe I’m like an old stick shift car with a bad starter. I will not start, but if you push me down a hill and pop the clutch, I’ll run fine. Does the car care if it starts? No. Me either. Does the car care if you push it down a hill and pop the clutch? No. Me…well, I sort of mind.

I suppose the problem is that I’ve been doing things with and for Lion for so many years that it didn’t bother me when my sex drive sputtered and died. I still made Lion feel good. Or bad, depending on what I was doing to him at the time. It feels very artificial to me, to have an orgasm now. Why should Lion waste his time giving me an orgasm? I don’t care if I have one or not. He’s the one who wants an orgasm. Let’s focus on him. Except now he seems focused on my having an orgasm, and in some way, it’s causing issues with his having orgasms.

He feels bad that I do everything for him, and he does nothing for me. Got it. I understand. I’m afraid I have to disagree, but I understand. Maybe it’s similar to salads. He hates making them but loves eating them. I hate making them and eating them. Sometimes, if he asks for a salad, I make him one. Is that a problem? I don’t care if I have a salad or not, so why make it? [Lion — Because we both need the fiber!]

Maybe I need to call Lioness 4.0 and have her wield her paddle: Listen here, Lion. This is how it’s going to be. That weenie will get hard when I tell it to get hard. You will get to the edge as many times as I want you to get to the edge. And you will come only when I tell you you can come. Understood? [Lion — Works for me.]

Oh, 4.0! Where are you?

(By the way, Lion o’clock was supposed to be when we started to play at a random time during the day, probably on the weekends. It hasn’t happened so far, but I just came up with it the other day.)

I think Lion was snoozing after dinner, so we didn’t do a warm-up. He seemed more interested in the TV show we were watching than anything else, and even then, he snoozed too. I was sweating but too lazy to get up to turn on the fan. Lion was cocooned in the blankets, so I figured he’d be too cold for the fan to be on. I didn’t ask. He didn’t ask. Eventually, around ten, I guess, he asked if I was feeling okay. I said I was hot and, at that point, my stomach was doing flips. More correctly, I suppose, was the fact that I was wondering why I was the one who should always initiate.

[Lion — Generally, I ask Mrs. Lion if she wants to do “anything.” I was feeling guilty about that because I think she feels pressure if I mention it. I only asked later because she didn’t say anything either way. I decided not to ask for that reason.]

I know it’s hard for Lion to initiate. The thing is, how do I know if he’s even interested when he’s cocooned in the blankets? Yes, I could ask. But couldn’t he ask me? Sure. He seems to sometimes. He’ll say he guesses I’m too tired for anything. That’s my cue that he’s looking for love. Then he’ll say he doesn’t want me to if I don’t want to. And around and around we go. There’s nothing spontaneous about it. Maybe I shouldn’t argue with his attempts to initiate if that’s what they are. If I give him grief about it, it will reinforce his thoughts that I say no all the time, and he won’t try anymore.

We have some errands to run today, and I’m not sure how long they’ll take. We may not have time for Lion o’clock, but we’ll certainly have time for a warm-up. We’ve only tried warm-up once, and it didn’t go so well. I’m wondering if it shouldn’t be closer to sex. You know, more like foreplay. Of course, that’s what it would be. I’m not sure why warm-up would be preferable to foreplay. Anything that helps is certainly welcome.

We didn’t seem to have much luck last night. Lion was snoozing so we didn’t do a warm up. I thought I had him near the edge, but he said he wasn’t very close. And then he started to lose it. I’m not sure what’s going on.

I’ve wondered for a while if there’s too much pressure to perform. If the average couple has sex once a week, then trying every night may be too much. On the other hand, use it or lose it. I’m not trying to get out of any “work”. I really am trying to find the answer to the $64,000 question.

Maybe Lion needs more BDSM. I know I keep saying that. For some reason, I write about it but when the time comes to do something, I blank out and do the same old, same old. Perhaps my mantra should be: more anal, more anal, more anal. Or tie him up, tie him up, tie him up. He’d love either one and it isn’t hard to do. I don’t know why I can’t think of it when the time comes.

We’ve come to another weekend. It’s the perfect time to do things earlier. Somehow the time gets away from me like it did yesterday at work. I could set an alarm. A Lion alarm. I’ve never tried that before. It might be fun. At the tone the time will be Lion o’clock. I wonder if Alexa is smart enough to set a random alarm between noon and five. That way it would be a surprise for both of us. Otherwise I’ll set an alarm and we’ll both have to drop whatever we’re doing to have fun.

I wrote the above at work this morning. When I got home from work I wasn’t feeling all that well. I snoozed a bit after lunch and now I feel a little better. Of course, this set my plan of setting an alarm back. Maybe we’ll give it a try tomorrow.

What a cluster! I started off my day with a worthless meeting that threw off my whole day. I felt like I was playing catch up. I went to lunch late and then realized I hadn’t written a post. Better late than never, I suppose.

I brought home pizza last night to surprise Lion. He loved it. I knew he would. That and the fact that I didn’t want to make dinner were the reasons I brought it. The Presidential address interrupted Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Lion whined that he guessed there wouldn’t be any warm up for sex. I jettisoned the dishes and grabbed the Magic Wand. I don’t know how long we warmed up, but Lion was definitely excited.

A bit after I took my shower, I tried to “revive” him. I didn’t get much reaction. He put a TV show on and we watched a few minutes. I tried again. Not much. I don’t know if he wasn’t interested in sex or more interested in TV. He said his shoulder hurt. I assume that’s what did him in. I guess I could cite the failed attempt and say that warm up doesn’t work. Lion would disagree. It was just one night. He’s right. We have a rule, of sorts, that we try things more than once (unless it’s a complete disaster) to make sure we give it a fair shake. We’ll try it again when Lion’s shoulder isn’t bothering him.

I was waiting for Lion to “buh, buh, buh” about my not teasing him. I don’t think it was my fault. I tried a few times. I didn’t make him turn the TV off or mute it. He normally does that when he’s trying to concentrate on me more than the TV. I figure if he doesn’t mute it, then he must be very interested. Is my logic flawed?

He did mention he was horny this morning as I was getting ready to leave. Good. I hope he’s horny tonight. He might get lucky. Then again, he might not.